CoP Now is the Time Tribute video at Disney-Central, and soon here
I`ve just started uploading my latest video to Disney Centrals FTP: The Carousel of Progress Now is the Time show, recorded by me in 1990. It features the entire show, some close up cuttaways, SVHS source recording and full source audio.
RU42 / DisneyJedi - the file is 96,011,058k in size and should be uploaded by 1835 BST. Please do the usual announcements at WDWResortTV and on DC for me? Cheers, Marni.
BTW - coming soon: The Original American Adventure, multi angle with full source audio, and with a look at the before and after `93 rehab differences!
I`ve just started uploading my latest video to Disney Centrals FTP: The Carousel of Progress Now is the Time show, recorded by me in 1990. It features the entire show, some close up cuttaways, SVHS source recording and full source audio.
RU42 / DisneyJedi - the file is 96,011,058k in size and should be uploaded by 1835 BST. Please do the usual announcements at WDWResortTV and on DC for me? Cheers, Marni.
BTW - coming soon: The Original American Adventure, multi angle with full source audio, and with a look at the before and after `93 rehab differences!