Plain and simple… you are wrong. There absolutely are still staffing challenges outside of housekeeping and culinary. CP’s helped a lot but it does not solve and did not solve the issue.
Most operating areas, including attractions, merch, FB and more are operating at numbers below what is considered fully staffed. Numerous operating areas, including many that are currently home to displaced entertainment cast are operating with cast working 6 days and mandatory overtime. There are areas in the parks that have been on 6 days most of this year.
Current staffing challenges absolutely do effect entertainment… and more importantly entertainment does not exist in a vacuum. Even if all entrainment performer positions were able to be fully staffed, it still takes an army of operations cast, costuming, cosmetology, techs, managers, maintenance, and other roles to support any entertainment production.
Things are coming back on line. Slowly. But it’s a complicated beast and it can’t simply be just turned on.