:confused: Soarin' Changes??? Need More Info :confused:


New Member
giantgolfer said:
I would bet that your father was just speculating on the possible changes. I think everyone knows that it will change at some point...

A Florida presentation would be a bad idea, IMO. I'd like to see one that flies over various parts of the US.

I agree, I would *love* to see one that soars over the US and hits specific spots. Kind of reminiscent of the circle-vision that used to be at Disneyland, way back in "the day". :lol: I remember going to that every time we went as a family.


Active Member
One of my friends who works at Soarin' says they've already flown over and filmed the four parks with the HD camera. Take that for what you will.


Well-Known Member
can you imagine what it would be like if they clipped all 50 states? imagine the reactions from Guests on the attraction, that were from that state! i know i would give a holler for Texas :)


Active Member
mkepcotmgmak said:
can you imagine what it would be like if they clipped all 50 states? imagine the reactions from Guests on the attraction, that were from that state! i know i would give a holler for Texas :)

That would be a really nice gesture.

Pete C

Active Member
There is simply no way they will ever make a Soarin over Florida. They can't take a step backwards in natural beauty from California and make a less exciting, less beautiful ride. Besides it's not like Epcot is themed to Florida in any way. Quite the opposite. The park resides in Florida, but people don't go to WDW to get arial views of Florida.

Pete C

Active Member
Actually, I spent most of my life in Florida...grew up and went to college there. I think it is a great state, but I just don't think it translates well for this attraction. Anytime I have seen real hang-gliding on my various trips, it has always been over canyons, by mountins, etc. I think they'd run out of material very quickly in Florida.

One thing I would like to see is perhaps the option of viewing the original film if they do offer a new one. I also agree that they need another 2 theaters for capacity.


Well-Known Member
Pete C said:
There is simply no way they will ever make a Soarin over Florida. They can't take a step backwards in natural beauty from California and make a less exciting, less beautiful ride.

I'm glad you said that and not me. :eek: If a Californian had said that, the torches and pitchforks would be after us in a heartbeat. :cool:

Pete C

Active Member
Yeah it does sound like I am Florida bashing doesn't it. My bad on that. We have probably the prettiest beaches in the country in the panhandle, and a few nice lakes and things. It is definitely a pretty state, but there isn't enough variation to fill a ride. The thing about California is that it is so long that you get everything. It is pretty much impossible for any state to claim as varied natural beauty as Cali.

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