Columbia Harbor House Queue?!?


New Member
We love Columbia Harbor House. In Jun esp. we have entered the restaurant from the side door, near the Hall of Presidents, and the line was so long at the nearest register, that it was impossible to get through to the other registers that were not very busy. It is amazing to me that so many people just stand in the first line they come to, so I can see this change as being helpful.


Well-Known Member
The same thing happens at all the two lined attractions. Whenever Pirates is using both queues, guests drift right and we drift left. Usually the line on the left has far fewer guests in line. Is it fair...sure is in my book. We're the ones paying attention.

Someone in my family has worked for United all their life and they were talking about how United Airlines have had studies done and that people will more naturally move to their right so she told us that we should always go left and it always seems to move faster. So we have since adopted this policy, if you have a choice go left.
I believe at locations with this setup, the front of the cash register "podiums" all have signs that say "Please use both sides". So, I do. :)

What can be more annoying are people who don't understand how the Guest flow is supposed to be between the register and the counter. In a facility like CHH or Cosmic Rays, there are three "lanes" between each register podium: two "feeder" lanes and one common "exit" lane. At some locations (CHH and Electric Umbrella are the most notorius, in my experience) after people order, they walk up to the counter through the exit lane. The line of people post-register then forms behind them, up the exit lane, and every single person who exits then has to cut back through the line.
I'm such a geek that if I come across this, I actually try to "self-correct" the problem by hanging back if I can to allow those in front of me to exit, and then I re-form the line at the counter where it's supposed to be.
And while we're on the subject, what's *almost* as annoying are people waiting in the "feeder" lane after the register, but leaning against the railing and into the exit lane making it difficult or impossible to get by carrying a tray full of food...


I don't think any of the QSR locations have any signs telling people to use both sides. Generally they have to have a greeter walking around telling people or the cashier has to encourage people to use both sides.


New Member
This past February we went to the Yak and Yeti quickserve. The far left register had a large line on the right and not a soul on the left. Being Disney pro's we walked right on up to the register on the left side, knowing that there should be two lines. After the guest on the right finished ordering, the cast member looked at us and told us we would have to wait because we had cut in front of all those in the right line. I responded by gesturing to those in the right line to get in front of one would move. She responded by saying that she had previously mentioned to those in the line that there were two lines but no one had moved, but the way she responded put us on the defense in front of a dozen guest and proceeded to take the orders of 7 parties on the right before she would even acknowledge us again. The people that joined our line (on the left) couldn't understand why we weren't being helped and at that point they were frustrated. I felt they should have just taken our order and not made us feel bad. At that point, the "sheep" in the other line may have moved to our line and figured it out.

The same thing happens at all the two lined attractions. Whenever Pirates is using both queues, guests drift right and we drift left. Usually the line on the left has far fewer guests in line. Is it fair...sure is in my book. We're the ones paying attention.

That is just ridiculous! You were doing the right thing. It is not your fault that the others were not paying attention. What happened to customer service at WDW. I have noticed the last few times I've been that the friendliness has started to dwindle quite a bit. It is so sad. IMHO, the overwhelming friendliness was the best part of WDW.


Well-Known Member
That is just ridiculous! You were doing the right thing. It is not your fault that the others were not paying attention. What happened to customer service at WDW. I have noticed the last few times I've been that the friendliness has started to dwindle quite a bit. It is so sad. IMHO, the overwhelming friendliness was the best part of WDW.

Also remember that the CMs working at Yak & Yeti are not Disney employees but rather employees of the parnet company of Y&Y and Rainforest Cafe (the name of which escapes me at the moment...)
Though that's no excuse for the poor treatment. ANyone wearing a nametag in the parks should treat a Guest the same, irregardless of where their paycheck actually comes from.



New Member
imagine my surprise when I saw that a good amount of the downstairs tables had been removed and it's place was put... a queue!

Anyway, a more than decent portion of the downstairs seating was removed for this (and a condiment bar, I believe)

I am a local Floridian & Harbor House is my favorite quick service location in WDW, so I noticed the "Queue" right away. I went to one the managers and asked him about it.:)

They moved two tables upstairs. That's it. No condiment bars have been removed. (They also removed a large wall, which opened up not only the seating area but also made space for the "Queue" set up.

Their transaction times, and guest wait times have been significantly decreased. (This has been noticeable to my family & me as well.) On the busy days that I've been there, I've appreciated this crowd control. Also, menus were handed to my family to look at while we waited in line.

Now, does a "Queue" set up work with the theme of the restaurant? Maybe not completely, but look at it this way, when this theme park opened (nearly 37 years ago) it was not designed to accommodate the attendance or crowd size it now receives daily. Because of this, changes have to be made for efficiency sake, not to mention for safety. I think it's going a bit far comparing them to a McDonald's.:lol:

I really feel this is overall a good change. This restaurant is still my all time favorite. Where else can I dine and look at the scariest mansion in ...uh Orlando at least?


New Member
Also remember that the CMs working at Yak & Yeti are not Disney employees but rather employees of the parnet company of Y&Y and Rainforest Cafe (the name of which escapes me at the moment...)
Though that's no excuse for the poor treatment. ANyone wearing a nametag in the parks should treat a Guest the same, irregardless of where their paycheck actually comes from.


I believe the company you're looking to name is Landry's.

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