Cookie_munster, I was thinking about a 1700's England as a future land-to-be with things like vampires and werewolves, along with a sherlock homes dark ride, something were the riders are involved with solving the crim, finding the clues through the ride, then putting them together at the end...
The civilization idea is almost exactly as I envisioned land of legends, different regions, celebrating their cultural stories, The arichetecture would be amazingly fun to design
But, do you want me to put Civilizations down as a voting decision?
Anyways, keep it cool guys, and make sure all your pencils are sharpened, because as soon as friday rolls around, Phase II begins....Mwahaha!
Here's how Phase II is gonna work,
1 We'll brainstorm up 4-5 lands for this new park, and vote on them.
2 Take one land, and think up attractions for it, voting on them.
3 Draw up concept art, ride plans, etc.
4 repeat with the other lands
Obviously this will take quite a bit of time, and thats why I need people who are willing to check back often. Most voting will eventually start taking place in 4 day increments, please E-mail me, or just post a message if you'll be unable to vote for some reason
All voices will be heard if I have anything to do about it
Here are the Current Standings:
Disney's Civilizations
Disney's Medievil Water Park
Disney's Utopia
Disney's Land of Legends
Disney's Shadowlands or Dark Kingdom (evil magic kingdom)
Disney's Elements Water Park
Voting to start Friday September 28!!!! Get your ideas in!