Off-topic but this reminds me of what happened to JCPenney's earlier this decade. Now granted, they've had their share of problems and I'm not saying this was their biggest. But earlier this decade, they made a seismic shift in the way they priced product. They just slashed prices across the board and basically told their customers "every department store gouges you. They inflate prices wildly so when they offer a sale you think you're getting a bargain. Well, we respect you too much to do that any more. No more crazy sales to get you in the door, just the lowest regular prices for these products available. You're welcome."
Sales plummeted. Most people wanted the illusion of a deal more than a genuinely good price, and because profit margins were now thinner than razor-thin, the customers they kept couldn't buy enough to justify the consistently low prices. So they went back to inflated prices followed by sales. They're still suffering but at least what customers they do have feel better for shopping there. After all, it was 40% off, what a bargain.
But as long as consumers think the illusion of a great value is more impressive than a consistently good price, WDW room prices will keep spiraling upwards.