When it comes to vacation, it is just that vacation. A lot of todays people forget what vacation truly is. It means down time and a much needed charge of ones system. It means getting away from day to day life and activities. It also means finding your laugh and getting care free and totally relax. When we are in WDW we do not bring cell phones or gadgets into the parks. My wife brings with her a small little digital camera that really takes great pictures. Now at the resort we have our lap top and it is on for two things:
1) To check in and see how the dogs are doing at Best friends in the Doggy Day camp on web cam
2) My wife down loads her photo's from the previous day so she always makes sure she can take all the pictures she wants.
We do not look at E-mails and we tell our Daughter to only call us if there is a problem. Other than that we have no communications with the world and the only thing that matters is what we are going to do for the day. We truly do get wrapped up in our stay and forget about life and issues for 10 days. After our WDW vacation ends, then we start to slowly get back into reality. The first week of vacation I am unwinding and adjusting to a slow and easy pace. By the start of the second week I am completely laid back and care free singing songs and just going with the flow and making our on pace and activities to do and see. When I come back to work the first few days are horrible but I am still relaxed and fully energized. A vacation like this is so healthy for the both of us. Our biggest stress for the day is what we want to do. To me a vacation means just getting away from it all. We both love not being connected. This year is eve more so. My wife and I have take care of our Mom in our house for 9 years. The tenth year my Mom had to be placed in a nursing home because she could not walk and we both work and could take care of her propperly. My Mom passed away this Past January 1, 2014 at 4:45 in the evening. This last year was the most difficult because we visited her everyday and made her feel that she was never forgotten. So this years vacation is truly nothing more than about us and getting away from it all at WDW. My daughter and grandson and son-in-law wants us to get away and forget about them and our two dogs. They plan to make sure that my dogs are cared for that will stay at Best freinds in Berlin NJ. They will also take care of our two cats and told us that if we even call other than telling them we arrived safe and sound that there will be trouble to pay. So I already know our Dogs will be removed from best friends if any issues arise and will be at our daughters house. So with a crew supporting the two of us like that, how can we not just go and not call them unless there is something wrong or tell them we have arrived at WDW. It's times like this is when you apprecaite your children even more so.