Christmas' Weather at WDW


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Don't you feel weird when it's Christmas season at WDW and the 50% of the people wear t-shirts??
I know that the weather in Orlando is warm but sometimes people exaggerate the heat when truly is cold...
What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Different people are comfortable in different temps. People from the north tend to laugh their butts off when someone wears a winter coat when it is 60-65 degrees outside. People from the south think that someone complaining about 80 degrees being "hot" is ever so amusing.

Me, I'm just glad that there is no snow in Orlando. I couldn't care less what anyone wears. If they're happy, I'm happy. :D


Well-Known Member
What I dont sister lives in FLorida (right outside the gates). When I visit her, she keeps her house like an refridgerator. My nose runs and I shiver. When she visits me here in the north she complains that it is always to cold. Its 60 degrees and she wears gloves and a

In FL its not the heat it's the humidity....LOL


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Ok :) I say that because I stayed in Disneyland Paris in December and it was snowing... For me a Christmas without snow is not a Christmas... but I'm beginning to change my point of view because you can enjoy more the magic with a "warm" temperature and not being cold with three coats on you!!! :)

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Well the weather outside is frightful,and the fire looks so delightful,and since there's no where to go,let it snow,let it snow,let it snow.;)

kerri dutrisac

New Member
We are from BC, Canada, and we are very comfortable in shorts and t-shirts at Christmas time at WDW. We are usually leaving a couple of feet of snow back home and are thrilled with the weather. Sitting on main street eating ice cream in shorts is amazing feeling knowing the weather back home. :)

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