Colorizing B&W Photo


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Hey guys, just wandered if I could pick a few of your brains. My Grandad gave me this old picture of him and his 3 brothers that he asked me to scan and re-print with increased contrast which I have done but now as a suprise I am attempting to add colour to it for him.

This is the first time I have attempted to colour a black and white photo but I am pleased with the progress I have made so far. As you can see from the images the people are not finished as I need to colour decal things like buttons and badges etc.

My question however is what would be the best way to approach the hedge behind them. Its got me a bit stuck as it looks a tad awkerward to do as the top has leaves but the side has been cut back and just looks like branches, but I feel I will make it look 'tacky' if its brown then green on the top. Anyone have any good techniques for such things or any good tutorials?

Thanks guys, and any comments or advice on what I have done already would be much appreciated.

(for those interested this was taken just after WWII and I just love looking at this photo and it gives me great pleasure to work on it, to have your Grandad and his 3 brothers all fight for your country and allies gives me much honour and I would like to say a big thank you to all those involved in protecting our countries now, whether that be the British army or our allie(s) (USA seem to be our only one these days))




Well-Known Member
I agree - what you've done is awesome. Have you thought of just leaving it with only the people colorized, since the background is fairly insignificant to the photo anyway?


Premium Member
You've done a really, really great job. I think if it were me I'd put the hedges on a separate layer and color them brown and green like you said, and then make another layer on top of that to paint on some other shades of brown and green. You can probably find some really good brushes to download that would do well for the hedges. I would keep the color very light (use a really low opacity working with it) because you will want them to stay kind of "grayish" so they continue to not distract from the main image. Just add hints of color to them.

I would love to see the finished product. :)


I'm not help, but I wanted to say, that picture looks AWESOME! And thank him for serving us. I was born in Scotland, and Live now in Canada, and I ALWAYS take the time to thank a vet, when I see one.

Please post the finished product. I'd love to see how you make out.


New Member
Original Poster
Thanks for all the kind words guys. I have thought about leaving the background black and white but then I thought I may as well attempt to colour it in full and complete it, rather than it looking like an unfinished attempt. I am just restarting some work on it and Ill happily post my progress.

Fluxuated: I will be sure to pass on your thanks, he never tires of his war stories.

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