Chit Chat Board


Premium Member
Original Poster

As a temporary measure to reduce the resource load on the forum server, I have closed the Chit Chat board of this forum.

Apologies for the lack of advance notice. I will keep you informed of the return date.



New Member
hehe.... I guess you took that decision after realizing our REAL post count number, huh? ;) :D

Let´s see how many "meaningful" comments we have to post on the other boards! ;) (myself included of course...)

Hope you bring it back soon, Steve! :( :kiss:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Quentin Disney
Good. We'll at least for the time being, we can all focus on what we really came here to talk about.

Oh how I wish everyone was as understanding as you are ;)


New Member
I'm with you...

Popkid... I don't know what's up either. I was out of town for most of the holidays and so I haven't been on lately but I seemed to have picked a rather intersting time to return... best I can tell someone started a thread on another board about us that led to attention (wanted or unwanted) and it seems someone on the chit chat board was trying to start a war or something?? I guess he was a flamer but anyways I think Steve disabled his account.. Way 2 go Steve!!!

that is what I've been able to gather just from doing a little research but I could be very wrong... if anyone would care to elaborate I would appreciate it.


The Mom

Premium Member
To make a long story short, someone pointed (with a link)some of our members to another board. They took a quick look, and posted their responses to it here on our chit chat, some less flattering than others. Someone posted a link over there saying we were bad-mouthing their board. Their members started showing up here. Now, things got really interesting when their forum went down, and lots of them started to "wait it out" over here, using our Chit Chat forum as there own, more or less. Needless to say, some regulars weren't thrilled, especially when it slowed things down, and the huge numbers almost forced our forum down. When we asked them to limit their posts, they took it as us being just plain unfriendly! So steve had to close Chit Chat to keep the forum up. The End!

Anybody else can just dive right in and add additions or corrections...I probably don't have all the info!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by songbird
we weren't that bad, were we? :(

As individuals, no. Most of you were fine. The best way I can think to put this is with an analogy that someone on your own forums (prior to them going down) used. They said it was like the difference between a small town and a big city. Imagine if even ten city blocks worth of people from New York, moved to a place like Mayberry. Do you see what I mean? Your site seemed to average about 250 people online at a time. This one (prior to DIS boards going down) averaged 6-8 people online at a time. The servers here do not have the capacity to handle the number of new people that were posting and the members were coming back to see not one or two new threads in chit-chat but dozens of them… the chit-chat section of these forums was created as a place for people to go and post so as to avoid a lot of off topic posts in the regular sections. It was never intended to be THE reason people logged onto here. The vast majority of new people posting never even left chit-chat. IMHO, those people should be on a general forum somewhere and not a Disney one to begin with. When the chit-chat forum went down, so did all the traffic which is a good indication that most of the new people on here were not using these forums for the purpose they were intended… We are not against newcomers and we normally welcome just about anyone. The frustrations of most of our regular posters (myself included) were not directed at any individual for the most part. We are sorry that your forum is down but you almost took ours down. There just isn’t room enough for everyone here and how do we decide who stays and who goes?


New Member
I seems like the only logical solution you could make and, as you said, it HAS solved the problem.

My first day here I almost gave up because the boards were so slow loading. Now I'm finding it faster and am able to cover more ground learning about odd things in Disney that I never knew.

I especially like the resorts board. Lots of interesting things over there spoken of in a positive light. I've missed that and enjoy being able to read good things and bad things about resorts without having to sift through flame wars!

You made the right decision. Hopefully your regulars will have chit-chat back soon!


Active Member
I think it's safe to reopen the chit chat board -- the refugees have gone home. those of us who are truly interested in exploring your forum, well, we'll hang around.

I like that you have a spearate board just for movies. not really planning a trip to Disney right now, but I do take the kids to every Disney film...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by songbird
I think it's safe to reopen the chit chat board -- the refugees have gone home. those of us who are truly interested in exploring your forum, well, we'll hang around.

I like that you have a spearate board just for movies. not really planning a trip to Disney right now, but I do take the kids to every Disney film...

Well, I'm glad you've decided to stick around and please don't let me give you the wrong impression. I'm pretty sure you are still welcome in the chat areas (when they're back up). You'll get to see what things are normally like around here and maybe you'll see that we aren't really as bad a group of people as we looked like we might have been a day or two ago :) The people that continue to come back after the reopening of DIS Boards are the ones we actually want, anyway. Like Steve, the owner said, we aren't asking you to choose our community over the other but we do ask that people who come to our board make an effort to fit into ours and not just use us as a place to wait out the troubles of the other forum...

For what it's worth, a lot of people that post to the other areas haven't been to WDW in years. Some just like to talk about it and some are just interested in hearing about it. Don't be afraid to post to them if you have a point to make or a question to ask, that's why they are there :)


Well-Known Member
I am just VERY glad you guys are so understanding...

I mean....we have NOTHING against new members..we apprecaite all people who visit us...but it seemed that a LARGE portion of the new guys were hanging around and "using" us until their "home" came back up....

Luckily I am reading that the majority of people have realized why we were so "weird" about the situation ahd nave agreed with all the actions taken...

Unfortunatly..some havnt...and have decided to turn us into some sort of "Evil" board who kills new members from other boards (I wont mention names because thats not what I do)..O well...


New Member
just an observation: if you look at “the other board,” you’ll see that the people there reacted to this whole situation much the same way that people here did.

one person there, in scolding some people for their behavior here, even used the same analogy that people here made about being a guest in someone’s house.

if there’s a lesson in all this, it’s that people on other boards – people in general -- aren’t much different than the people on this board. if everyone simply followed “the golden rule,” there’d be a lot less strife and disney board rage. :D

Quentin Disney

New Member
Originally posted by NowInc
I am just VERY glad you guys are so understanding...

I mean....we have NOTHING against new members..we apprecaite all people who visit us...but it seemed that a LARGE portion of the new guys were hanging around and "using" us until their "home" came back up....

Just to let you guys know, I'm not going anywhere. I kind of like this community. In fact, I was posting here well before this situation came up.

The CB over on that other site has too much traffic. Imagine if people started haning out at CC here and turning that into CB II. No. No. No. I don't want that.


Active Member
this site is very different from that place. I find both intriguing. I discovered this place because of the breakdown there.

two of your colleagues from this board came over to the DIS today to continue the "argument", and the moderators deleted their posts.

I think there's enough room in the Disney universe for both boards, they serve slightly differnet functions, they serve differnet populations, they serve different tastes. some people may prefer to be here, some there, some on both boards. the boards SHOULD be different.

but this trouble should stop.

can't cooler heads prevail?


New Member
Hey - I for one am trying to play by your "rules". I always like to meet new people who are interested in all things Disney. I hope that my trivia question was appreciated. (I posted the answer because I didn't want to leave you folks hanging - we leave for a 7-day Disney cruise in a couple of days). Thank you for letting me participate. I hope that I have more to contribute in the future. Thanks for sharing your corner of the internet with me.

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