Trip Report Completed: SUCCESS!! I did NOT get locked out of our room naked again! Boardwalk Villas June 2015

Hey all!

Well, I am back. Sigh.

Yep, I'm playing a good game of "last week at this time".

Last week at this time, I was on the veranda of the California Grill watching Wishes. (It is 10:11 as I type this)

Tonight, I am sitting in my sweltering 90+ degree apartment in NYC procrastinating putting my air conditioner in the window. Does anyone have a time machine I can borrow? I prefer last week instead.

We had a really absolutely amazing trip, and there is not too much drama in it, so I hope I can make this interesting somehow.

Before I start, let me address the elephant in the room about getting locked out of the room naked.

Yes, that happened. In 2013. Luckily, no photographic evidence exists, but what happened is that it was a day with a lot of cocktails. We saved and sprung for concierge, and the wine up there was flowing like the River Jordan.

We went back to the room and I hurled all my clothes off and threw myself into the bed.

Cut to several hours later.

I woke up. The room was pitch black. I had no idea where I was, or, to clarify, my mind was not yet awake at 100% functionality. I stumbled through the darkness toward the bathroom, following a pattern that matched my own NYC apartment. Unfortunately, there is a different pattern at Disney hotels, and I quickly opened a door and said "woaaahhh - noooo!!!!" - and as soon as I said that, the door behind me slammed shut, and I was locked out of the room, naked.

It was such a ridiculous, surreal situation. There was nothing to be done, so I just huddled there by the door like Gollum and eventually Phil came back to the room.Let's just say that I was in the doghouse for the rest of the trip.

But that is soooo 2013. There is no getting locked out naked in 2015. So, onward!

June 4, 2015:


Our plane was on time! No issues.

Phil had to go buy some reading materials, which left me some time to take a non-selfie-stick-selfie

Soon we were in the sky. I made Phil do a selfie with me against his will.


Yeah, well, no one looks that good when you do a selfie. Anyway, we flew the friendly skies to Orlando and when we got there, Quicksilvertours was freaking incredible. They picked us up, gave us a 30 minute grocery stop, and then deposited us at the Boardwalk Villas.

We had done pre-check in. We had a standard view one-bedroom Boardwalk villa. I did not expect anything but that, but when we got there, a check in hostess grabbed us and spent 20 minutes on a phone and then told us "Good news! You have been upgraded to a renovated room!!"


And so here is the video of the renovated room. I am sorry that my phone ran out of gas toward the end, so this ends unexpectedly:

I cannot believe the room we got. I never wanted to leave. But we had to. So we went and explored the pool:

Here is Phil, looking very happy:

Phil pool.JPG

and here I am:
What the heck was I thinking wearing an orange tee-shirt - -- ----this theme will come up again and again:
pool orange.JPG

Well, it was time to go to a few fast passes in EPCOT before going to our $300 dinner at the California Grill.

Let me back up briefly.

We are NOT rich at all. The results of the Boardwalk stay is the result of saving for about a year, and as for California Grill, I figured out that we were not getting out of there for under $300, so we put $20 a week in an envelope until it reached $300 and then we had it! That might seem a bit tragic to some, but it made the California Grill amazing for us rather than a situation where we were trying to figure out how to pay.

So anyway, prior to the trip, I went shopping for some new Disney clothes, and anyone who knows me knows that i am fashion incompetent. But I specifically was looking for a California Grill outfit.

Everyone here always complains about badly dressed people so I wanted to do what I could to make sure i was dressed for a fireworks dinner in the clouds.

The day before the trip, I went shopping, and I somehow thought this shirt was good.


wow, this looked great on the mannequin but on me, it looks like Carrie White exploded!!

Here is the tasteful outfit
Phil cali.JPG
that Phil decided to wear:

So on we go. We rode a few rides in the future section of EPCOT and then it was time for our $300 dinner at California Grill:

Cali Grill.JPG

Cali was just great. Here is Phil standing in front of 10,000,000 bottles of wine as you
phil wine.JPG
walk in:

Well, it just said I'm not allowed to upload anymore files to this message (limit of 10) so I'll get back to this soon.

Coming soon - dancing in an empty Boardwalk dance-hall, a pretty underwhelming Trader Sams, a Rebel Hangar that had no rebels in it, an Ohana that was awesome, and a drink around the world that was as awesome as always.


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Original Poster
PART 3.5 - Friday night - Biergarten and extra magic hours at EPCOT

So I'm not going to lie. I wanted to go to the Beach Ball/Riptide event at Typhoon Lagoon tonight, but Phil refused. He thinks we are too old, and he vetoed the entire thing, despite many protests from me. In case you do not know what I am talking about, here is a brief video of this event:

We got into a minor fight about it, and I told him he should just put his grandma apron on and go cook some more omelettes in the resort. Of course, I apologized afterwards, and all was fine. We never stay mad at each other for more than a few minutes.

So what actually ended up happening is that we went to Biergarten, where, as previously promised, I drank enough beers to make BuzzKillington's head roll into the lake:

Buddy dark.JPG

Phil did not do so bad himself:

Bier Phil.JPG

PS - I forgot that while we were waiting for our table buzzer to go off, we had yet another wine tasting:

wine germany.JPG

So, as you can see, we were having quite a time.

After dinner, we did Soarin', and Living with the Land, for some reason. we were the only ones on the Living with the Land boat and it was totally surreal.

Walking back to the resort through an empty EPCOT was also very wild.

We did go back to Atlantic Dance and had a few nightcaps, and then it was time for bed, in anticipation of Magic Kingdom, June 6, 2015.

Coming up:

A cancelled Chef Mickey's breakfast, a hectic and practically insane Be Our Guest lunch, and a total evacuation from Tom Sawyer's Island. Seriously.
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Active Member
YAY! I love this TR!

I'm always amazed at how dead Atlantic Dance Hall looks like that every single time I've ever been. How do they stay in business?

While I didn't end up naked in the hallway, after a few cocktails and karaoke at the Swan/Dolphin, I ended up falling face first sprawled out in the main lobby of the was like, 7pm :banghead:


Premium Member
The extra crowds at DHS (Friday through Monday) are probably for Star Wars Weekends. I was at WDW just a few weeks prior to your trip, and I arrived on a Sunday. Went to DHS to see the SW motorcade parade (unfortunately it got rained out :( ); but yes, it was mobbed. Went back to DHS 2 days later, and it was fine.

I hope you two did eventually go to one, or both, of the water parks (during the daytime). The wave pool at Typhoon is a blast!

Nice pix of the Hollywood Brown Derby restaurant, by the way. It's funny that you two were the last to leave (yet again . . .)! ;)

The both of you keep very late hours, and no wonder you can't make EMH! (I'm just the opposite; I go to sleep early and wake up early.) Maybe it's a good thing that WDW has both morning and evening magic hours to accommodate both early birds, and night owls! :p


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The extra crowds at DHS (Friday through Monday) are probably for Star Wars Weekends. I was at WDW just a few weeks prior to your trip, and I arrived on a Sunday. Went to DHS to see the SW motorcade parade (unfortunately it got rained out :( ); but yes, it was mobbed. Went back to DHS 2 days later, and it was fine.

I hope you two did eventually go to one, or both, of the water parks (during the daytime). The wave pool at Typhoon is a blast!

Nice pix of the Hollywood Brown Derby restaurant, by the way. It's funny that you two were the last to leave (yet again . . .)! ;)

The both of you keep very late hours, and no wonder you can't make EMH! (I'm just the opposite; I go to sleep early and wake up early.) Maybe it's a good thing that WDW has both morning and evening magic hours to accommodate both early birds, and night owls! :p
Yep, we did Blizzard Beach on Monday. I'll post about that soon but it was totally and completely mobbed. We thought it would be dead. Boy were we wrong! More soon!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
YAY! I love this TR!

I'm always amazed at how dead Atlantic Dance Hall looks like that every single time I've ever been. How do they stay in business?

While I didn't end up naked in the hallway, after a few cocktails and karaoke at the Swan/Dolphin, I ended up falling face first sprawled out in the main lobby of the was like, 7pm :banghead:
And to that I say (in the voice of the drunk secretary in the movie 9 to 5):
"Atta gurrrrrl."


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PART 4 - Saturday, June 6, Magic Kingdom

So as you guys have obviously figured out by now, we are not exactly morning people. Which makes the fact that we had a Saturday morning reservation at Chef Mickey's pretty hysterical. The fact that we actually thought we were going to get there from the Boardwalk Villas for a 10:20 reservation is absolutely insane. We kind of figured this out as we were rolling into bed at 2AM the previous night ---- that it was never going to happen ------- but of course the reservation line was not open to try to cancel.

I somehow bolted up wide awake at like 6:45 AM and tried calling reservations to cancel. They were not yet open. I tried again just at 7, and they picked up. I told them that we weren't able to get there, and the reservation person said "Thanks for letting us know - we are going to go ahead and waive the penalty fee."

Hurray!! I was prepared to pay twenty bucks to sleep in, but I'll take a free cancellation if they are willing to offer it.

I went back to bed, and a few hours later, I was hearing Phil puttering around the kitchen. Today we had cereal and juice. Even he was not in any condition to cook after the previous night's frivolity.

We proceeded to put on our red shirts and get ready for the official red shirt day in the Magic Kingdom, which looks a little something like this:

gay days crowd.jpg

and this:


So as you see, it was completely and totally packed. It was sardines in a can, honestly. We had a fast pass at Space Mountain, and we almost missed it because we could not get through the crowd. But we did make it, and the standby line was about a few hours long. Again, I've never seen it like this, ever.

After Space, we figured we would do WEDway Peoplemover, because that never has a line. Well, today, it was a 20 minute wait! Argghhh. But we waited and rode it, and then it was time for our Be Our Guest lunch:

Here is Phil, very happy that we found a table after 15 minutes of looking for one:

Phil Guest.JPG

His red shirt is "Something Rotten", from the new Broadway musical.

And here is me, happy to be in the ballroom:

guest ballroom.JPG

Phil was a little traumatized by this restaurant. It may be called Be Our Guest, but Phil thinks a better name for it is Land of 10,000 Carts. There are carts everywhere, running in every direction, sometime colliding, and it is basically just a mood of total chaos. I am talking about lunch service only - not dinner. Luckily, we had some bottled water with us. Um...errr.......I cannot tell a lie. This is not water but at least it mixes with orange juice and other liquids very nicely:


Annnyway........we enjoyed our lunch as much as possible in a very hectic environment, and on our way out, these two nice women offered to take our picture, and here is what they came up with:
Rose couple.JPG

Yeah, yeah, so we queened out for 15 seconds. It happens from time to time. What are ya gonna do?

So annnnnnnnnnnnnnyway - Phil then insisted that we head to Tom Sawyer's Island because he has never been there, and because he felt that a storm was coming and we could hang out on Aunt Polly's porch and watch the storm, sipping on , ahem, (dasani) lemonades.

In theory this was fine, until we arrived at Aunt Polly's porch, claimed seats, and seconds later heard this from an approaching cast member:

"Excuse me everyone, but we are evacuating the island. A storm is coming, and we cannot have anyone on the island during this storm. Please proceed back to the raft immediately."


So, we'll be safer from some sort of approaching storm out in the open of Frontierland than under a porch roof???

Anyway, we evacuated, and they had also evacuated and closed down Splash Mountain and Big Thunder. Frontierland was basically closed.

We made our way to Haunted Mansion instead, and to make a long story short, this dreaded storm never came at all.

We did one last fast pass on the Dwarfs Coaster, and here is a pretty bad pic of Phil and I in front of Snow's house, on the line cue:

seven dwarves.JPG

After that, it was pretty much time to head back to the resort and take a break, watch the Belmont Stakes, go in the pool, and get ready for our dinner at Ohana. Of course what actually ended up happening was a bit different, but I'll get to that in the next section.

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