college program


New Member
Original Poster
(i apologize if i put this in the wrong thread area so move it if it needs to be moved)
i am currently in my first year of college and I'm really interested in the CP. And i just want a few peoples opinions wheather you did the CP or not. It's really a personal thing but your opinions will really help me!

When do you think its the best time to go? Should I apply for this spring(Jan-May) or wait it out and apply for the fall '08 and go in august(to jan)??



Well-Known Member
There's a whole forum dedicated to WDW Employment (including the CP) so you may want to try there to see if any threads there can help you out.

I did the CP last year (Fall Advantage) and wouldn't trade my experience for anything! It was an amazing time and I loved every minute of it - even the long works hours and the roommate dramatics.

I would recommend going in the fall as you'll be there to see the beautiful holiday decorations, can attend the Halloween and Christmas parties, it's not quite as busy (until you hit the holiday season), and it gets cooler out but not TOO cold (I don't know where you're from, but I was glad to escape the snow back home in Maryland!).

I waited to do the program after I had graduated from college (I applied during my last semester of my senior year) so I didn't have to miss classes, but that's a personal decision. I loved the program so much, I stayed on with the company as a Seasonal CM and am planning to move to FL permanently and go Part-time in a few months.

I hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
You know I was thinking about this recently as well. Im not yet in college, I should be but Im not there. But while at WDW a couple a days ago, I got to talkin to one of the CPs working at Space Mtn. He was saying how he liked it and I should consider it, I told him I thought about it, but I dont know if I could work for the mouse. But Im still thinking about it though.


Well-Known Member
I say do fall...for the same reasons as above.
Its great to see both the slow(er) fall time,
and amazing to see the holidays.
If you're in MK, working the parties is a lot of fun.
Plus, the holiday discounts aren't so bad either :lol:

I can't think of a reason not to do it.
I would never move south, so this was a great way for me to
experience working for the mouse, even if it was a short period of time.

Just know that not all jobs are pure magic and pixie dust.
In fact, be prepared to be placed somewhere you do not want to work, so
you are not disappointed in case this does happen.
Consider it a bonus if you find yourself in a role you think you'd enjoy.
And if you're lucky enough to get placed in a role you wanted, even better!!
I somehow not only got into a category I wanted...operations...but into the
park I wanted...MK....and more specifically, at the exact attraction I was hoping for (Space Mountain)!!
But that's a one in a thousand shot.

The work will be what you make of it.


New Member
Original Poster
thank you all so much for your help. I was thinking I really wanted to go in January mainly because I can't wait lol. But every one i have ever talked to says to go for it in the fall. So I think I'll take all of your advice and wait it out 'til august.


New Member
I am also applying for the spring program...I would check with your school you might have to be a sophmore standing or over to apply for the program through your school. At my college I know you have to be a sophmore or higher....Just FYI. Check that out!


New Member
i am going to apply for the spring, and i would hope to renew it for the fall so that i can do a full year :-)

its really hard to catch up in my major (musical theatre) because everyone is at a different level, so i might just wait and do fall semester first and then spring... i'm not exactly sure yet :shrug:


Active Member
I did the college program. It was one of the best experiences of my life! I loved it! I made so many friends and we had so much fun working together. I was there in the summer and then went back down the next summer to work again. It was hot and crowded but still a blast. Fall, spring or winter would probably be a more comfortable time to go. Don't think twice about doing it though!


New Member
Original Poster
.. question.. is it hard to get into? because honestly if like i didnt get "accepted" i would be soo devistated!


Well-Known Member
(i apologize if i put this in the wrong thread area so move it if it needs to be moved)
i am currently in my first year of college and I'm really interested in the CP. And i just want a few peoples opinions wheather you did the CP or not. It's really a personal thing but your opinions will really help me!

When do you think its the best time to go? Should I apply for this spring(Jan-May) or wait it out and apply for the fall '08 and go in august(to jan)??


I have done both sessions (Spring 2005, and Fall Advantage 2006) and honestly have to say that I enjoyed the Fall program a LOT more. I loved being in Disney for the holidays. Just an awsome experience.

.. question.. is it hard to get into? because honestly if like i didnt get "accepted" i would be soo devistated!

I don't think it is too difficult to get accepted. As long as you meet the requirements, you should be fine.


New Member
.. question.. is it hard to get into? because honestly if like i didnt get "accepted" i would be soo devistated!

If you have a steady work history, like a year or two with one company, you shouldn't have a problem getting in. They will ask you where you would like to work, so be sure you mention several different departments, as they will look at what they need. Also after you do your interview, you will either get this big huge envelope that says you've been accepted, or you will get a regular sized envelope that is pretty much a john deer letter. When I got accepted, I got my huge envelope about a week and a half after my interview. Hope this helps.


I'm here doing the program right now and LOVE it!!! I had wanted to do it since high school. I decided to do the fall program for all the holidays plus super soap weekend. I worked the halloween party friday night and will most likely work most of the others. Its a wonderful time to be here because of all the decorations which I'm not use to since my family always comes in the summer. Also another perk is the holiday discount. It goes from 20% to 40% at some point. Hopefully soon because my to buy list is getting really long!

It is a lot of work and in my case at the Magic Kingdom late nights but its really worth it when you get to talk to some really cute kids. It wierd because I do walk around Main Street while I'm working but it doesn't feel like I'm at Disney.

I don't think its that hard to get in. You have to be enrolled in a school and not a total d or f student. good luck!


New Member
Hate to be the downer of this post since everyone else here had a great time with their program...but you need to hear the other side too. Because not everyone has such a great time. I was SO excited when I got accepted to do the Fall CP as operations...I've been a major Disney fan my whole life. I knew I wouldn't be getting credit and I'd be working hard, but it's been my dream to work at Disney since I was like 5. But I'm not having a good experience at all.

I know everyone says this program is what you make of it, but I've been trying so hard to turn this into a good experience and it's not easy. There are a lot of unfriendly people at my work location, mostly people who look down at me because I'm a CP, and like to refer to us as 'slave labor' or 'space fillers'. I get yelled at almost every day by the same 1 or 2 people who don't like CPs and seem to enjoy snapping and yelling at us. The trainer at my attraction was pretty harsh...liked to make jokes that he thought were funny, but most of the time they were just racist/sexist. It made me really uncomfortable, and when I tried to talk to him or anyone else about it no one seemed to care too much. I try not to let that affect me too much, and just have fun interacting with the guests, but it's hard.

One thing that I was really excited about was the opportunity to network with people here at Disney. I've been thinking about working at Disney after I graduate, and I really wanted to talk to people in the fields I was interested in. I've tried talked to my trainer, coordinator, manager...but every time I get told that those areas aren't something I need to know about for my job and to leave them alone. That was really hard...I really want to get a chance to talk to those people, but now I'm afraid that if I go and somehow contact them anyways my boss will be mad since he told me not to.

There are other little things that have gone wrong that weren't a huge deal, but all of this stuff added up is getting to me. Cockroaches (both in my apartment and my break trailer), the people below me who blare their music bass pumping every night, closing at 12:30 and opening at 6:15 the next day...and honestly, I'm a lot more homesick than I thought I would be. I like my roommates, but I miss having my mom or my boyfriend there to give me a hug after a bad day at work.

All in all...this experience really just isn't what I thought it would be. And I know I'm not the only one who feels that way, because I've talked to my roommates, and none of us are really happy with it. I'm trying hard to stick it out and start every day fresh, but it's getting harder.

I know a lot of you have had good experiences and think it's a great program...but please don't bash me for this post. If you have questions that's okay, but I'm not lying about my experience - I just think these posters should hear from both sides before making a decision about the program.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Hey Courtney, Sorry to hear that you are having a tough time with it.:wave:
Hang in there. Maybe try finding some other CPers to have some fun with and relieve some of that frustration at PI or even church. A lot of people in a large corporation get a little defensive about their jobs when they think maybe someone might be trying to take it, now or in the future - thats when you get the "need to know" answer. :shrug:
The cockroaches are just a fact of life in the south. I'd much rather see a couple of palmetto bugs (the BIG bugs) than a nest of the water bugs.(the little roaches)


Active Member
Hate to be the downer of this post since everyone else here had a great time with their program...but you need to hear the other side too. Because not everyone has such a great time. I was SO excited when I got accepted to do the Fall CP as operations...I've been a major Disney fan my whole life. I knew I wouldn't be getting credit and I'd be working hard, but it's been my dream to work at Disney since I was like 5. But I'm not having a good experience at all.

I know everyone says this program is what you make of it, but I've been trying so hard to turn this into a good experience and it's not easy. There are a lot of unfriendly people at my work location, mostly people who look down at me because I'm a CP, and like to refer to us as 'slave labor' or 'space fillers'. I get yelled at almost every day by the same 1 or 2 people who don't like CPs and seem to enjoy snapping and yelling at us. The trainer at my attraction was pretty harsh...liked to make jokes that he thought were funny, but most of the time they were just racist/sexist. It made me really uncomfortable, and when I tried to talk to him or anyone else about it no one seemed to care too much. I try not to let that affect me too much, and just have fun interacting with the guests, but it's hard.

One thing that I was really excited about was the opportunity to network with people here at Disney. I've been thinking about working at Disney after I graduate, and I really wanted to talk to people in the fields I was interested in. I've tried talked to my trainer, coordinator, manager...but every time I get told that those areas aren't something I need to know about for my job and to leave them alone. That was really hard...I really want to get a chance to talk to those people, but now I'm afraid that if I go and somehow contact them anyways my boss will be mad since he told me not to.

There are other little things that have gone wrong that weren't a huge deal, but all of this stuff added up is getting to me. Cockroaches (both in my apartment and my break trailer), the people below me who blare their music bass pumping every night, closing at 12:30 and opening at 6:15 the next day...and honestly, I'm a lot more homesick than I thought I would be. I like my roommates, but I miss having my mom or my boyfriend there to give me a hug after a bad day at work.

All in all...this experience really just isn't what I thought it would be. And I know I'm not the only one who feels that way, because I've talked to my roommates, and none of us are really happy with it. I'm trying hard to stick it out and start every day fresh, but it's getting harder.

I know a lot of you have had good experiences and think it's a great program...but please don't bash me for this post. If you have questions that's okay, but I'm not lying about my experience - I just think these posters should hear from both sides before making a decision about the program.

I'll break it down for you. Anybody who gives you any crap needs to be told to shut the hell up. Sounds harsh, but if they're being rude to you, put them in their place. I don't mean shout at the top of your lungs, curse and get fired. BUT! If somebody at your job is making comments you don't like tell them to stop. If they don't take it up with a supervisor, if the supervisor doesn't listen, take it up with THEIR supervisor and so on. If all fails, Disney should have an employee hotline number that they can call to speak to somebody if they are having problems with their job that they can't tell anyone else or if someone just isn't listening.
Either way, the problem should be taken care of and worse case scenario, you have to transfer to a dif. ride/restaurant/shop/etc. and start over. I haven't done the college program, but since everyone else says it's a fun experience, my guess is it's supposed to be one. If it isn't happening to you, make it happen. Get out there and do what you have to do to make it happen. Take care of the people who are giving you lip first, that should make you happier right there.
OF COURSE your boss doesn't want you to bother or network with anyone else. Your boss is in the same boat as you. My guess is that he/she didn't do the CP and is jealous or did the CP and didn't use it to its full advantage and is stuck doing what he/she is doing and doesn't want anyone else to do better. Take control, do what you want to do. Ask random employees, whoever to try and get in touch with the people you want to get in touch with. YOU network, YOU take control, don't ask your boss for permission because you're pretty much the competition and lets face it, you're probably going to be better off. So he/she is rooting for you to fail. It sucks and is pathetic, goes to show you even Disney has a few nasty people working for them. Don't let them bother you or bring you down.
Complain to the landlord about the person who plays their music too loud. It shouldn't be like that, complain and get that issue resolved. Cockroaches are just like humans in Florida. Get used to them because they will always be around. Unfortunately. But they don't bite or anything bad, they just look ugly. Get a can of raid and keep it at your place.

I'm considering the Disney college program myself, so for some of you. I'll see you soon.
Hang in there Courtney,

:cool: Lexxweb


New Member
I'll break it down for you. Anybody who gives you any crap needs to be told to shut the hell up. Sounds harsh, but if they're being rude to you, put them in their place. I don't mean shout at the top of your lungs, curse and get fired. BUT! If somebody at your job is making comments you don't like tell them to stop. If they don't take it up with a supervisor, if the supervisor doesn't listen, take it up with THEIR supervisor and so on. If all fails, Disney should have an employee hotline number that they can call to speak to somebody if they are having problems with their job that they can't tell anyone else or if someone just isn't listening.
Either way, the problem should be taken care of and worse case scenario, you have to transfer to a dif. ride/restaurant/shop/etc. and start over. I haven't done the college program, but since everyone else says it's a fun experience, my guess is it's supposed to be one. If it isn't happening to you, make it happen. Get out there and do what you have to do to make it happen. Take care of the people who are giving you lip first, that should make you happier right there.
OF COURSE your boss doesn't want you to bother or network with anyone else. Your boss is in the same boat as you. My guess is that he/she didn't do the CP and is jealous or did the CP and didn't use it to its full advantage and is stuck doing what he/she is doing and doesn't want anyone else to do better. Take control, do what you want to do. Ask random employees, whoever to try and get in touch with the people you want to get in touch with. YOU network, YOU take control, don't ask your boss for permission because you're pretty much the competition and lets face it, you're probably going to be better off. So he/she is rooting for you to fail. It sucks and is pathetic, goes to show you even Disney has a few nasty people working for them. Don't let them bother you or bring you down.
Complain to the landlord about the person who plays their music too loud. It shouldn't be like that, complain and get that issue resolved. Cockroaches are just like humans in Florida. Get used to them because they will always be around. Unfortunately. But they don't bite or anything bad, they just look ugly. Get a can of raid and keep it at your place.

I'm considering the Disney college program myself, so for some of you. I'll see you soon.
Hang in there Courtney,

:cool: Lexxweb
Ok having done the college program before, I do know that you can't transfer to another ride/restaurant. You have to finish your program in the role you were assigned. After your program is over, if you want to stay, you can transfer then, but it also depends the need in the area you want to transfer to. And I agree, YOU control your own life, if you want to network and get to know people, do it. I did, my managers were upset with me about it, but they got over it. On my program, I worked merchandise, but I networked in entertainment and when my program was over, I transferred there.


New Member
Courtney, I'm right here with you.

I did the CP in the Fall of 2006. I have mixed emotions about it... While I was there I wanted to scream and jump off a bridge basically. I was SO excited about getting accepted and getting to work in the MK. I imagined myself working in a cute little candy shop and I was thrilled. Well... that's not exactly how things work out. Working in MK was a COMPLETE NIGHTMARE. I worked beyond crazy hours that I couldn't handle and had awful bosses who were probably just as miserable as the rest of us. What made it really even worse was my roomate. She was always sleeping with random guys and treating me like crap and bringing booze into the apartment (we were under 21)... so eventually I got her kicked out of the program in the last week. Long story short: I made some awesome friends in the end... but I do have some awful memories as well. The best advice I can give anyone who wants to join is Don't say you want to work at MK. And if you do, do not pick Food Service! Also, I understand about the cockroaches... I was so happy I didn't have them in my apartment, but I saw plenty while visiting my friends' apartments... trust me. My advice for you would be to just try and stick it out! I wanted to go home soo many times, but in the end, I'm happy I stuck it out and you will be too!


New Member
Thanks guys...I definitely needed to hear some of that stuff. My roomies aren't super-happy either so it's good to have people encouraging me to stick it out.

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