The cases are higher than at points in the past but they are directionally declining and they started at a high point so it takes time to go down. Having an r-naught under 1 means every infected person infects less people than 1 so cases will decline but it doesn’t mean cases just go to zero. It’s not necessarily linear either. As long as the trend is downward that’s a positive. You are certainly free to view this as negative, not surprising, but I am choosing to view it as positive and will continue to believe in the vaccines.
??? Of course a downward trend is good. But we (and Israel) have had extensive downward trends even before vaccines. So a short period of R0<1 standing alone, doesn’t prove whether vaccines are working or not. (More detailed analysis does show vaccines in Israel are working, but not necessarily as fast as some would hope).
Now... Israel is in another upward trend. Upward trends are bad.. especially when 40% of the population is fully vaccinated.
Can we agree that downward trends are good and upward trends are not good?? Can you agree that R0>1.0 is not exactly a great sign???
Now... as I said, it’s premature to call it “bad.” But it’s wait and see. You can’t look at a R0 over 1.0 and pop champagne corks about how great things are going.