At WDW, location definitely is part of it, but it's also what your expectations are and your own attitude. Maybe its because I was only a CP and only had 5 months there, but I absolutely loved every minute of it. And at each location, you're gonna have some who love and some who hate their jobs.
At the beginning of our college program, they told us that our program would be what we'd make of it, and that couldn't be more true. Those that went in everyday expecting to have a horrible time, putting in for an ER, and counting down the minutes til they could go home obviously didn't have a great time. But some of us tried to make the most of every second, and have a great time. Yes, there were rude guest, irritable cast members, bad days, rude guests, idiot managers, did i say rude guests?

Every job in the world sucks if you don't make it fit you.
For the most part, it seemed to me that the CPs were more appreciative of their jobs and happy to be there- because they didn't take it for granted. For some people down there who work for Disney full time and don't know any different, they don't consider themselves lucky; its just their job. Grass is always greener, I guess.
You could argue about this til the cows come home. There are pros and cons to working anywhere, and some of those can't be changed given the nature of the business. For example, many of the CPs (including myself) were extremely unhappy with the way the holidays went...we all had to leave on a Saturday (be completely out of the apartments), and were scheduled 12 or 13 days straight, working 60 hour weeks through the holidays. That may seem unfair, but its the only way to run a business such as WDW.
I don't claim to have the total perspective of working there, as I only caught a glimpse of it (though I wish it were much longer), but it seems to me it was a great place to work, and those that gripe over the little things don't realize how much worse it could be. You always want something more, especially from such a large and successful company, but sometimes you gotta take a step back and look at the larger picture.