CM's & Disney


Original Poster
Hi All,
I know there are CM's who watch this board out there and I just wanted to say "Thanks" to all of you. We come down every year for my daughter's birthday, she’ll be 8 on this trip, 7/20 and each and every year the CM's do more than they have too such as a "ride anytime" fast pass and the like. Today for instance, my daughter wanted to ride SM, stan by time listed 80 minute and fast pass return was way late in the day, we walked up and asked if she could have a fast pass because it was her birthday and the young man CM said "absolutely". So we went on SM, just her and I. There have been many more instances of things such as this occurring, too many to list. We've been here since 7/15 and will be leaving on 7/22 but the CM's have made my family feel special which is not always easy as I've witnessed over the last 17 years they are a few Disney visitors abuse, disrespect and are otherwise rude to CM's and you guys just don't get enough "thanks" but you have mine and my family's. :sohappy:


New Member
You have no idea how much I appreciate your post, i'm really glad to hear that you had such a great time, and i'm glad your daughter had a good Birthday!


Well-Known Member
Always nice to hear things like this.

Do you remember the CM's name? If you do, I will be sure the pass the word on. :)


New Member
jmicro59 said:
Today for instance, my daughter wanted to ride SM, stan by time listed 80 minute and fast pass return was way late in the day, we walked up and asked if she could have a fast pass because it was her birthday and the young man CM said "absolutely". So we went on SM, just her and I.
A very merry unbirthday to you!


Original Poster
se8472 said:
Always nice to hear things like this.

Do you remember the CM's name? If you do, I will be sure the pass the word on. :)

Jared I think was his name on SM, my wife actually wrote down all of the names but she is still asleep and the list is somewhere here in the mess and only a wife would be able to find it :animwink: . I'll post all the names a little bit later today. We're off to Epcot today.


New Member
WDWKat26 said:
You have no idea how much I appreciate your post, i'm really glad to hear that you had such a great time, and i'm glad your daughter had a good Birthday!

You all definitely deserve it! I am honestly confused on how you can do it
though. By all indications, it is usually a thankless job, that doesn't pay
very well and at the same time there are very high expectations from both
management and vistors that you "perform" well.
I think "Thank you" is the least you deserve.


New Member
I agree, CM's need way more praise. Even just the small things they do make the Disney experience that much more magical. I know that they all have bad days sometimes just like everyone who has a job but it seems like then they even try their hardest to put on a smile.

For example, I was trying to book a room recently for a weekend trip instead of driving and the guy on the phone was so nice and funny it was like I was talking to a friend. I had called from my workplace so I just wasn't in the best of moods but talking to him for those few minutes actually brightened up my day. So THANK YOU CM's for a job well done day in and day out! :wave:


Active Member
Hooray for cast members!

The cast members are one of my favorite things about going to WDW. I especially appreciate the people who work in the resort gift shops, who enjoy chatting (if the shop isn't too busy) and giving great tips on things to do and places to eat, and asking us about our day and what we enjoyed the most. My other "hat's off" goes to the CMs in the rides and at the parks who seem to know exactly what to do to calm down an upset guest (especially children who are having a bad moment). When they calm down an upset child, they make the park more enjoyable for all of us, not just the child.


Well-Known Member
Kudos for the CMs

I want to toss my two cents in here and say Thanks to all the wonderful CMs my mom and I have come across on our trips to WDW. I especially want to send a huge thank you out to a CM that helped my mom and I on our last trip. It was our last day at WDW and we'd dropped our film off to be developed at MK so that we could pick them up before we left the park that night. When we went back to get them at 4pm, they couldn't find them. The CM took it upon herself to track the films down, find out where they were and get them for us. By the time we returned to the park later that evening after having dinner at WL, and stopped in at the Camera store on Main Street, she had not only tracked down the films but had gotten them delivered to the store so they were ready and waiting for us. These pictures were very important to us, especially since some of them were of me and a very special friend I'd made online and the CM sensed how important these pictures were to us and did everything in her power to see that we had them before the park closed that night. This is just one example of the fantastic job you CMs do for us guests. Keep up the amazing work and I'll see you all in November 2006


New Member
"Thank you" Can't even begin to say how we feel about CM's, I hope you all know that from reading MJ's Magical Moments posts! We'd be in the looney bin without all of you. We often go to the parks and only do one or two things and spend the rest of the time talking to CM's. We love you guys!


Active Member
Yeah, thank you for screwing up my reservations :mad:

Just kidding...... Thanks for keeping cool when problems arise, and for being cheery and helpful at all times.


New Member
My wife and I are always amazed by the job the CMs do at WDW. From the guest relations CM at the Animal Kingdom Lodge who gave us a free upgrade to a pool view room (and even tried for a savanna view) just because my wife told him that I would be celebrating my birthday while we were there...... to the bus driver that apparently noticed my "It's my birthday" pin and had the entire bus sing Happy Birthday to me....... to the CMs that keep the restrooms at the parks clean (talk about an endless and thankless task). I don't ever remember an unpleasant incident involving a CM. Thanks to each and every one of you!!!!


New Member
Thank you for thanking us. It is the little things like that which can totally erase a horrid experience with a guest and be what we remember at the end of the day.

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