Check Your Disney Reward Points!!


Well-Known Member
My wife and I are going to WDW in May.
We decided to check our Visa Disney Reward points.
We have been keeping track and knew we had 200 Points.
For those of you who aren't familiar with this program, that means we get $200 worth of food, gifts etc on our trip.

When we checked online to verify our points our account said we had ZERO points..yes ...O..none!

We called Visa and they told us there was nothing they could do so we demanded an answer and was put on hold for half an hour.

To make a long story short, the Visa people had a computer glitch and all our points were accidently erased from the records.

They finally admitted the mistake, and gave us all the points back that we had accumulated.

So my advise to anyone going to Disney World and planning on using their Disney Visa Card reward points is this:

Make sure you check your Disney VISA account BEFORE you leave for vacation.
Disney has nothing to do with these points, it's an arrangement made between Disney and the Visa people, so there' s not much that can be done once you get to the parks if there is an error.


New Member
Also check your account to see if you have been getting the double points for everything you buy and spend over $1,000 per month. I checked my account last night and noticed that I hadn't been getting the extras. I called the company and they admitted thier mistake had been for several months and are going back to check the records & I am supposed to see the extra points next month. Which be great because we're heading down in mid-May.
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Active Member
As with all credit cards, watch yours closely. My brother cancelled his Disney card in January when he received his bill and found that someone had bought $5,000.00 worth of Japanese yen on his card. He has never been to Japan and has never bought yen himself. It is now March and BankOne has still not gotten his account straightened out. This computer glitch some of you have mentioned above may have something to do with them taking so long to get my brother's mess straightened out. He even got a bill from BankOne for the interest on not paying off his balance of the yen purchase. It was admitted by them to be a mistake and taken off his account. The real kicker in the story is that BankOne did not call him to see if these were valid charges. There were four purchases totalling the $5,000.00 over a 3 day period. He didn't know about the yen until he received his January statement. He has talked to the customer service department, the fraud department, and now the supervisor and manager of the fraud department. They said they want his business back but he won't do that until they get his problem fixed. It's a shame too because he just booked our June California trip and our July WDW world trip on a different card and won't get the reward points he would have gotten if BankOne handled the problem correctly in January when he first called.

Sorry off topic. Like I said in the first line, watch your card closely. It doesn't seem like BankOne is.
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New Member
FBullock said:
Also check your account to see if you have been getting the double points for everything you buy and spend over $1,000 per month.

What is this about the double points? We booked our upcoming land/sea package and put almost all monthly expenses for the past couple of months on our card, but only saw points of 1%. Those double points would sure come in handy next month! :animwink:
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Well-Known Member
Our spend over and get double amount is higher, but we have not gotten our points in the past 3 months again (once again home imporments.) We need to call on that.

I belive hubby was looking at the bill yesterday and he said they are changing over to CASE bank now.
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New Member
Double points on everything ove $1,000 has been going on for a while. If you don't think your getting, just call them & they'll check into while your on the line. That's what they did with me. They told to expect to see the additional points next billing cycle.

As for redeeming points. If you have to call an order a Disney Rewards Card. Looks like a Credit card but it contains your points. Takes a few weeks to get it, so if you don't have it, I'd call soon.

Once you have your card and call & activate it, you can add points over the phone or on line almost instanously. I was WDW in October & thought I had added points to my card. When I used it the first time, I didn't have what I thought I should have. I called the company and by the next day when I used it again, the points were there.
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Well-Known Member
FBullock said:
Also check your account to see if you have been getting the double points for everything you buy and spend over $1,000 per month. I checked my account last night and noticed that I hadn't been getting the extras. I called the company and they admitted thier mistake had been for several months and are going back to check the records & I am supposed to see the extra points next month. Which be great because we're heading down in mid-May.

i made a similiar mistake

the extra point are only on certian things like groceries dry cleaning and ome other random items. they dont cover everything. i was very angry when i found this out.
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Well-Known Member
wow someone dropped the ball on that yen purchase. When I used my card at the disney store in late may of '04 to purchase 12 AP's. I don't know if it was the disneystores policy or bankone but either way, they had to run the purchases as two seperate purchases, then when I got home they called the house to verify the purchases, then they mailed me a letter and we had to call them from our home phone only to verify the purchase. Which I couldn't do immediately because we were at WDW for two weeks. so they put a freeze on the card.
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Active Member
How do the rewards work for vacation packages? Do you simply request a rewards card then use that card to pay for the trip or do you have to apply your points at the time of booking?
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New Member
re:Double points on purchases over $1,000

Is the double points on purchases over $1,000 a general promotion, or is it one of their targeted promotions? I haven't seen anything about this. I know that in the past I have received a similar offer on a postcard, but I believe that it was based on my spending habits. I remember at the time seeing other people on the boards who had the same offer, but the $ amount that you had to exceed varied.

Thanks for any clarification anyone can offer!
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Does anyone else think this whole Disney Visa Reward Points system is a pain in the Patootie?

When this first started, all you had to do was call Visa and they would send you Gold Disney Dreams Award Certificates.

Now it seems like you have to really be on your toes and you practically have to jump through hoops to get and maintain your points.

It's a good thing I have a wife that has a lot of Patience.
I'd be a wreck if I had to keep track of all this nonsense.

I doubt I would keep this card at all if it weren't for the fact that I redecorated my home this year and bought all new appliances for my kitchen.
It got me lots of Disney Points. :sohappy:
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