Trip Report COMPLETED: Yes, we're a little crazy! Our trip to the 20th Annual Beer and Heat Festival

This is the fastest I've ever finished a trip report! (ETA: but the slowest I've actually posted it, oops!) Part of that is due to the fact that this trip was only three nights when past trips have been five-plus nights. Here is the PTR:

Again I have written the entire thing (though I am still working on my final thoughts) and will post in smaller installments over the next however many days (ETA: or...months...).

The Cast

Me (Bee)
Opera singer

DW (M)

Married since October 2014
Grew up in Florida, now live just outside of NYC
Favorite park: Epcot

The Plans

Flights: Delta
Hotels: All-Star Sports (1 night), WDW Dolphin (2 nights)
Tickets: APs
ADRs: None...or are there??
FPs: Soarin', SSE, Mission: Space, Nemo, 7DMT, HM, Pirates


On Tuesday evening I noticed a scratchy feeling in my throat. Sometimes it's hard to tell if I'm actually getting sick or if I am just tired; I had had a pretty intense lesson with my teacher that morning and had taught five of my own students in the afternoon so I figured I was just vocally tired from overuse and would feel better in the morning. As a precaution I took Vitamin C and drank plenty of fluids, but let's be real, I'm an opera singer and I am never not drinking plenty of fluids.

Alas, I woke up Wednesday with more scratchiness. I kept drinking water and took some acetaminophen which helped relieve some of the pain. I went to Target to get some last minute things for the trip like apples for the room and some cough drops since it seemed like I would end up sick. I still had to teach but my boss texted me and two of my students were out and I only ended up teaching for an hour! I got to go home at 6:00 and M and I finished most of the packing.

Next up: Travel day. Will I wake up sick or will it turn out to be just tiredness?
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Before I start, I would like to announce that this is my 400th post on the WDWMagic forums! Woohoo! On to the report...

Day 2, cont.

Our next stop would be the Italy booth. On the way we saw the newly reopened Germany train set, which was running much better than before.


Choo choooooo

At Italy we had the Ravioli alla caprese and Cannoli al cioccolato as well as the Italian margarita with Limoncello. The ravioli was a nice sized portion and different enough from the Sustainable Chew ravioli. The cannoli was good but not life-changing and the margarita was better than most of the frozen drinks at Disney, which is to say we could actually tell there was alcohol in it.


Italian Margarita





Our next, and last, booth of the night was Craft Beers. We tried the first flight, Florida Harvest, which included Brew Hub Keybilly Island Ale, Two Henrys Blueberry Vanilla American Wheat Ale, Orlando Brewing Grateful Pumpkin, and Swamp Head Wild Night Honey Cream Ale. I also ordered the pimento cheese dip and the CM at the register asked me if I wanted to try the peanut butter stout (not sure what brewery it was from) and I thought why not so I said yes. Pumpkin beers are normally kind of meh for me but I liked this one. I enjoyed the blueberry beer and I think my favorite from the entire flight was the Brew Hub ale. My biggest surprise of the night was how much I liked the peanut butter stout. I'm normally not big on stouts and at first the very prominent peanut butter smell and taste were off-putting but after I got used to it I really liked it and wanted more. I couldn't see the brewery posted anywhere and I didn't think to ask a CM, so if anyone knows where this was from please let me know because I want to find it again! We decided that we'd both had enough to drink for the day, though, so I didn't get any more. The pimento cheese dip was another pleasant surprise. It was spicier than the spread my grandmother made for me when I was a child, that's for sure! And sorry, Nana, but I liked this one better.




Mystery peanut butter stout. Anyone know what this is??


Pimento cheese dip

This was also the first time we had been in the Odyssey Center other than to use the bathroom and see some random exhibit in it, I think at F&W in 2013. On previous visits we could only enter part of the building but this time all but the stage was open, I think. We appreciated there being indoor tables and seating, BUT this was the second time we noticed they were just not running the AC high enough. It's like they thought, "It's October and it's after dark so it must not be hot anymore!" WRONG. The temperature was still in the 80s. Maybe I've just gotten weak after living outside of Florida, but I don't think it was just me.




After Craft Beers we had had enough for the evening and (I think) took the boat back to the Dolphin. We passed through the Swan and Dolphin Food and Wine Classic which happened to be happening the same weekend we were there. Back in the room we showered and got everything ready for our morning at the Parisian Breakfast!


Beautiful Dolphin at night


Oh yeah, this was our room number!

Next up: Our favorite holiday at our favorite place!

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
Day 2, cont.


The funny banana milkshake. @Tony the Tigger do I recall correctly that you're the one who loved this thing? I didn't mind it but DW remarked that it tasted like bathroom cleaner. When exactly she's been tasting bathroom cleaner I'm not sure...

Next up: We end the night with some beer!

omg I want this so badly right now!!!

DH bought some banana rum. We've been trying all kinds of combinations. Have to try to google the recipe.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Great report so far. It reminds me a little of my trip a couple weeks ago. We stayed at the Swan and it was our first time and to be honest we weren't expecting to like the hotel much at all. In the end we loved it and is now one of your favorites, we wouldn't hesitate to stay at the Swan or Dolphin again.
Thanks and I'm glad you're enjoying it! We loved the Dolphin and would absolutely stay again!

Great report! Thanks for sharing! Following along!
I'm glad you're enjoying the report, and thanks for following!!


Well-Known Member
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Great TR and happy 400th
Thank you and thank you!!

Absolutely loving your report. Sadly, as two teachers (music and english, so we can relate to your careers), we have only managed to make it to F&W once before. Your pictures and report are making this vegetarian quite jealous. Thanks for posting.
So glad you're enjoying! May you always find delicious vegetarian things to eat at any time of the year. :) What kind of music and grade level do you/your spouse teach? I worked as a substitute teacher for awhile and took a lot of elementary general music jobs and it was unbelievably tough. I have so much respect and admiration for those who do it every day!!

Before I begin the next installment, I would like to thank Mr. @BuddyThomas for putting me at 1000 likes!


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Day 3: Saturday, October 31

On Halloween we woke up around 7:30 to get into our costumes and head to breakfast. I was Disney bounding as Snow White and M was Disney bounding as Ariel. I wrote about this and posted photos of some of our accessories in the PTR but here's a photo I took of my outfit laid out on the bed (I guess I didn't take one of M's. Oops):


A boat was just leaving the S&D dock so we walked over to Epcot. There was hardly anyone waiting to enter the park but there was a hoard of guests on the bridge waiting for the rope to drop to enter France, and it seemed most of them were there for the Parisian breakfast.


Love that morning light at the International Gateway!


We're coming for you, France!


Waiting at the bridge


I wish I was here RIGHT. NOW.


Looking back toward the UK while we wait


They finally let us in!!!

The check in process was quick, though, and everyone was handed a mimosa upon entering. I was surprised that they weren't checking IDs since Florida's laws regarding alcohol are stricter than many states' laws. Not my problem though of course.


Checking in


The view while we waited

We were directed to our table and our French waiter, Kevin, greeted us. Kevin was fantastic throughout the meal; when he noticed our anniversary buttons he congratulated us and asked where we lived and about the legality of same-sex marriage in various parts of the US. He brought us coffee and hot chocolate and kept the mimosas full at all times.


Finally at the table and enjoying the mimosas! :D:D:D

Finally it was time to hit the buffet! There were four identical tables of food. Each had several types of bread including croissants, pain au chocolat, almond pastries, cranberry bread, and thick slices of baguettes. There were also croque monsieurs, goat cheese and tomato tarts, cheese plates, cold cut plates, fruit plates, butter, and several types of jam. I selected a pain au chocolat, almond pastry, goat cheese tarte, several slices of Brie and Swiss cheese, some melon slices, and a bit of jam and butter. M had about the same but I think she had some baguette slices instead of one of the pastries. I didn't get a photo of her plate, oops.


Yes, I ate ALL OF THIS.

Every single thing on that plate was delicious. My favorite combination ended up being the almond pastry with the Brie. I mean, Brie is so high in fat it's basically salty cheesy butter with rind, and you can't go wrong with salty cheesy butter on a sweet pastry! That goat cheese tart was seriously amazing, though I wish there had been a way to keep them warm. And did I mention the servers just kept refilling the mimosas??

On our way out we each received a gift bag containing a mini jar of Bonne Maman jam (the same brand as the jams at the buffet), a tote bag, a recipe book, and some other sponsored items. Though we had originally planned to take the monorail to Magic Kingdom, we were both stuffed and now had extra bags to carry so we exited the International Gateway and took the boat to the Dolphin for what would be (spoiler alert) the drunkest moment of the trip. That's not to say we were super drunk, but more to say that even with all the beer we drank on the rest of the trip we never got more than pleasantly buzzed.


Gift bag


On the way to the boat


Bye for now, World Showcase!


Boat Time!

Luckily we were some of the first to board and were able to sit in the very back uncovered part of the boat. On the ride we met some friendly fellow New Jerseyans who were staying at the Boardwalk and were on their way to Hollywood Studios. Soon we were docking at the Dolphin and we headed up to our room for a post-breakfast nap.


View from the boat


I see you, Dolphin!

Next up: Snow White and Ariel hit the MK


Well-Known Member
Thank you and thank you!!

So glad you're enjoying! May you always find delicious vegetarian things to eat at any time of the year. :) What kind of music and grade level do you/your spouse teach? I worked as a substitute teacher for awhile and took a lot of elementary general music jobs and it was unbelievably tough. I have so much respect and admiration for those who do it every day!!

Before I begin the next installment, I would like to thank Mr. @BuddyThomas for putting me at 1000 likes!
Hurray!!! Do I win a fruit cake?


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Original Poster
Day 3, cont.

When we woke up we headed out to the bus stop. Less than five minutes later we were on our way to the Magic Kingdom! I forgot to mention that throughout the day we both got lots of compliments on our Disney bounds. At the bus stop a girl who was probably seven or eight said she liked my apple earrings and then asked if I was dressed as Snow White. Throughout our time in the parks both guests and CMs noticed and said they liked our outfits. I also saw a LOOOOOOT of other Snow Whites, both little girls dressed in official and unofficial princess gowns and older girls like myself who were Disney bounding. I guess it's a good choice because her colors are so distinct that you don't really need complicated pieces to make it clear who you are. I would definitely do it again!


Almost there...


At some point I was following along with Google Maps on the bus ride and spotted...this!

We stepped into the gates of MK just after noon and loved all the fall/Halloween decorations at the front entrance. Our first stop was Adventureland for a Pirates of the Caribbean FP. We didn't get to ride it in July so we were super excited! We had been warned by others' recent TRs that people in the front row got soaked so we were prepared to ask to be placed in one of the back rows, but luckily we didn't need to ask as we were placed there automatically. I honestly don't remember that much of the old ride so I can't tell you what's different, but I can tell you that we still got wet from the second-to-last row!






We had time before our next FP window so we headed over to Under the Sea, which had a posted wait of 25 minutes. It was actually about half that and soon we were in a clamshell listening to Scuttle retell the story of the movie.


Almost to our clamshell...


Here we gooo...


Under the seeeeeeea


Rainbow FRAANZ


Happy Ursula


Not-so-happy Ursula

Our Haunted Mansion window had just begun as we were finishing up Little Mermaid. Apparently everyone and their mom had the same idea we had to ride HM on Halloween and we were suuuuper glad to have FPs. In no time we were boarding our Doombuggy! I remember this being my favorite ride the first time I went to Disney World as a kid. I still love when the narrator tells you not to touch the lap bar because he will lower it for you.


HM chandelier


Is this room actually stretching?

Upon exiting we still had almost an hour until our Seven Dwarfs Mine Train window. What did we ride? The Mad Tea Party, of course! We waited less than five minutes to enter a teacup and of course spun as fast as we could. About halfway through the normal ride time, however, we were stopped abruptly and a CM walked into the cup area to reprimand two parties who weren't following the safety rules. One group was letting a child stand in the middle of the cup instead of having her sit in the designated seating area, and another had their teacup door completely open. I don't know why guest stupidity still amazes me but it does! And you know plenty of folks would sue Disney if their child was injured during the ride due to their not following the rules. After the CMs fixed the issues, we all got to ride again for the full length of time. Hey, at least we got 1.5 teacup rides out of it!



Tea Party time!

After a short wait during which we just sat in a shady area of Fantasyland, it was time for Seven Dwarfs! The FP line moved quickly and we were soon placed in row 3. We had lots of fun and the music is definitely synced up better if you're in the first few rows, even if the back offers more thrills.


My feets

After 7DMT, we were DONE with MK. It was getting hotter and more crowded by the minute, and our Disney bound shoes were not holding up to the walking required in WDW. So we walked through Storybook Circus to the Fantasyland WDW Railroad station...only to be painfully reminded that the Railroad was closed for refurbishment. I felt very silly because I had totally read about the closure on the boards but didn't put it together in time to avoid the extra walking. So we backtracked and walked through Tomorrowland to get to the park exit. We found our bus stop and waited about ten minutes for the S&D bus. A couple of guests in our line got into a near-argument over which way the line was supposed to go. We were all lined up along the side instead of snaking through the maze of rails since there weren't that many of us waiting and a middle aged adult couple tried to skip everyone because "This is the way the line is supposed to go." M and I just looked at each other like "Are you serious??" There weren't enough people waiting to force anyone to stand so it didn't matter anyway. The things people will find to get mad about. :rolleyes:


Our bus arrives

After a quick bus ride we were back at the Dolphin and headed up to our room for more rest time. M took a shower and washed her hair four times to get the red color out, but out it came and it left no staining behind. We both were getting more blisters from our Disney bound shoes. If I ever Disney bound in the parks again I will just wear my regular comfy sneakers instead of trying to be more fashionable.

Next up: Halloween night in Epcot, and I rant about guests who are jerks


Premium Member
Yea!!!! Extra teacup time!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the tip I'm wearing my regular Disney footwear for my bounding days! I was thinking cute and matching. Now comfy and saving a few dollars! LOL


Active Member
Enjoying your TR! I didn't catch the name of the breakfast event you went to at Chefs du France. I am assuming it was linked to the Food and Wine fest. Your plate looked amazing! All of my favorites on one plate. I would love to book it for my trip next year.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Yea!!!! Extra teacup time!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the tip I'm wearing my regular Disney footwear for my bounding days! I was thinking cute and matching. Now comfy and saving a few dollars! LOL
You're welcome! And to think some people wear HEELS in the parks?????

Aww, those shoes looked so comfy, though! :(
I knoooooow. ): They were comfy for light walking, but not at the level needed for Disney Walking.

Enjoying your TR! I didn't catch the name of the breakfast event you went to at Chefs du France. I am assuming it was linked to the Food and Wine fest. Your plate looked amazing! All of my favorites on one plate. I would love to book it for my trip next year.
Sorry if I didn't actually say the name. It was called the Parisian Breakfast and it is only available on Saturdays during the F&W Festival. Although they would make a KILLING if they extended it to be year-round. I'd certainly do it again!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Sorry I've neglected this TR! I've even gone back to Disney twice for weekend trips (and am about to go back for a third this weekend) and haven't finished this old report. Better late than never?

Day 3. cont.

We had opted out of daily housekeeping at checkin in exchange for a $5 resort voucher, which we decided to use on an iced latte from the coffee shop in the Swan. It came to $5.35 total but the barista told us not to worry about the 35 cents. Woohoo! We enjoyed our beverage on our way to the dock, where we waited just a few minutes before the boat arrived.


We were both hungry since it was nearing 6:00 and we hadn't eaten since our (enormous) breakfast. Our first stop was the Dominican Republic booth where we each had a Soufflé de Yuca. I could sure go for one of those right now! Then it was back to Innoventions for the second stamp.


MmmmmMMMMMmmm. (Side note: I'm trying to go dairy-free again and my skin seems to look better and I'm having fewer issues with acid reflux which can REALLY affect the voice...but damn that cheese looks good :mad::()

Before the trip I made M promise to ride (watch?) Captain EO with me. I had never done it in the park and had only seen a very poor quality version on YouTube. We arrived just in time for a show to start and it was totally fun! The plot is quite thin, the spaceship technology is dated, and the muppet things are kind of annoying. But I'm a huge sucker for big group song-and-dance numbers so when MJ and Co broke out into the song about changing the world I was mesmerized!


My first and last Captain EO

After Captain EO it was booth time once more. We headed to Farm Fresh to try the cider flight, which consisted of Woodchuck Raspberry Hard Cider, Wyder's Dry Pear Hard Cider, Two Henrys Elderberry Hard Cider, and ACE Hard Pumpkin Cider. I was surprised at how much I liked the pumpkin cider (again, not a big pumpkin alcohol fan) but my favorite was the dry pear cider. It had just enough sweetness but the tartness was the dominant flavor here.


Mmmmm cider (Other side note: I'm also drinking less in an effort to make up for how much I drank/how much weight I gained over the holidays. Again it seems to be helping my voice but seeing all of these beautiful Disney drinks is making me question my choices :eek::rolleyes:)

It was around this point that we noticed just how many drunk @$$holes were in Epcot this evening. I'm not talking buzzed or tipsy, I'm talking waaaaay past their limits to the point where they are totally obnoxious to all the guests around them. I know it's Halloween, I know it's a Saturday night, and I know there is lots of beer here. But there are also people here who are just trying to enjoy their evening and REALLY don't need to hear you scream out your own special out of tune version of "Oh Canada" (yes, this happened! And these guys weren't even Canadian!). It was especially bad around the booths of Showplace Plaza, which are already cramped to begin with (poor planning on Disney's part), and when you throw in even a few staggering drunks who aren't watching where they're going it becomes borderline dangerous.

We were getting hungry and had tried almost all of the veg F&W options but none of them stood out as worthy of a repeat at this point. So we began making our way to Germany for @wdisney9000 's wife's favorite: some good ol' Nudel gratin! On the way we got stopped at the bridge between China and the African Outpost so some of the IllumiNations boats could enter World Showcase Lagoon. It didn't bother me; if anything it made me more excited to see IllumiNations that night! Shortly we were entering Germany, and we decided to split up so I could order the Nudel gratin and M could get us a Riesling flight from the Germany kiosk. The three wines were J&H Selbach Bernkasteler Kurfürstlay Riesling Kabinett, Selbach-Oster Mosel Riesling Spätlese, and J&H Selbach Bernkasteler Kurfürstlay Riesling Auslese. M liked all of them and I the Kabinett as it was the driest. But when it comes to whites I almost always prefer drier so this came as a surprise to no one.




Can't go wrong with Nudeln und Wein!

Following our visit to Germany we decided it was time for a flavored latte. The American Adventure Coffee Cart was offering a Harvest Latte which included apple spice syrup. While we were waiting for a CM to make the beverage we overheard a woman talking on the phone, presumably to her husband, about how their daughter (who was maaaaybe two years old) was (AND I QUOTE), "being kind of a b1tc#!" is wrong with people???



We enjoyed it back in the Chase Lounge (which still didn't have the AC turned up enough!), where I also had some Vitamin Water from the fancy Coke machines. We decided to try the two Festival wines, a Chardonnay and a Cabernet, both of which were fine but nothing special.


More Wein. Oh yeah, and free candy!

While we were in the lounge our flight checkin time came and for some reason the Delta app wouldn't let me check in! I kept refreshing and closing and reopening the app and it kept telling me to wait until 24 hours before the flight, so I gave up and was able to check in using my browser. Not that it made a difference because almost everyone on the flight was lumped in the last zone and mobbed the boarding area the next day...I digress. After we were finally checked in we left the lounge and headed to the Ireland booth, where we shared the cheese plate (Reserve cheddar, Dubliner with Irish Stout and Skellig) and a Kilkenny Irish Cream Ale. I think I liked the cheddar best. I didn't hate or love the beer. In fact I'm having trouble remembering it at all. I think I was just super tired of drunk 455h0l35 at this point and wanted to get drunk myself. Which wasn't going to happen from drinking, as @Tony the Tigger put it, "baby beers."


Irish Kilkenny Ale and cheese plate

We knew we wanted to try the two Kona Brewing Company beers from Hawai'i, but on the way I got distracted by the Vegan Moussaka from Greece. M didn't really care for it the first time around and didn't want any now so I ate THE WHOLE THING. I wish it had looked more appetizing, but it definitely tasted WAAAAAY better than it looked. I think it's the darn vegan "cheese" on top.


Mousakka. I could go for this RIGHT NOW. It even works with my mostly-dairy-free diet!

After I devoured the Moussaka, we made it to Hawai'i for the two Kona beers. The CM pouring the beers was from Elizabeth, NJ, not far at all from where we live! On the way to the bench M had somehow scored despite the crowds, yet another drunk 3-hole (geddit???) appeared and bolted in front of me, causing me to spill some beer. It wasn't that much but it's the principle of the matter! Anyway, there was still plenty left to enjoy, and enjoy we did! M liked the Big Wave Golden Ale and I preferred the Pipeline Porter.


Left: Pipeline Porter; Right: Big Wave Golden Ale

Following the Hawai'i incident we decided it was time for some more corn cheesecake from Mexico. Against my better judgment I ordered a Guava Margarita. It's not that I was too drunk at this point, or that those machine margaritas are particularly strong, but more that...well, machine margaritas. But order it I did, and we walked back inside the Odyssey in hopes of finding an air conditioned place to sit. Inside it was still WAY too hot, but we decided it was a little bit better than outside and, surprisingly, there were fewer obnoxious drunks inside! We found a fairly quiet area away from the loud drunks and the loud children running around to enjoy our Mexican purchases. The whole time I was drinking the machinarita I was beating myself up for not asking for salt. Not that it would have magically improved the quality or anything, but the salt would have made the extreme sweetness of the guava flavor more bearable. Welp, you win some and you lose some.


Machinarita and Cheesecake

As we finished the stuff from Mexico we really wanted more beer, so I ordered the second beer flight from Craft Beers, as well as the snack mix and the pimento cheese dip again. I really have no idea what was in this flight, because they were sold out of some things and the beers in the carrier were definitely not the beers listed on the card. I do know that choice number four was the mysterious peanut butter stout from the day before. While we were trying to enjoy our food and beverage a group of three kids decided that it was a good idea to play tag (or whatever run-around-while-screaming games the kids are playing these days) RIGHT NEXT TO US EVEN THOUGH THERE WAS SO MUCH ROOM THAT ADULTS WHO WERE NOT THEIR PARENTS WERE NOT OCCUPYING. And their parents told them to leave us alone and come back where they could see them, and the kids completely ignored them, and the parents did NOTHING. UGH. [rant] Yes, it is a theme park. Yes, it is Halloween and the children want to have fun. But is this building which has basically been turned into a temporary bar (all they're selling is beer and beer-accompanying snacks! There's no juice for Tommy or chicken nuggets for Suzy!) the best place for your kids?? I think you can do better, parents![/rant]


Snax and drinx!

(PS I might be making it sound like we weren't having any fun. We truly were despite a few unsavory moments from other guests!)

After awhile the kids left us alone and the family left the Odyssey and we had some time to just talk and enjoy each other's company. Spending time with M never gets old. She is truly my best friend and she makes me laugh and feel loved every single day. We have been through some rough stuff in life but everything just brings us closer together and we keep learning to appreciate the good times.

Around 9:30 we left Craft Beers to find a spot to watch IllumiNations. We also wanted one last Festival item of the night: the Dole Whip with rum. While we waited I finally saw a water sidewalk artist for the first time! (Surely they have an official name that isn't water sidewalk artists. What are those guys called?)


Spiked Dole Whips!



We settled on using a trash can as a table, and our trash can spot turned out to have a pretty good view of the fireworks! Except, of course, for the two times that other guests who hadn't thought in advance to find a place to watch stopped and stood DIRECTLY in front of us. Both times we asked them to move and, upon realizing they were being kind of rude, they actually moved and didn't give us a hard time. There was also the guest who started smoking right next to us in what was absolutely not a smoking area, but at least she left to go bother someone else soon.



I <3 You, Illuminations.

Even though we weren't right on the lagoon we could see almost everything and we weren't packed in with everyone else trying to get the best view. After IllumiNations ended we waited in our spot for at least fifteen minutes as the hoards came pouring out of WS and toward the front entrance. Even after waiting we still had to fight through the crowds to get to the International Gateway. At least two boats' worth of guests were waiting at the dock to go to the Epcot resorts so we walked back to our room for our last night at the beautiful Walt Disney World Dolphin. When we arrived our phone's message indicator light was blinking. We figured it was just a checkout reminder, but it was actually a message reminding us of Daylight Savings Time! We had an extra hour of Disney time ahead of us!

Up next: We check out and enjoy a few more hours in Epcot.

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