We're back! Okay, we have been back for weeks now but I am just getting around to starting this TR. "December was crazy, but January will be better," she told herself. Except, she didn't account for all the things she got behind on in December and now has to catch up on. And now she's going totally nuts, talking about herself in the third person. Enough excuses, let's get this party started!
Who: Me and M, with a few special guests (BOTH of our parents and brothers)
What: A Disney trip, of course! With a side of family time.
Where: The Swan (and Jacksonville)
When: December 26-January 4
Why: Because those Annual Passes aren't going to use themselves!
How: I'm still asking myself this.
Note: I almost called this "The One Where Everything Goes Wrong," because, well, A LOT went wrong. Illness, injury, family dramma, unfortunate planning (or lack thereof), travel changes, and probably more that I have conveniently "forgotten." But, despite multiple setbacks, we really did have a nice time and everything worked out in the end!
Who: Me and M, with a few special guests (BOTH of our parents and brothers)
What: A Disney trip, of course! With a side of family time.
Where: The Swan (and Jacksonville)
When: December 26-January 4
Why: Because those Annual Passes aren't going to use themselves!
How: I'm still asking myself this.
Note: I almost called this "The One Where Everything Goes Wrong," because, well, A LOT went wrong. Illness, injury, family dramma, unfortunate planning (or lack thereof), travel changes, and probably more that I have conveniently "forgotten." But, despite multiple setbacks, we really did have a nice time and everything worked out in the end!