Hey everyone! So I just recently attended a Character Performer/Parade Performer audition on April 12 in Philadelphia where I was able to make it all the way to the end. The casting director told us we would hear something anywhere from 1 week - 6 months after our audition. It's already been 10 days and I'm already freaking out over the wait! haha, I find myself constantly refreshing my email to see if anything comes in. Does anyone know how long it takes or how long on average is usually takes for someone to hear back from an audition? I know that there are have been some who hear back in 1.5 weeks and some that took the whole 6 months to hear back, but I want to know if any of you have experienced this or know of anyone who got a response and how long it took either you or that other person to hear something back? Thanks in advance!!!!