College Program Transportation


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I'm leaving in two weeks for the CP, and I'm not bringing my car. I know a lot of people are, but it just didn't work out that I could drive down. I was wondering what it's like to be down there without your own car (difficult? not?), and how reliable the shuttle system is. Any info would be much appreciated, as I am getting very impatient to leave right now!


New Member
Here goes my story on bus transportation.

***I only took the bus a couple of times, so most of my opinions are based on others and what I observed. Also things may have changed since Christmas in terms of how busing is handled.***

It's a lot easier to live at Vista Way if you have to take the bus. The "O" route is from Chatham Square and The Commons to Vista. You have to take this from either to get to Vista Way (the main bus hub).

The buses at night (especially after parks are closed) can really smell bad. Especially if you get lots of foreigners (sorry, but some grooming habits aren't the best. This goes for US people too). Not to mention that lots of people closing the parks work in restaurants.

Most of the time people would leave the apartment complexes an hour before time to work. It usually got them there plenty early, but it's better to be early than late. If you can, try and find someone that works a similar schedule to yours or can drop you off. You won't have to leave but about 30 minutes before your shift starts.

I believe that most buses going to and from work ran on
schedule or within 5-10 minutes of scheduled times.

Some bus drivers are better and safer than others.

The bus/shuttle to Wal-Mart is less reliable due to traffic. I'd try and take it ONLY if you need a few things. Carrying large amounts of goods can be troublesome. Also DO NOT GET COLD FOOD items if you are taking the bus. It's hard to time your checkout when the bus is arriving. I know several people that had ice cream ruin and have cold stuff out in the heat for an hour trying to get back to the apartments. It's much better to find someone with a car.


Buses aren't bad for getting to and from work. They have some negative aspects, but everything does. It's reliable and will get you there on time if you plan accordingly and leave early enough. Try and find someone that can give you rides especially if you need to go somewhere other than on Disney property.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
A car is basically a requirement to live in Orlando... without one, you're pretty much either stuck in the confines of WDW (after a few months, it gets really boring, believe it or not) or you're on the mercy of your roomates who drive


Active Member
Should be ok!

Sure, it would be nice to have a car, but you'll save lots of money... even as you chip in for gas (riding with friends, neighbors, co-workers and people you meet in CP classes) from time to time.


New Member
I survived 15 months without a car... sure, Orlando has no public transportation at all but there is always someone to give you a ride.

Normally, you would take the transportation to go to work, and that´s ok, reliable. Then on your days off, you will either hang out on property (disney transportation) or will want to go out of property for which you can get a ride with someone, or rent a car with others. That´s what I did. :animwink:

Of course, for WalMart, I tried to go at midnight with a ride... there is a lot less people at that time! :D

If I survived, you can do it too! Have a great time there! :)


New Member
Sorry turbo, you are right... I was just very extreme about it...:animwink: Orlando does have some public transportation, but it sux, so we are better not trying it... :rolleyes: :animwink:


New Member
Lynx would be extremely tough to use.

I don't know if it stops there, but Crossroads is the closest place that I think a bus might stop. That means taking a bus or something to get there. The only place at Disney it runs is to the TTC.


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Original Poster
For college program participants, is the shuttle system that runs from Vista Way part of Disney's buses, or is it just part of the Orlando public transprt system?
Also, is transportation for cast members free?
Thanks a bunch!


New Member
The Vista buses are free. They aren't Disney busses but are contracted out to a company. When I was down there it was VecTours and was horrible but they changed since Christmas so... I was told it was alot better now by a few of my friends down there. I personally wished I had a car down there but that's because I HATED asking people for rides (I did it a few times because by the end of my stay there I hated the bus system.. and you meet really cool people that way but... I was shy about it).

Anyway you look at it you should have a good time :).


Active Member
Lesson in ediquette

Originally posted by Angelique
...busses... are contracted out to a company...horrible but they changed since Christmas...
For a while, an outside company ran all the 'red lot' busses. Some had signs aboard reading "No Spitting".:p

So we had to wait until we got to Cast Services to have a chaw.


New Member
Originally posted by turkey leg boy
Lynx would be extremely tough to use.

I don't know if it stops there, but Crossroads is the closest place that I think a bus might stop. That means taking a bus or something to get there. The only place at Disney it runs is to the TTC.

There is a Lynx bus stop right outside the gates of Vista Way and I actually saw it stop there one day.

As for the bus system it is good if you are going to the parks, but for me I was in housekeeping at the Caribbean Beach Resort and I called one day for the bus to come and pick me up (I called right before 5 pm) and by 6:30 the bus got there. I had to be picked up at Cast services so I had to call everyday to be picked up.

The drivers are okay. I had a guy that drove in the afternoon that had a really bad accent and I can't understand him. In the mornings I had a drive that kept playing with his hair and eating and talking as if the people in the shuttle were actually listening to him (at 7:45 in the morning I don't think that I was listening).

Even though I had some tough times with the busses doesn't mean that you are. You can survive in Orlando witout a car. My roommates had a car (2 of the 3 did) but I never rode with them unless I had to go somewhere the busses didn't go.

hope this helps

Fall 2001 CBR Housekeeping


Well-Known Member
Lynx vs car...
Destintation: Florida Mall. 3 hours on Lynx vs 15 by car.
Shuttles are fine but if you really want to get out you'll have to get a friend or wait for a special shuttle. More about my ordeal can be found at this thread. If you're desperate for a car, rent one for a week, it really helps out with cabin fever!!


Well-Known Member
Have a GREAT time down there, but make sure you keep in touch! I'd love to hear what's new in VW or anything else in the College Program.

Have a BLAST!!!!

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