CM's need advice


Original Poster
I was at WDW over the summer and my mother and I took the Keys to the Kingdom Tour which I absolutely loved. As we were going through it I thought that this was something I could totally see myself doing.

Here is my delema. I'm 26 years old and graduated in 2001 with a BS in Biology. My plan was to get my masters in elementary education but everytime that I start taking classes agian I wounder if ti ris right for me. I would just hate to pay more money for something that I might not love. I do love to teach. I'm a teachers' aide in a local school and I teach figure skating lessons. I'm just not shure that I want to take the plunge and be responsible for my own classroom and stuff.

What is the likelyhood of me being able to do this tour? I belive they said that the role was part of Guest Relations in the MK. Since I have no Disney expearance besides the 7 times I've visited and the hours spent on this board, will they put me in line for this role?

To take the chance to get this role is a huge desision. I would have to leave everthing I have here. It took me 4 years to get a full load of skating students. While it doesn't huge amounts of money ($58 per hour that the kids aren't in school) it compliments the teachers' aide job well. I'm living with my parents to save money so I would have to pay for my own place down there. Would I be making more than minimum wage? Would I be abel to work full-time?

As much as I would love this kind of job there is a lot of risk in me moving down there. Sorry for rambleing this off but any help that any of you could send my way would greatly help in making my desisions.

Thanks in advance! :kiss:


I'm not a CM, but I will pass on some wonderful words of a great man..

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney
Not sure if you new about this, but when we were down in August we spoke to a Guest Relations Cm's and he said it's now a requirment to speak two languages to be a tour guide.


Beta Return
sittle said:
Ummmmm.... r u sur you a teah er?

Sorry I had to point that out.

Haha...yeah. I'm not "shure" that teaching would be the best line of work to pursue - at least not in English or Grammar :lol:

I've never heard the "have to speak two languages" rule. However, I was told by our KtK guide, as well as our Backstage Magic guide, that a degree in something related to Hospitality and Tourism is ideal if you want to work in the higher-up part of the Guest Relation department. Not sure on being a guide.


New Member
It is very difficult to get in to Guest Relations. You have to be selected just for an interview and then you have to pass that interview to even get a chance. And I know that a lot of thier hiring in that department is done enternally. But I have always been a 'believe in your dreams' type person and think that anything is possible if you really want it bad enough. Good luck in whatever you choose!


New Member
From what I hear you cannot get hired directly into Guest Services, you have to work elsewhere into the company for a minimum of 6 months first. Then it is another period of time before you can become a tour guide.

this is not to shoot you down, but to give you a general guideline into how long it takes to get there. If it is your dream....gopher it!


New Member
Hmm...I have the prefect suggestion for you. You love to teach? Guest Relations and the Keys to the Kingdom Guides are positions that are actually mainly CM's who have been promoted within the company. My Dad works Guest Relations, and he worked at the Poly for 6 months before he got the position.

What would be perfect for you is Disney's Y.E.S program. It's Disney's Youth Education Series, and what you do is when school groups come and visit Disney, you take them around the parks early in the morning and teach them things about the parks. My sister actually taught science, she took the kids on Space Mountain and showed them how gravity effects rides and how they get rollercoasters around loops etc. She also took them on Big Thunder Mountain with Glasses of water and showed them how the different forces worked, and the kids had to try and keep as much water in their cups as possible on Big Thunder! It was a blast shadowing her, and I think it would be really good for you!

Hope this helps!


New Member
ugh, please dont make a fuss about a few spelling errors, i mean if someone talked like' r u teh 1 hu thot i wuz a meen pearson' yea i understand but a few spelling errors? give ppl a break.

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