Character Survey


New Member
hmmm.. Favoritewould hafta be donald and daisy, I love those ducks, Scariest is the evil queen without a doubt, ugliest would be prince john, and most attractive is hercules... yum!:p


New Member
Favorite character to see: Chip and Dale
Scariest character: Forte (from BatB Enchanted Christmas)
Ugliest character: Liver Lips
Most attractive character: Belle


Active Member
Favorite character to see: Pluto (Always my favorite)
Scariest character: Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum (They creep me out)
Ugliest character: Any character that has a human face
Most attractive character: Mrs. Incredible
Favorite character to see: Donald Duck :sohappy:
Scariest character: Frollo
Ugliest character: Big Bad Wolf :hurl:
Most attractive character: The Princesses, especially Cinderella and Belle


New Member
Favorite character to see: Chip n' Dale and Pluto (They're always happy!!)
Scariest character: The Snow White Witch :lookaroun
Ugliest character: Stitch....(soo big) :eek:
Most attractive character: A beautiful blonde guy that used to work at the Norway Pavillion in Epcot Center (in the end of the attraction).. I got u on video...youre just sttuning!! :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer:


New Member
Favorite character to see: Pluto
Scariest character: Cruela
Ugliest character: One of the Country Bears - don't know his name
Most attractive character: Captain Jack Sparrow


Active Member
Favorite character to see: The country bears, moshed with the huge fat grey one \m/:)\m/ and tangoed/country danced with the other :p

Scariest character: Im too metal to be scared of a dude in a jumpsuit! (ok ok the orange fox thing who ran off with my bag :O the SWINE!)

Ugliest character: Lilo looks bug eyed and freaky :s

Most attractive character: HMMMMMM...... i like the actual cm ladies dressed as like the princesses ;) but i do have to say that stitch is awesome!


New Member
Favorite character to see: Mickey
Scariest character: gotta think the Ursula at the VOLM at MGM
Ugliest character: Twiddle Dee / Twiddle Dum
Most attractive character: oh.. hands down.. Ariel at the Grotto... love those sea shells.


Well-Known Member
Favorite character to see: Mickey
Scariest character: gotta think the Ursula at the VOLM at MGM
Ugliest character: Twiddle Dee / Twiddle Dum
Most attractive character: oh.. hands down.. Ariel at the Grotto... love those sea shells.
Wow, IMHO, the Ursula at VotLM is probally the worst Ursula costume I've ever seen. I much prefer Spectro's or even more scary, Golden Mickeys' version of Ursula.

I really like to see Mickey
Ugliest (worst)-Ursula at VotLM :lol:
Most attractive-Ariel or perhaps Belle, ahh too many princesses!


New Member
Favorite character to see: Mickey

Scariest character: Maleficent

Ugliest character: Queen of Hearts

Most attractive character: Tarzan from Tarzan Rocks. I'll be his Jane ANYDAY! ('Course I haven't been there for a Captian Jack Sparrow sighting yet. That might actually make me swoon! :D )


New Member
Let's have some fun here.

Fill it out...
Favorite character to see: Mickey or Eeyore
Scariest character: Ursela
Ugliest character: Queen of Hearts
Most attractive character: Aurora

Favorite character to see:
Scariest character:
Ugliest character:
Most attractive character:

I luv WDW

Character poll

Favorite character to see: Mickey
Scariest character: Maleficent
Ugliest character: Queen of Hearts
Most attractive character: Belle

Next WDW trip: Nov. 23, 2006 Port Orleans French Quarter:xmas:


Active Member
Favorite character to see: I was going to go with Stitch, since he's my favorite - but I just remembered how much of an idiot I act like when I see Donald. It's like I regress 20 years. :)
Scariest character: For me the scariest character is that clown thing JoJo at Disney Studios. I'm terrified of clowns, and the fact that this is some crazy redheaded giant creepy clown doesn't make things any better.
Ugliest character: Easy one - the Evil Queen in her crone form.
Most attractive character: No brainer for me - Jasmine. I cannot get over how beautiful the girl is they get to play her.


New Member
These are DH's....

Favorite character to see: Mickey
Scariest character: Jafar
Ugliest character: Tweedles Dee & Dum
Most attractive character: Belle (he says, except at Disney World, because last time she looked like a spinster in serious need of a nose job... he says the princesses at WDW are hit or miss... for instance, last year, our Princess Aurora also had a big schnoz...and on top of she had a HUGE pimple).


New Member
Favorite character to see: Pluto
Scariest character: Jafar (he's the best interacting villan I've seen)
Ugliest character: Queen of Hearts, country bears, The Evil Queen as a witch
Most attractive character: Mickey :animwink: :D


New Member
Favorite character to see: Minnie
Scariest character: Jafar and Captain Hook

Ugliest character: Bad Wolf, Goofy and the twins from Alice in WOnderland
Most attractive character: Jack Sparrow, Tarzan


Fill it out...
Favorite character to see: Stitch & Donald
Scariest character: Those things with the light up faces at the beginning of Spectromagic (does anyone know exactly WHAT those things are?)
Ugliest character: Cruella Deville.. She reminds me of Courtney Love
Most attractive character:
Hmm... BEAST! I do love beast... Hes such a sweet guy.. reminds me of my DH.. kind of big & unsure but VERY sweet. As far as the female side of attractive... I met one Mary Poppins who was VERY pretty. Pretty face & eyes. I thought she was a great choice. However, the princesses I've met... they're not really strikingly beautiful to me.. not like a Disney Princess should be anyhow. There's always been something just a little off whether it be a slightly larger nose or whatever the case may be. From what I can tell face-wise.. DeVine looked like she might have been very pretty once you got all the paint scrubbed off her.

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