Chef Mickeys question??


Original Poster
On our upcoming trip we are planning on eating at a number of Disney Hotel and Park restuarants for the first time. I am getting nervous about needing to make ADR's as I keep reading on here and on allears that it is getting difficult to book make ADR's due to the dining plan. We are now at decision making stage then will we call up and book the ones we really, really want to eat at and then leave the rest until we arrive.

After all that rambling (!), I am after opinions on Chef Mickey's for two 30 something adults with no children. I would really like to go for the character aspect (only ever been to Cinderellas Castle before) and boyfriend is not bothered either way. I am worried about the quality of the food, the noise level and if we are going to appear to be a bit odd going to a character breakfast as adults with no kids:confused:



New Member
Adults at character restaurants are not odd. You can leave at your hotel room any reserved Britishness you may fly over with and just enjoy yourselves.

I've never been to Chef Mickey's as I'm not a fan of kids tearing around being a noisy nuisance. I know to some it's cute, but I'm and evil Englishman, so what can I say ;) I'm sure others will be able to give you a better idea of the sort of noise level rather than my obviously biased one based on never having been there.

I have eaten next door to Chef Mickey's at the steak place and really enjoyed that.


Well-Known Member
On our honeymoon we ate a numerous character meals and never felt out of place. Chef Mickey's is great. The food is rather good and I don't remember it being noisy. I prefer the breakfast.


Well-Known Member
We had an early breakfast with 3 little girls, it wasn't crowded the food was delicious and the noise level at the time of the morning was pretty much nothing. I wouldn't let the fact that you have no kids keep you from giving it a try.

Tara Stone

New Member
Chef Mickey's is good. Stay away from the character breakfast at 1900 Park Fare at the Grand's very noisy. They also seem to stuff more people into the resturant than reasonable...Chef Mickey's seems less congested though that may be because of the openess of the resturant itself. I think the ADR will die down as soon as the "free dining" promo ends...I think that it's over soon!
Have a great time:wave:


Le Meh
Premium Member
Chef Mickeys has a great buffett. Carved meats, fish, shrimp, and a variety of veggies. The desert bar is very good too.

My wife and I are going in January and have ADRs for Chef Mickeys. No kids going with us, but we will have a great time. It also gives you a chance to hang out at the Contemporary, which has a great atmosphere as well as an outstanding gift shop.


New Member
Chief at Chief Mickey's

The Chief at Chief Mickey's is excellent. I've never seen a better buffet spread, well the Crystal Palace may be a bit better but I think they are real close. As far as noise goes, yes, a lot of children will be there. However, the openness of the Contemporary Hotel atrium deadens the sound, and in my opinion it is the least noisy of all the Character Breakfasts.

As far as being Adults at an affair geared towards children is concerned. At Disney everybody is a child. Disney is the one place you can find that child within. Not the troublesome teenage years, the innocent years where world events didn’t matter, you had no clue what the value of money was, and didn’t really care if you had money or not. It takes you to a place where you are with the one(s) you love and that’s all that matters.

So I say YES. Go to Chief Mickey’s. Swing your napkin high above your head and party like a child. Let go of that boring adulthood stigma that somehow pulled us from fantasy into reality. Go back to living in a fantasy. That’s what Disney is all about. Find that place early in your vacation; don’t worry about what anybody else thinks. Because a child wouldn’t care about that and neither should you. Let your hair down and have some fun. The sooner you let go of reality the longer the real vacation will last.

Last one to Jungle Cruise is a rotten egg………..See Ya!:wave:


Well-Known Member
Hey Tara Stone,
Can you give me some info on 1900 Park Fair? I made dinner reservations for a group of 12. none of us have been there before...any advice? Thanks


New Member
Wow.....What dthieme said!!!!!!!!!!!

That is so inspirational to my Disney-ness, that I'm gonna print it our and put it over my desk!!! You just don't have to be an adult at Disney. Let it go!

BYW, We love Chef Mickey's. We've been 3 times (4th time in April 07) and it's always in the top 5 of my family (I give them 15 DW restaurants and let them number them to see where we MUST eat.) MY 16YO takes the same photo in the same spot each trip with her napkin (Napkins are VERY important at CM). We ride the monorail loop, shop at the gift shop (it is good) and eat. We're staying at POFQ.


New Member
Hubby and I (no kids) enjoyed breakfast with Pooh & Friends at Crystal Palace back in January and we are planning breakfast at Chef Mickey's for our trip in December 2007.

We really enjoyed it. We did get one of the later ADR times so the crowd was thinning as we were eating which really helped. It wasn't nearly as noisy as it could have been.

But as others have said, Disney is all about being a kid, regardless of your age. Have fun!!


Active Member
I agree Chef Mickey's is a fun spot, good food.

As for adults at character meals, in 2000 we had a Pooh breakfast at Olivias at OKW when there were characters there. 10 adults, no children. Once you get over making the ADR's for adults, you'll find that there are plenty of tables with no kids.

Tara Stone

New Member
Hey Tara Stone,
Can you give me some info on 1900 Park Fair? I made dinner reservations for a group of 12. none of us have been there before...any advice? Thanks

Hi there!!
Dinner seems to be less congested than breakfast and with a party of twelve you'll get a nice size table anyway. The buffet itself is wonderful..if they don't have it you don't need it. Nice selection for children too! The later the reservation the better sometimes helps with it not being too crowded..what time of the year are you going?
Chef Mickey's???

Well, I've got to tell you...I'm still a big kid...just ask my family. Chef Mickey's is great. At 46 years old, I would be happy eating there alone if I had to. With my family enjoying WDW as much as I do, that would never happen.:slurp:


New Member
Chef Mickey's

On our upcoming trip we are planning on eating at a number of Disney Hotel and Park restuarants for the first time. I am getting nervous about needing to make ADR's as I keep reading on here and on allears that it is getting difficult to book make ADR's due to the dining plan. We are now at decision making stage then will we call up and book the ones we really, really want to eat at and then leave the rest until we arrive.

After all that rambling (!), I am after opinions on Chef Mickey's for two 30 something adults with no children. I would really like to go for the character aspect (only ever been to Cinderellas Castle before) and boyfriend is not bothered either way. I am worried about the quality of the food, the noise level and if we are going to appear to be a bit odd going to a character breakfast as adults with no kids:confused:

Chef Mickey's is one of the most popular restaurants at Disney. They serve both breakfast and dinner buffets. There is everything you could possibly want to eat. ADR is an absolute, restaurant will be sold out if you wait till you arrive.


Well-Known Member
I've been many times by myself and with other friends. I see other adults there all the time....I would go.


Well-Known Member
On our first trip to the World, DD was 3. We did Chef Mickey's. Now it's become a tradition. She's 17 now, my hair's getting grayer every day, and one of the first reservations made for our upcoming trip was - you guessed it - Chef Mickey's. Everyone's a kid at Disney.:)


New Member
We did have a great time at our character meals when it was just us on our honeymoon. This time around, for our anniv, we are doing a few. One of them is Chef Mickey's which i heard great things about. We are big breakfast people and its fun to boot! Also for us its a plus for not having to search out the characters in the parks and we can spend more time on rides!!!


Well-Known Member
I have only been with a child but would have no issue going without. I don't find it to be at all noisy as was Barnum's concern as the characters come to you, not a lot of kids running around.

The food is ok but not spectacular. If you want a good meal with character try Ekersus in Norway. Excellent food. The characters are princesses though, so I am not sure if that is what you are looking for.

On our upcoming trip we are planning on eating at a number of Disney Hotel and Park restuarants for the first time. I am getting nervous about needing to make ADR's as I keep reading on here and on allears that it is getting difficult to book make ADR's due to the dining plan. We are now at decision making stage then will we call up and book the ones we really, really want to eat at and then leave the rest until we arrive.

After all that rambling (!), I am after opinions on Chef Mickey's for two 30 something adults with no children. I would really like to go for the character aspect (only ever been to Cinderellas Castle before) and boyfriend is not bothered either way. I am worried about the quality of the food, the noise level and if we are going to appear to be a bit odd going to a character breakfast as adults with no kids:confused:


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