Columbia Harbor House Queue?!?


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Original Poster
Just got back from a few days in WDW, and I wanted to mention this...
I haven't seen it posted here, so I apologize if it has already been mentioned. Last Thursday while in MK, my mom and I went to eat lunch at Columbia Harbor House...imagine my surprise when I saw that a good amount of the downstairs tables had been removed and it's place was put...

a queue!

I mentioned to the CM who was directing guests to the registers that I was surprised about the new setup. She brought over a manager, who told me that it was much better than before, and that it was changed "to be fair to all guests." She was very nasty about my questions, and seemed quite perturbed that I was asking about it. By the "fair" remark, I am assuming she meant because some guests don't pay attention and use both sides. I don't see how that's a fairness issue, though, just an intelligence one :animwink:.

Anyway, a more than decent portion of the downstairs seating was removed for this (and a condiment bar, I believe), which was more than annoying because I was traveling with my mom, who has a disability. She simply cannot make it up those stairs (and there are a lot of them). We had to wait for a CM who could escort her to the elevator, which was in the kitchen.

Here's the deal: there are undoubtedly going to be more guests with special needs who want to eat at CHH. They will either have to find a CM to take them into the kitchen for the elevator (which poses many issues to the CMs in the kitchen, possible sanitary concerns, and even safety issues for guests and CMs), or eat somewhere else.

I would love to know what other people here think of this - I think it's a disaster waiting to happen, and frankly, a dumb idea.

Sorry if this isn't well written, but I got in at 1am this morning, and today I am presenting my master's project and will finally be done with my MS - so I'm in a big rush :eek:! I am really interested in people's opinions about this, though.
Harbor House has always used the kitchen elevator for guests with disabilities so that really isn't anything new, I don't think it's going to be a major issue.

I'm interested in seeing if the queue actually makes things go quicker. The whole two line/one register system can work extremely well when done properly, i.e. speedy cashier and a greeter who is directing guests to use both sides of the register. However it can drag if the cashier is slow or there's no greeter to direct the guests to both sides. I've noticed that Universal and Sea World/Busch Gardens use a queue system in the their QSR locations and it's always struck me as being much slower.


I'm not sure what the castmember meant by FAIR either. I do believe that they probably never considered that by removing downstairs seating they were eliminating seating that is more easily accessed by those with disabilities. And you are probably correct that there will be a greater need to use the kitchen elevator (which they've been using for this reason for years) I imagine they will have to be more attentive to guests with disabilities, or post a sign. I don't know if this is really a disaster in the making tho. Only time will tell if it inconveniences people who are disabled more than before. You would know before most of us. If it is a concern, you should voice it at CITY HALL in writing, and also write a letter to guest services. I must confess, this would not have entered my mind as I am not and have never traveled with someone who is disabled. You should make your view known, if it concerns you.


Active Member
Not so much as the cashier being slow but the guests standing there for half hr. trying to decide what everyone in their party wants after seeing the menu in front of their faces for half hr. while they are waiting.......:hammer:


New Member
What was more disturbing to me was that they had changed the menu, and removed the Starboard Deck Sanwhich I believe. Also up the path at pinocchio's village haus they changed figaro fries. They no longer include lettuce, tomato, and ranch. They are now just bacon bits and cheese =[


Well-Known Member
What was more disturbing to me was that they had changed the menu, and removed the Starboard Deck Sanwhich I believe. Also up the path at pinocchio's village haus they changed figaro fries. They no longer include lettuce, tomato, and ranch. They are now just bacon bits and cheese =[

:mad: When was this? I was there in Nov and I got the lettuce and ranch on the side with the cheese and bacon on the fries.


New Member
Just this week. When she handed me the fires, I asked "Isn't there supposed to be lettuce and ranch on here?" and the cast member said No, they changed the fries =[[[[[


Well-Known Member
To Answer the "fair" question lets look at it this way-

You, and I enter the resturant at the same time. There are 4 registers open at this time. Two have 3 people in line, and two have 4. You get in your line and I get in mine (Each with the 3 people). Now, each register CM takes 1 guest, there are now 2 guest in line ahead of each of us. The person at the reigster before you has an order for 6 people who are not with them. The one at mine is just 2. This person's order is quick and painless. My line goes forward. The Next person in line orders quickly and it's my turn. Your line moves ahead 1 peson. The person in your line speaks a lanuage that is not well known in this country, as aresult his order takes longer then normal because he wants to make sure everything is correct. (I have my food and head to the fixing bar) You get to the front of the line, and low and behold the glory that is a register, (Point of Sale, is not the only thing POS can stand for) it crashes and needs a reboot. It takes 5 minutes to reboot.I'm done eating when you get your food. The other 2 lines that had more people got done quicker too.

Now, if they had a queue for all registers, a guest taking a long time would only stop 1 register from pulling from the line, while the other 3 were moving quicker. The line would never stop for as long as it would if they were seprate lines. This actually does cut down on the average wait time by about 30 percent.

It's the same way the bank works.


Active Member
To Answer the "fair" question lets look at it this way-

You, and I enter the resturant at the same time. There are 4 registers open at this time. Two have 3 people in line, and two have 4. You get in your line and I get in mine (Each with the 3 people). Now, each register CM takes 1 guest, there are now 2 guest in line ahead of each of us. The person at the reigster before you has an order for 6 people who are not with them. The one at mine is just 2. This person's order is quick and painless. My line goes forward. The Next person in line orders quickly and it's my turn. Your line moves ahead 1 peson. The person in your line speaks a lanuage that is not well known in this country, as aresult his order takes longer then normal because he wants to make sure everything is correct. (I have my food and head to the fixing bar) You get to the front of the line, and low and behold the glory that is a register, (Point of Sale, is not the only thing POS can stand for) it crashes and needs a reboot. It takes 5 minutes to reboot.I'm done eating when you get your food. The other 2 lines that had more people got done quicker too.

Now, if they had a queue for all registers, a guest taking a long time would only stop 1 register from pulling from the line, while the other 3 were moving quicker. The line would never stop for as long as it would if they were seprate lines. This actually does cut down on the average wait time by about 30 percent.

It's the same way the bank works.

I get what you are saying here, but I don't think I would call that "fair" just "efficient".


Well-Known Member
I'm afraid one of my "vices" at WDW is demonstrating to people how the two lines things work. I'm terribly afraid I don't feel guilty about going to the empty side of the line ahead of all the people waiting on the other side of the lline. It is how the system is supposed to work and does work well when it's used.

It's my only vice. I don't hit people with strollers or yell or hold places in line or any of the other awful things that people do there.


Well-Known Member
Just this week. When she handed me the fires, I asked "Isn't there supposed to be lettuce and ranch on here?" and the cast member said No, they changed the fries =[[[[[

This is from the menu that was updated in April...

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Fantasy Faire Sides[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Figaro Fries served with bacon, cheese, lettuce and tomato $3.19
Side of Fries $1.99
Mixed Greens Salad $2.59
Strawberry Yogurt $1.99
Milkshake (chocolate or vanilla) $3.69
Chocolate Cake, Cannoli, or Strawberry Cheesecake $3.59

I guess you can ask for Ranch if you want it..:shrug:​


WDW Fan Since 1973
This past February we went to the Yak and Yeti quickserve. The far left register had a large line on the right and not a soul on the left. Being Disney pro's we walked right on up to the register on the left side, knowing that there should be two lines. After the guest on the right finished ordering, the cast member looked at us and told us we would have to wait because we had cut in front of all those in the right line. I responded by gesturing to those in the right line to get in front of one would move. She responded by saying that she had previously mentioned to those in the line that there were two lines but no one had moved, but the way she responded put us on the defense in front of a dozen guest and proceeded to take the orders of 7 parties on the right before she would even acknowledge us again. The people that joined our line (on the left) couldn't understand why we weren't being helped and at that point they were frustrated. I felt they should have just taken our order and not made us feel bad. At that point, the "sheep" in the other line may have moved to our line and figured it out.

The same thing happens at all the two lined attractions. Whenever Pirates is using both queues, guests drift right and we drift left. Usually the line on the left has far fewer guests in line. Is it fair...sure is in my book. We're the ones paying attention.


New Member
I agree. I have had to "wait" after moving up to the un-used side of a line because I guess the cast member didn't feel like dealing with all the guests in the long line if they took my order in front of theirs.
To Answer the "fair" question lets look at it this way-

You, and I enter the resturant at the same time. There are 4 registers open at this time. Two have 3 people in line, and two have 4. You get in your line and I get in mine (Each with the 3 people). Now, each register CM takes 1 guest, there are now 2 guest in line ahead of each of us. The person at the reigster before you has an order for 6 people who are not with them. The one at mine is just 2. This person's order is quick and painless. My line goes forward. The Next person in line orders quickly and it's my turn. Your line moves ahead 1 peson. The person in your line speaks a lanuage that is not well known in this country, as aresult his order takes longer then normal because he wants to make sure everything is correct. (I have my food and head to the fixing bar) You get to the front of the line, and low and behold the glory that is a register, (Point of Sale, is not the only thing POS can stand for) it crashes and needs a reboot. It takes 5 minutes to reboot.I'm done eating when you get your food. The other 2 lines that had more people got done quicker too.

Now, if they had a queue for all registers, a guest taking a long time would only stop 1 register from pulling from the line, while the other 3 were moving quicker. The line would never stop for as long as it would if they were seprate lines. This actually does cut down on the average wait time by about 30 percent.

It's the same way the bank works.

Of course that does have the potential to happen any where, just like when you go to the grocery store and you see two checkout lines that look identical but somehow the one you get in is the the one where the cashier has to do a million price checks and the person ahead of you has to write a check, etc. So I think fair really was an odd choice of words for the manager to use, it really is more an issue of effiency.


Well-Known Member
Same here, although I dont feel guilty at all. Its just like when Im waiting to get into a theme park, and I see that there is a long line to get into one turnstyle when there is another one right next to it with nobody there, I have no problem going right to the empty one and getting in quicker. I know some people, esp. the rare WDW guests probably dont think or want to use commen sense on vacation, but dont get mad with the people who do.

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
I trust they'll be putting a more apporpriately themed queue railing in as time goes on. The ropes really don't look great, and take up a lot of space.

Also, if/when that new queue is installed, hopefully some of the downstaris seating can be put back into place. I'm sorry, but going up two flights of stairs while trying to balance a tray filled with food and drinks is not appealing to me. I know there was never much seating downstairs to begin with, but as it stood, there was always enough there before that I was never forced upstairs.

Finally, anyone know if this is happening elsewhere on property? Cosmic Rays has a similar line system to Columbia's old double registers. Are they switching over to this new centralized system as well?

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