CM Discounts?


New Member
I'm heading to WDW this weekend for Spring Break and staying at the Boardwalk Villas. I mentioned this to someone I know here at school that was in the College Program last spring. He told me that he's going too, and he could get me huge discounts on park hoppers for my girlfriend and I. I can't always trust his word, but figured someone on here would know if CP alumni can get discounts for others. Any help would be appreciated. I'll be sure to give a trip report when I get back on the 22nd.

Thanks!! :)


Hi, I'm a Campus Rep, and as a CR you are entitle to all the regular discounts regular CM have, including free access to the parks, 20% on merch. and some food places and discounts in hotels. So if he is a CR, then he has all the discounts even though he is not a CP anymore.
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New Member
Yeah, but do you have a significant discount on tickets? I only know of the discount on tickets, for current cast members and to be bought at Company D, and as Brent said, I think it´s only 10-20%off. It´s still something, I know, but he would have to find a CM to buy them at a Company D store -which are not open everyday at every place-.

I don´t know if this has changed already though.... :animwink:
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That is right, just the regular 10-20% disc. Is not a great one at all, but a least is something. We also get comp tickets like twice a year, so i dont really have the need to buy the disc. tickets. As far as i know Company D is still the place to buy the tickets and the opening times are different in each location.
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New Member
The only discount he could get is 10% and thats if he's a Campus Rep at his school, he needs an ID to get the discount... so no.. not that HUGE of a discount
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New Member
Hey guys as a Disney Store CM, what is the discount on tickets? I tried calling central resv. but they said I would have to purchase them at Company D. Anyone know the current price of 4 day park hoppers for CMs? Thanks.

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New Member
cm discounts

The four day hopper discount is pretty crummy, it is less than 10%. I work at a Disney Store and I get in for free and I am going in 11 days :sohappy: I tried to get a discounted pass for my mom and it was around $185, regular guest passes are about $200.

The upside is that we got 1/2 off our room reservation. I am really psyched, this is my first time to WDW as a CM. I am going to do a tour and got 1/2 off of that too.
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When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
the CM ticket discount isn't all that great. less than 10-20% off... more like 5%. You get a better rate at the AAA office
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