Chip and Dale's Imagineering Rangers- PROJECT 4


Active Member
Alright, here's what I'm going to post, unless there's any changes. I'll check back in in about 30 minutes or so.

Chip and Dale's Imagineering Rangers Project 4

Journey into Imagination

The Imagination Institute is in peril. Due to an unforseen accident at the Inventor of the Year Awards, Dr. Nigel Channing was terminated. The Institute then went through a three-month period of greedy, corporate CEOs. Finally, Dr. Nigel Channing's brother-in-law, Micheal Baxter, a man who loves Imagination as much as Figment himself, took over. In an attempt to clone Figment and spread his child-like joy to the world, Micheal Baxter accidentaly created an anti-Figment, known as Dark Figment. Dark Figment infiltrated the Institute and began wreaking havok. In an attempt to retake the insititute, Baxter and Figment began bringing in tourists to help them with their quest.

Character Descriptions:

Dark Figment

Micheal Baxter

Queue Description
Guests enter the glass-pyramid topped Imagination building and find themselves in the secret Headquarters of Figment and Micheal Baxter. Wanted posters for Dark Figment, as well as failed attempts to capture him, litter the walls of the queue. Video screens in the beginning of the queue show Micheal Baxter and Figment explaining to the guests their mission. Most of the old decor from the original queue remains, but with a piece of paper over it that says BAXTER AND FIGMENT HEADQUARTERS, BEWARE OF DARK FIGMENT, and such. As the guests continue through the queue, touch-video screens align the walls. Live host and hostesses inform the guests that they are to fill out the questionnaire on the screen. Once this is completed, the guests are entered into the boarding area, where they enter their Imagin-obiles and head into the institute in pursuit of Dark Figment.

Queue Poster Example

Interactive Questionnaire Example

Favourite Colour:
Favourite Smell:
Favourite Disney Character:

Favourite Genre of Music:
Hip Hop

Would you prefer to be a:
Baseball player
Soccer player
Rock Star
Pop Star
Space Ranger
Football Player
Basketball Player

Are You:
Good as Gold
A Little Mischevious

Explanation of Technology
The data would be collected as passes are bought and stored on the passes, which would need to be swiped as the guest enters the cars

images would be in 3D using next gen technology which does
which does not require glasses

the "dream" selected by he guest would be projected onto screens, with the guest having their own face inserted into the image using cameras mounted on the cars, which would record the guests face in real time and match this to the selected image using wireless data transfer

Music would be personally selected by the guest and piped into their own headrest so others could not hear, similar to the system in Hollywood Rip Ride and Rockit.

Vehicle Description

Sketch: The drawing is a side, cut-away view to show the staggered seating. When the doors are shut, there wouldn't be any open space to the right of the car.


- Each row would be staggered so that the back rows can easily see over the riders in front of them.
- The vehicles would have lap bars due to the sudden 360 movements (#1 in the sketch)
- Located in the head rest of each rider are speakers that will play on vehicle music, which is selected by the rider (#2)
- The ride cab can turn 360 degrees as it moves through the ride. To accomplish this the cab is seated on top of tank style tread. (#3)
- The ride vehicles will be either solid red or solid purple.
- The vehicles seat 4 across in all three rows.

Track Layout

Ride Thru-Description
Sound Lab: Guests are ushered into the Sound Lab of the Imagination Institute. You are in complete darkness, and loud noises are being heard. (Everytime there is a loud noise, your car does a 360.) Suddenly, a beam of light is searching through the room:
Figment: "Micheal! I can't find him!"
Micheal: "Figment, follow the noises!"
A beam of light then reveals a Dark Figment AA.
Dark Figment: "Hahahahahaha!"
Dark Figment makes one last booming noise, and then flees. The lights in the Sound Lab come back on, to reveal that everything has been somewhat destroyed. The car spins a few times as it moves into the next scene.

Sight Lab: Unlike the previous scene, the lights in this scene are on. Equipment is destroyed and turned over, the work of Dark Figment. His laughter is heard throughout the room.
Micheal: "Everyone keep a sharp, hunter's eye.... He's around he somewhere.
The guests notice that Dark Figment is flying around them, in 3D. Every time he goes past the vehicle, it spins and shakes.
Figment: Look, there he is! Get him!
Figment proceeds to chase Dark Figment around the room in a 3D spectacle.
Micheal Baxter: Don't worry. Knowing Figment, he'll get him,
Figment: Gotcha!
Dark Figment: Hahahahaha!
Dark Figment disappears into a cloud of smoke.
Micheal: Quick! I think he teleported into the Smell Lab!

Smell Lab
The cars quickly proceed into the Smell lab. As they enter it, various smells begin to come together. Dark Figment has knocked out the lights in this room.
Michael: Great. It's dark again.
Figment: I'll find him.
Figment searches the room using his flashlight, to find Dark Figment atop the Smell Tank.
Michael: There he is! Wait, what is he doing?
Figment: Uh-oh.
Dark Figment rams his horns into the tank, puncturing it, sending a blast of air at the riders, as well as sending a disgusting smell into the air.
Figment: PU!
Micheal: Yuck! We need to get out of here, before someone upchucks.
The car continues into the next scene, where the door to the Taste/Touch Lab has been opened. A wooden sign hangs over the door, it reads: DARK FIGMENT'S IMAGINATION.
Figment: You think he's in there, Micheal?\
Micheal: Can't be too sure. But we better check it out.

Dark Figment's Imagination
The car moves into the next scene. Various creepy pieces of scenery are everywhere. Monsters and ghosts come out at the riders in 3D. Dark Figment can be seen shwooshing around the scenery, laughing while he does it.
Figment: Dark Figment's Imagination is really scary!
Micheal: You're right Figment. It's really creepy. It's scaring me and our guests. Do you think maybe you can change it?
Figment: Maybe. But I'l' need everyone's help. Everybody Imagine something happy!
A huge burst of light and air reveals all new scenery, it's now Figment's Imagination. The riders travel through a montage of Imagination Pavillion's past, with scenes from the Original Attraction, with Dreamfinder being replaced by a bearded Figment on the DreamMobile, dancing, Michael JAckson-esque Figments, and there's someone's familiar face it that moon. Suddenly:
Dark Figment: Eeeeeeeek! I can't take this!
Michael Baxter: Good Work, Figment!
Figment: Thanks, Michael! Let's go get him!
Dark Figment zips out of the room. The riders then leave the Imagination Area into a new scene:

Dark Figment's Lair
Figment: Hey! This used to be my house!
Micheal: It looks like he turned it into his secret lair.
The riders pass through Dark Figment's Lair, which just happens to be upside-down. The riders then see Dark Figment sitting in his throne.
Figment: There he is! Come down from there!
The room shifts to everything being on ground level.
Dark Figment: Fools! You've meddled with my Imagination for the last time!
Dark Figment shoots a burst of light and air at the car, making it spin.
Michael: Dark Figment! Surrender now or we'll capture you.
Dark Figment: Never!
Another burst of light and air at the car.
Figment: Come on Dark Me, Don't you get it? Imagination isn't just dark and scary, it can be happy and nice too!
Dark Figment: Lies! This world has no use for such a pathetic thing as IMAGINATION!
Figment: Are you kidding? Where would we be without Imagination? Both of us wouldn't even be here!
Dark Figment: I refuse to listen to this any longer. Imagination is a complete waste of time.
Micheal: Figment...
Figment: Gotcha, Michael. Dark Figment, I don't know what you're talking about! Imagination is a BLAST!
HUGE burst of air and light, as the car moves into the finale.

The car moves into the finale, where everyone's dream is projected onto the walls. One Little Spark is playing, and then Micheal Baxter and Figment appear.
Michael: Thank all of you very much. We've successfully captured Dark Figment and the Institute is now in the process of being repaired.
Figment: Yeah, Thanks! Now, we can go play in The What if Labs!
Michael: Great Idea, Figment. And everyone just remember, Imagination is a powerful resource that has shaped this world. Just look at these guys:
A quick slideshow showing figures such as Jules Verne, Walt Disney, and Leonardo daVinci are shown.
Michael: I'll see you later.
One Little Spark begins playing again, and the cars move into the unload station. Dark Figment is seen at the very end, caged up.
Dark Figment: Curse you!\
The ride pulls into the unload, and the riders exit into the Imageworks, What if Labs.

Imageworks Exhibits
The Rainbow Corridor- Tunnel of Multi-colored lights set to music

Figment's School of Drama- Insert yourself into movies using greenscreen

Micheal Baxter's Comedy Cavalcade- Family-friendly comedic performances and open mic

Create your Own Superhero!- With the help of MArvel Superheroes, create your own superhero and then fight villains.

ImagiTunes- Create your own CD with bits from the type of music you choose

Figment's Coloring Book- Color pictures of Figment using paintbrush guns, and then print it out.

Imagination Philharmonic: Conduct an all-Figment orchestra using a magic wand.

Imagination Institute Hall Of Fame: Small museum area featuring famous inventors, fictional and real, and various other dreamers.


Active Member
For what it's worth, I don't think anyone but figmental had any say on the bottom 2. If you hadn't posted, I would have had no idea who either person was.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't feel bad about this one, I think you guys did a great job. Personally, I like our direction better because I'm a traditionalist, but if your ride were to be done, I think it would be awesome in an entirely different way. Great job Rangers!

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