I agree with the above-mentioned advice - we ALWAYS eat at table service restaurants, and the Dining Plan is still not worth it for us. Basically it's $40 with tax.
Now, if you look at it the way they want you to, you come out ahead. You get an appetizer, a main course, a drink, and dessert, as well as a counter service meal AND a snack, all for $40.
But if you look at it a different way:
If my family went out to eat, we rarely do appetizers or dessert. Not because they're too expensive, but because there's so much food, we end up hardly being able to eat our dinner. And if we do get an appetizer, we get ONE to split between the five of us. Same goes for dessert.
So, for ex., we're at Prime Time 50's. We get one appetizer for all of us. And my parents each have a beer (Dad, probably two :animwink: )
If we will eat at a counter service later in the day, at, say $7.00 per person (7x5=$35), each had a snack ($3.00 per person - 5x3=$15), and at PT50's, which, if you add it up for our fam:
$5 per beer (3 beers, not covered under dining)
$6 for app of O rings
$15 for each entree (4)
$5 for little sister kid's menu
$2.00 per soda, milk (3)
=$15 plus 6 plus 60 plus 5 plus 6= $92, plus tip and tax of 20%, not 18% = $120 about.
$120+ $35 + $15 = $170. Five people times $40 a day = $200. So we saved $30 by not doing the meal plan. AND the beer/wine wouldn't have been included, so we saved about $45 by not doing it.
I CAN see where people who love the appetizers and desserts would make out like a bandit...it's easy to say, "BUT for 45 bucks more, we could've had four more appetizers and five desserts..." And if you would've eaten it all, great. We would just waste a lot of food and money.
Think about it: If we went for 9 days, and saved $45 a day by NOT doing the meal plan, that's $405 you saved. Not too shabby. Just something to think about.:wave: