College Program


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Is the college program enjoyable?

Right now I am a senior in high school and anxiously waiting for the day when I can apply!!!

I have already been to the wdwcollegeprogram website but what is it really like?
I heard you don't have any say at what job you do. Is this true? How much of your day is taken up by your classes? Because I really want to be out in the World rather than in a classroom!!!:D

Any information would be appreciated.


New Member
DisKid said:
Is the college program enjoyable?

Right now I am a senior in high school and anxiously waiting for the day when I can apply!!!

I have already been to the wdwcollegeprogram website but what is it really like?
I heard you don't have any say at what job you do. Is this true? How much of your day is taken up by your classes? Because I really want to be out in the World rather than in a classroom!!!:D

Any information would be appreciated.
Do you have the website for the college program?
And if you do, can you post it.


I did it and it was blast, I only had a one class a week and it took up 3 hours of the day then I was off playing in the parks. Depending on when you get there, you don't have to take the classes right away. I first arrived in June 2003 and didnt have a class until Aug.

Everything else is awesome, although the pay is not that good but don't worry everyone else is in the same boat you are. I still talk to all my roommates and friends. We go down about once a year and relive all the craziness we had. I say...DO IT!


Active Member
Original Poster
Oh man! One class a week!? I wish I could apply tomorrow! Thanks for the quick replies!


Active Member
yes but that class might give you college credit...thats up to the college you attend.

I cant till APRIL!!! park operations oh man!


Well-Known Member
you don't have to take the class as well. Its just a good idea.

I love almost every second I spent down there. Granted the program had its ups and downs but my roommates where awsome, as well as the friends I made. Still head down to the world with them and hang out, as if we are hanging out before our shifts.

Oh, and you do get a good say so in what you want. I asked for operations and BAM I was at Space Mt.


Premium Member
The only disappointment about it is you WILL be missing a semester of college in order to participate in the CP. That's the one thing my parents are upset about. If you have credits already, then you could be fine. The rep for my area actually said it's best if you join as a freshman (which I found odd).

Again, the classes are optional. I'm going to be taking at least 2. From a fellow person whom I know that did the program over the summer, the professors are pretty friendly, and my college accepts the credits obtained from the program. The classes are not breezes though. You will have to work for the grades. Don't forget that these are three hour classes that meet once a week I'm assuming.

I believe they do ask you what role you would like to obtain. Sometimes they give it to you and sometimes they don't. They are normally in desperate need of ride operators and QSV people (you actually get a small raise for being a QSV).

Most of this is already on the CP website, but you are required to work at least 30 some hours a week with some room for optional overtime. Pay is around 6.50/hr. Depending on how many people you are staying with in your apartment, a good chunk of your check will be going to paying the housing.


New Member
My Daughter did the College PRogram 2 yrs ago. Then went back and did it again in August. She was due to come home today, but put in for an extension, and will now be there until May. She loved the people she met. She worked in QSFB, first at All Star Sports food court. She just finished at Pecos, and now she is training for Vacation Planner-does anyone know what that involves?
Go for it-it 's wonderful experience!! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
The college program is great! It was one of the best experiences of my life. I strongly recommend doing it. You don't make a whole lot of money, but that didn't matter to me. I still talk to some of my friends from the program as well. I had some room mate issues. I like some of them much better than others. But, that is something most people encounter at some point (dorm, cp apt, etc.)

The classes are optional. You don't get to give any availability, and all they're required to do is give you at least 35 hours a week, at least 8 hours between shifts, and make sure you're off when classes are scheduled. I took one the first term and dropped out of it because I worked e-ride nights every tuesday. I got off work between 2:30 am and 3:30 am and had a class wednesday morning at 8:00 am. I had too hard of a time going to bed at like 4:00 am and getting up at like 7:00 am to shower and get ready for class. Also, not all schools give credit for them (mine didn't, so I was just taking them for my own good).

They do sorta place you where you want, but it's no guaruntee. They did a good job matching me though. They asked my favorite park and character and I told them MK and Tigger, adding that I'd love to work someplace with Tiggers. I ended up working lower frontierland merchandise in MK. One of my gift shops was The Briar Patch, which at the time was a Winnie the Pooh and friends store (or a "Tigger store" as I called it). So, I worked with Tigger (sort of) in the MK, it was like my dream job.

Overall, it was a wonderful experience that I wouldn't trade for the world. The positives way outnumber the negatives. I don't think I'd change a thing about my program. You should definitely go for it, especially if you love disney (which I know you do). I was kinda like you, I found out about the program while in high school and couldn't wait until I was old enough/in college long enough to do it. It had been a dream of mine since I was 5 (my first WDW trip) to one day work for disney.

Dream it. Do it. Disney


Premium Member
The roommate issue is another concern I would have. I'm a quiet type of guy that keeps to myself in conversations and prefers an early bedtime (boy I sound boring, lol). I know you have the option of how many roommates you prefer to have, but having a roommate(s) that can be disruptive, thieves, or decide to bring a party in the room would annoy me.

Like what was said above, if you have a strong desire to work for the CP, then go right ahead. It's certainly an experience.
I'm a junior in high school... so I'm assuming I have a lot of time before I can apply..but I am just finding out about this exactly what kind of classes do you have and where? Are you going to a college and just living and work with the disney program? I'm a little confused and the website didn't help me much on exactly what it is. How can I benefit from the program if say I was in college for interior design..but was put in the program as a Character Performer? Does it all have to tie in with what youre studying? Sorry these are probably all stupid questions but I'm confused on excatly what the program does. :veryconfu


Premium Member
I'm not sure about what the specific classes they have are, but they include stuff for marketing/management. I believe the classes are on site (correct me if I am wrong please). It doesn't necessarily have to follow what your major wants to be, but you can still obtain credits. The primary advantage of the CP is you get to put on your resume you worked at Disney (which can be a big plus). You actually develop some work skills in the process.


Well-Known Member
should-be-BELLE said:
I'm a junior in high school... so I'm assuming I have a lot of time before I can apply..but I am just finding out about this exactly what kind of classes do you have and where? Are you going to a college and just living and work with the disney program? I'm a little confused and the website didn't help me much on exactly what it is. How can I benefit from the program if say I was in college for interior design..but was put in the program as a Character Performer? Does it all have to tie in with what youre studying? Sorry these are probably all stupid questions but I'm confused on excatly what the program does. :veryconfu

No questions are stupid. When researching the program, it can be a bit confusing sometimes. They also tour to different colleges/universities and give presentations on the program. These presentations are loaded with information, you get to meet cp alumni, and attendance is required if you want to apply for a position.

You do have a while. You have to have been in college at least one semester before you can apply. I believe each class meets once a week for 3 hours (mine was 8:00 - 11:00 am on wednesdays). The classes mainly deal with marketing, management (both retail and hospitality), and human resources. They are at the apartment complexes. Mine was at Vista Way (which was the complex I lived in, making the class very close to home), but I did know some who had them at Chatham Square (the other apartment complex). Your major does not have to tie in with your role. It's a nice plus, but not a necessity. I went as a biology/pre-med major and worked in merchandise. However, I had a room mate who was a hospitality major and worked front desk at a resort. When they can, I think they try to match you up with what you may have previous experience in/what pertains to your major.


New Member
franann50 said:
My Daughter did the College PRogram 2 yrs ago. Then went back and did it again in August. She was due to come home today, but put in for an extension, and will now be there until May. She loved the people she met. She worked in QSFB, first at All Star Sports food court. She just finished at Pecos, and now she is training for Vacation Planner-does anyone know what that involves?
Go for it-it 's wonderful experience!! Good luck!

Vacation Planners are the cast members that sit outside the parks and sell the park tickets.


New Member
College Program is an Awesome

The Walt Disney World College Program is a Wonderful Experience! I Did the program twice on a regular internship working at the Tree of life its tough to be a bug! and a Advance Internship Working at the Walt Disney World College Program housing Office!! Its more of a an experience than a money making oppurtunity. You live with people all over the world and you work at the most magical place on earth.
I had a blast and on my second program I meet the love of my life my wife! If you have any questions about the Walt Disney World College program feel free to email me at

Have a Magical Day!!
Kevin Sanders
Cast Member
Tree of Life Its tough to be a bug!- Spring 2000
DAK Adventure Guide- Spring 2000
Walt Disney World College Program Housing Coordinator 2001 thru 2003
WDW Research Specialist 2003 thru 2004
Disney fan - present


New Member
Gee, Vacation Planner must be just a fancy name for Ticket seller! I thought she was getting into something more interesting. Oh! Well! that's for her to do with it what she will. Thanks for the info!


Well-Known Member
I was on the Cp in 2003 and now am seasonal bc of it, or that is until i move there this summer. I didnt take any classes becuase my college didnt honor it so i went anyway, i needed the well deserved break.


New Member
Atta83 said:
I was on the Cp in 2003 and now am seasonal bc of it, or that is until i move there this summer. I didnt take any classes becuase my college didnt honor it so i went anyway, i needed the well deserved break.
My school didn't offer credit either, I don't think...but it was a great experience anyway. I learned such wonderful guest relation skills (I was a character greeter) that my boss at my job calls me a customer service expert. It really helped me land a job and my personality today.

I wish I were still in college so I could do another CP. I loved it and wouldn't trade the experience for anything in the world.


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