Trip Report ~Completed~ My Dream Day at Disney!! No kids!

Is there anything better than Disney? I can't think of anything.. How can there be when you could be in the worst mood and when you start your car and Hakuna Matata is playing on your cd player a wide grin will spread across your face and you start singing at the top of your lungs. ~sigh~ :rolleyes:

As a family we were in Disney last December and here is a link to our trip report if you' like to take a peek. Plus I like to reminisce! :D

Sadly this was just a one day trip to Disney BUT the fact that I can say I went to Disney twice in a years time makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

This trip marks the 20th year of wedded bliss for Joe and I and we decided to take a vacation without the kids and our destination was Florida. I managed to convince Joe to go out of the way and make a quick stop at MK (with a little bit of begging).

This is Joe and I (Teresa), So you know who your reading about.

We ended up staying a couple of nights in Kissimmee so I was lucky enough to also get in some time at Downtown Disney! I'll apologize for the photo's now because 90% of them are from my phone and not the best

Sunday Sept 14th

Since I was in the Disney area but not going to a park this day I wanted the most Disney experience I could get. The wise @epcotisbest suggested that I drive to Riverside or French Quarter and hop on a Ferry to DTD. The man is BRILLANT! That is being in the "bubble" without paying for the "bubble".

We decided on French Quarter since we have been to Riverside before.



I love how they made the walk ways look like roads and the look of the buildings. I definatly want to stay here some day. As I was soaking in all this Disney deliciousness we made our way to the Ferry. I must say I was a bit bummed that the Ferry came so quickly, I mean it wasn't even 5 minutes how was I to make this day last if they were being so efficient.

Here she is! (because all cars and boats should be female)



The Ferry was full and it was blazing hot but WHO CARES!! I'm on a Ferry!

Now who all has this photo somewhere in the Disney albums?


Next we went into an art store and I can't recall the name probably because it's the kind of store my kids would never let me go in. Luckily my kids weren't there. :happy:


There were so many paintings that I wanted and already had the spots on my walls picked out.


One of many that I fell in love with.


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Funny things~

We were in that crowd in front of the train station :happy:. We let the mass exodus go through the tunnels before going ourselves. We went to Tomorrowland first and rode Space Mountain back-to-back without waiting. Next walked on Buzz, then walked to Fantasyland and took a spin on Pooh (no wait) before satisfying our must-have cinnamon bun craving at Gaston's.

Later that day, when the humidity was wearing us down, I also experienced my first Dole Whip...and made the same mistake as you :facepalm: Agree, it was good, but next time no juice!
LOl That is awesome! Great minds think alike! The morning was great for us. The cinnamon bun is something I haven't tried yet. That's why I keep coming back..theres always something new to try even if its as insignificant as a Dole Whip or Cinnamon Bun. :D


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Monday Sept. 15 was a pool day for us. We were up early, my wife hit the fitness center and I hit the pool at AKL Kidani after coffee on the balcony overlooking many giraffe and zebras. Funny there were several of us on these boards there at WDW at the same time.
We like the Dole Whip Floats just fine, but prefer a plain ole cup of Dole Whip and a cup of ice water to follow up.
Enjoying the trip report. The crowd levels you mention are why we go in Sept. (that and it is our anniversary mid month).
Love the pic with the sunbeams.
I'm envious of you and your wife's nice relaxing trips. Some day Joe and I will do what you two do. :happy: After coming back and reading reports I also noticed that there were quite a few of us from wdwmagic there too.

That float does look delicious. I like the pineapple float with the white plain dole whip. To be honest that is the only thing I have ever tried, maybe I should try something new next month but I really love my traditional float.
It was very good but I think I would like the plain dole whip better. The vanilla with the pineapple sounds better to me. :hungry:

Great start to the trip. I wish I could attend when the parks are less crowded you you seem to be experiencing. Great pictures especially the one will the sun rays, really awesome. Following along.
Thanks for reading. The parks are usually slower in Sept. when we go but this particular Monday was very busy later in the day due to MNSSHP being both the day before and the day after. I guess everyone including us wanted to be able to stay at MK later than 7pm.

Great start! can't wait to read more!


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After our little break we just walked around and took in the sights and smells. Joe came across this flower and thought it was the neatest flower.


I noticed that the Tiki Room was going to be starting in less than 5 minutes and I really wanted Joe to see it since he never has. I like to see the show just for the totem poles in the back :hilarious: I can say that it wasn't his favorite but it was cheesy enough he had a good chuckle.


After our show we only had about a half an hour before our lunch reservations and I've been wanting to go to Tom Sawyer Island. I made the mistake of trying to squeeze it in.


This was so neat and I wish we could have taken our time but we had to rush through it to get to our ADR on time. I never knew this was even here our first few trips. My son would have been in Heaven. Made me sad to think I missed it.

Now this next pic is for the lady on here who makes great trip reports and loves taking pictures of bathroom signs and popping out from behind things. I'm sorry I can't remember who you are but I thought of you when I saw this sign.


By now I'm hungry and the sun was a blazing so we headed to Liberty Town Tavern and Joe and I split the most delicious pot roast. It was mouth watering! :hungry:


Then since we split lunch we had extra room for....


That's right!! Ooeey Gooey Cake!! Another treat I wanted to try after reading these boards. It did not disappoint.:hungry: and a double :hungry::hungry:


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After lunch we did another first. The Riverboat.




It was very relaxing but it got hot standing in the sun. So of course where else would you go to go cool off than the Hall of Presidents.


It was another first for us!

Our first FP+ is for the Jungle cruise. Our guide was not the best we've had but not the worst either.

Well it's time to leave Frontier land and Adventure land and head to the other side of the park. We hop in line for IASW. Yes I said hop in line :eek: since when is there a line for IASW. Apparently everyone was getting out of the heat.


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I'm having trouble uploading my pictures and had to go through Flickr.

It's 3:00 and time for our next FP+. Some of you may disagree with me but we chose to use our FP on the FOF parade. We didn't want to sit in sun for an hour to see the parade so right at 3:00 he hopped over to the area for us to watch the parade. We were right in front of the castle.

IMG_1286 by zipitidoda, on Flickr

The parade was starting and this little guy was just talking his time crossing the road. He didn't seem to care that the dancers were coming.

DSCN0491 by zipitidoda, on Flickr


DSCN0493 by zipitidoda, on Flickr

DSCN0492 by zipitidoda, on Flickr

DSCN0494 by zipitidoda, on Flickr

I watched a special on the FOF parade on tv and wasn't to impressed with the costumes that I saw on the special but in person they were spectacular, gorgeous. Pictures don't do them justices. I missed so many picture opportunites because I was gauwking with my mouth hanging open. Some of the few I did get.

DSCN0498 by zipitidoda, on Flickr

DSCN0502 by zipitidoda, on Flickr

DSCN0504 by zipitidoda, on Flickr

DSCN0505 by zipitidoda, on Flickr

IMG_1372 by zipitidoda, on Flickr


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After the parade it was time to take another break. Since we couldn't go back to a hotel we did the next best thing. We hopped on a Monorail and took a ride to the Poly to get the most famous drink on property. Can you name it?

IMG_1299 by zipitidoda, on Flickr

That's the Lapu Lapu!! It was very good but i'm still stuck on my new favorite the pina colada. Joe got another beer, this one is called Session. Never heard of it but he fell in love with the bottle so of course I had to smuggle it home too. After about an hour..maybe less since the Lapu Lapu had an affect on me we got back on the monorail and back to MK. Here I am back at my happy place feeling really good. ;)

IMG_1356 by zipitidoda, on Flickr

We head to Tomorrow Land and ride some of our old favorites.

DSCN0511 by zipitidoda, on Flickr

DSCN0508 by zipitidoda, on Flickr

Ten minutes until our 3rd FP+ Space Mountain so I decide to get another must for our day trip!!

IMG_1300 by zipitidoda, on Flickr

How can a Mickey Bar taste so much better than a regular ice cream bar?

After our ride on Space Mountain we get a 4th FP+ for Haunted Manison. Earlier the line was too long and we skipped over it but I can't go to MK and not ride HM. We watched Laugh Floor before heading back to Frontier land.

Our day was ending and we only have the New Fantasy Land to see. 7DMT had over an hour wait so we skipped by it and rode Pooh.

DSCN0515 by zipitidoda, on Flickr

Again 7DMT was to long so we headed to LM. After that wishes was only a few minutes away. Another first for me. My kids just don't like to sit and watch fireworks. As we were headed to the front of the castle we walked by 7DMT and it was down to 40 minutes. What do I chose?!!! I had to go with 7DMT. Wishes would just have to wait a few more years. :( The queue was neat and before I knew it it was our turn. My watch showed only 15 minutes!! whoo hoo!! Yes it was short. Joe was a little disappointed but I was just so happy I got to ride it. I did do a few happy dances when we got off.

Because the line moved to fast we were able to watch Wishes!! We had a semi obstructed view but I was a happy girl! :D I could have had a much better spot if stood in front of some people to get a better view but that's not how I roll. Again this moisture appeared in my eyes. It was from pure happiness. I have heard the soundtrack from Wishes many times but now when I hear it I dream back to this day and a smile just spreads across my face from the memories of this day.

IMG_1301 by zipitidoda, on Flickr

It was time :bawling:. My husband had been patient with me all day. He put up with my giddiness, my dancing, my singing, the heat, the crowds and he was now ready to go. I had hoped to find a bench and just take in the last few minutes while the crowds thinned out but one look at Joe and I knew it wasn't going to happen. We headed down main street with the rest of everyone else and boarded the Ferry!

Good Bye Disney! I'll be back in 2017!!


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Wow what a great day! Loved the report.
Thanks for reading! It was awesome!! Have a great time on your upcoming trip. We went as a family last December and it was our first Christmas visit. Everything was beautiful. Osbourne Lights was my favorite!


Well-Known Member
Loved your report. Hope I get to do an adults only trip with my husband. Looks like you had a lovely day. Happy to hear you were able to ride 7DMT. It is a fun ride. So glad you got to see Wishes! It is my favorite. I listen to the soundtrack in my car and I get teary eyed every time! Thanks for sharing your trip!


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Thanks for reading @LisaBelle! It was wonderful, such a different experience when you get to go at your own pace rather than your childrens pace. :) I understand your reaction to listening to Wishes. I play Disney park music off of at work and my coworkers just can't fathom how I can listen to it everyday. What can I say it's soothing and makes me happy. :D


Well-Known Member
Thanks for reading @LisaBelle! It was wonderful, such a different experience when you get to go at your own pace rather than your childrens pace. :) I understand your reaction to listening to Wishes. I play Disney park music off of at work and my coworkers just can't fathom how I can listen to it everyday. What can I say it's soothing and makes me happy. :D
Disney music is my stress relief at the end of a long day!


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Just joining in! Great report! We just spent the day at MK this past Monday without our kids too! It is a totally different experience, but still a lot of fun! We also tried the Ooey Gooey Toffee Cake for the first time and loved it. Unfortunately, I didn't get to have a dole whip or a Mickey bar because we also had dinner at 'Ohana that night and had just gotten off a 5 day cruise, so we were a little stuffed!!


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Wow what an exciting day at the Magic Kingdom. You did get some great pictures of the parade. I just can't stop looking at that Mickey bar, I got to have one but I have to wait till next year. Following along.


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Just joining in! Great report! We just spent the day at MK this past Monday without our kids too! It is a totally different experience, but still a lot of fun! We also tried the Ooey Gooey Toffee Cake for the first time and loved it. Unfortunately, I didn't get to have a dole whip or a Mickey bar because we also had dinner at 'Ohana that night and had just gotten off a 5 day cruise, so we were a little stuffed!!
Oh my Ohana sure does sound good right now! I think I would have traded my Dole Float and Mickey bar for dinner at Ohana. Well maybe not :) That Mickey bar was so good. I can still remember biting into it and being in heaven.

Will you have a trip report from your day at Disney and your cruise? I followed along with your last report and thoroughly enjoyed it.
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Well-Known Member
Oh my Ohana sure does sound good right now! I think I would have traded my Dole Float and Mickey bar for dinner at Ohana. Well maybe not :) That Mickey bar was so good. I can still remember biting into it and being in heaven.

Will you have a trip report from your day at Disney and your cruise? I followed along with your last report and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Yes! I just have to get my pics organized. Hopefully, I'll start it this weekend or early next week.


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Thank you @SharonD! I love writing reports after I get back, it helps me to relive my trip. Now I'll have to read everyone else's since unfortunately we won't be back for a few years.


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Wow what an exciting day at the Magic Kingdom. You did get some great pictures of the parade. I just can't stop looking at that Mickey bar, I got to have one but I have to wait till next year. Following along.
Thanks! I wish the Dilly Bars at Dairy Queen tasted as good as those Mickey Bars. :hungry:

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