Ok I've been a bit rubbish haven't I...

Between work and other things... and well, not being ready to go back over our last 3 days as I was missing WDW mainly

is why I haven't posted yet... BUT... now I feel ok and ready to live vicariously through my own trip report!

Ha ha! Soooo... here we go!
Thursday May 29th 2014: MY BIRTHDAY!
Here are the photos I already posted when there (I'll just comment on the day and add a few more photos when needed!)
We had an early morning ADR today for Crystal Palace! We're not usually early morning people but being my birthday and all, of COURSE we would be up early!

Plus we have done the pre-park opening ADR before and loved the empty park experience you get and the photo ops!
So up at 6.25am it was! Luckily I had enough excitement running round me (and Russ had enough it's-Sam's-Birthday-so-we-can't-be-grumpy-even-though-it's-the-middle-of-the-night in his head

) to keep us energized and awake!
Bus stop selfie! Who's Birthday is it?
We didn't have to wait too long for a Magic Kingdom bus and compared to the last time we did this it was farily busy! But that was due to it being an EMH day (we still were able to get in before them though and had plenty of photo opportunities so it's still worth booking a pre-park opening ADR even on an EMH day!).
On the bus Russ gave me his present- which he'd sneakily bought the previous day, there wasn't supposed to be any presents, I'd bought lots already, plus, we were in Disney of course- to give me! A lovely bracelet with this awesome charm! It says "A Dream is a Wish" on one side and "Your Heart Makes" on the other!
So after putting on the bracelet we were on our way woo hoo!
We arrived at about 7.30am and the crowds were already out in force, waiting for the opening show. We walked around to the left after bag drop and up to where there was a small line just inside the park and a lady with a clip board checking people in for early morning appointments. Once she had checked us in we waited about 10 minutes and then we were allowed up Main Street! WOO EMPTY(ISH!) MK!

I think this is almost worth the cost of the breakfast to see the park this empty
Birthday? Check. Castle? Check! Goofy grin and overdose of excitement whilst reverting to a 5 year old? CHECK!
So after a few too many photos...
We headed to The Crystal Palace to check in. Whilst we waited the hoards of crazy Mission Frozen people were let into the park ha ha! It was quite funny watching the mass roped crowd make there way up Main Street!
It wasn't long before our buzzer went and we were being lead to our table. I was wished a Happy Birthday (one of many, many times by Cast Members this day!) and saw that our table had a little streamer across it. Cool! Food was as delicious as always and I had (of course) some Poohs Puffed French Toast! And for the first time, the Breakfast Lasagne! Oh MY that is a good lasagne! Lol. We saw all the gang this time (last trip we missed out on Tigger!) and even saw Piglet twice! I also got a lovely card signed by everyone and within the hour we were full of food and ready to go!
First stop was Aladdin's Magic Carpets. I haven't been on these before and was wanting to try everything in the parks I've never done this trip, so as Adventure Land was just to our left that's where we headed! It was fun and though simple, with no que, I'd ride again. Even if our controls didn't work so we were just stuck up top stationary for the whole ride! I still enjoyed it.
Next up was Pirates. Of course I've ridden Pirates before but it was a first for this trip! Still a classic. We then made our way around to Fantasyland but stopped via Hall of Presidents as this was another attraction I had never done! I quite enjoyed it, though I don't think I'd see it again. I prefer the American Adventure!
Then it was time for our first FP+, Peter Pan! Of course I had to do this on my Birthday, how could I not! Still love this ride
We then headed over to New Fantasyland- I love how each time I notice new details here
We had a FP+ for 7DMT (woo!) coming up so to fill the time we got a ride in on Under The Sea (again, how could I not?!) before making our way over to try New Fantasyland's newest attraction!
We're actually on the mine train!
Now, I enjoyed 7DMT. It was a fun ride- I wouldn't que 90+ mins for it- but for what it was, and how I expected it to be, it was fun! And the animatronics in the cottage were impressive.
After this we decided to head round to Tommorowland to try and catch a ride on Astro Orbiter! The wait said 40 mins though and we were starting to be hit with the midday heat (along with the early start and sugar crash from breakfast starting to hit) so we decided to opt for the People Mover instead. Love me some PM!
Hope it gets some improvements in the refurb however, there are some long empty dark tunnel parts in this ride now!
After this, I decided to see if I could switch my Big Thunder Mountain FP+ for this evening to a Buzz one in the day, as I fancied a spin! I was able to get one in the next 15 mins- score! Especially since there was a 45 min standby wait! This is where I think MDE is excellent! And I WON! WOO HOO! Lol I never win at any shooter games so this was a big thing for me.
After this I went to one of the FP+ kiosks to see if I could re-book my evening FP for Big Thunder Mountain. Success! Again, loving the MDE this trip! And the girl who helped me was called Sam- good name!

Our feet seriously aching now we decided to head towards Main Street Station to ride the (never ridden before) train around the park, before heading back for an afternoon nap. A balloon and a Mickey rice crispie treat were purchased on the way however! Gotta have me a balloon on my birthday!
Unfortunately the radio on the train stopped working when we stopped at the Fantasyland Station, so they had to let us all off there- which was a bit annoying as we had to walk back to the entrance again (such a hard life!

). The train ride up to there was fun though- and a new way to see the park!
So... that concludes our morning in MK!
Coming up my Birthday evening and dinner in the Castle!