Character dining questions


Well-Known Member
"Also it says this on my reservation "Chef Mickey's Fun Time Buffet Dinner at Chef Mickey's" so is the buffet menu different to the dinner menu found online?"

It's buffet dining. The menu is what's on the buffet. He'll eat, go without, or wait for popcorn or something else later. There will be something he can force himself to consume I'm sure, he might surprise you. You choose based on availability, characters, not menu or the boys' preferences. Don't waste anymore time worrying about them liking the food, it was immaterial.

You can drive and park there. Tell the guard you have a reservation, they might be asking for proof now, I'm murky on that because of recent changes.


Well-Known Member
You've all convinced me Chef Mickey's is the way to go, so i've reserved a table there for dinner on 16th August, it's expensive but i've said i'd pay for dinner that night just because I think the experience is worth it (breakfast would have been better but all days we are there reservations are fully booked out) plus it says cancellations can be upto 24 hours before if we change our minds so that's something.

Only thing is, how easy is it to get there? We have rented a car for the duration as we are staying off-site, can we drive over? or do we have to go via a park?

Also it says this on my reservation "Chef Mickey's Fun Time Buffet Dinner at Chef Mickey's" so is the buffet menu different to the dinner menu found online? or is that it? Not sure oldest child (who is classed as an adult) would eat anything from the normal menu which could be an issue.
Dinner is a buffet, so they will have things like pizza, mac n cheese, pasta, chicken fingers, tater tots, etc. I'm sure there will be at least one item your kid will eat.

You will be able to drive your car right to the Contemporary Resort and self park for free; just let the guard know you have a dinner reservation. They will ask you for a picture ID, but that's about it. Once you get to the resort, you'll take an elevator up a couple floors to Chef Mickey's, check in with the host/hostess and they will give you a pager. You'll hang around the "lobby" of the restaurant, get your picture taken with a Mickey statue and wait until your pager goes off.


Original Poster
I'll print off proof of reservation to be on the safe side, good to know we can drive and park there.
It's just a lot ($44 dollars) if he doesn't eat anything i know the youngest will eat pizza and chicken nuggets from the kids menu for his $21 which makes it worth the price but to pay $240 for 5 of us is alot if one won't eat and we have to get him McDonalds on the way back

Dinner is a buffet, so they will have things like pizza, mac n cheese, pasta, chicken fingers, tater tots, etc. I'm sure there will be at least one item your kid will eat.

You will be able to drive your car right to the Contemporary Resort and self park for free; just let the guard know you have a dinner reservation. They will ask you for a picture ID, but that's about it. Once you get to the resort, you'll take an elevator up a couple floors to Chef Mickey's, check in with the host/hostess and they will give you a pager. You'll hang around the "lobby" of the restaurant, get your picture taken with a Mickey statue and wait until your pager goes off.

This is most helpful thank you for that I believe the 2 drivers of the party have to have their licences with them so we should have photo ID without having to remember to take passports out with us which is always a bonus


Well-Known Member
I'll print off proof of reservation to be on the safe side, good to know we can drive and park there.
It's just a lot ($44 dollars) if he doesn't eat anything i know the youngest will eat pizza and chicken nuggets from the kids menu for his $21 which makes it worth the price but to pay $240 for 5 of us is alot if one won't eat and we have to get him McDonalds on the way back

This is most helpful thank you for that
I guarantee you there will be something there that he will eat. Now will it be $44 worth? Probably not...but with these meals you're not exactly paying for the're paying for the whole experience of having all you can eat and the convenience of having multiple characters come to you.

Heck they have a great dessert bar so worst case is he fills up on cookies and ice cream lol.


Original Poster
I guarantee you there will be something there that he will eat. Now will it be $44 worth? Probably not...but with these meals you're not exactly paying for the're paying for the whole experience of having all you can eat and the convenience of having multiple characters come to you.

Heck they have a great dessert bar so worst case is he fills up on cookies and ice cream lol.

Yes I can guarantee both will find something on the desert bar to fill their boots with so yes thank you at least that will avoid the need to stop at McDonalds or something, although we won't be telling either of them before hand that that's an option (to just claim they won't eat anything and opt for desert instead, it is probably a last resort kind of option if they really can't find anything) I think from opinions in this thread the experience of Disney Character Dining is a must at least once in our lives and yes I do think the price is worth it for a unique experience, just don't want anyone (children included) to not enjoy the experience all because they can't find food they like.


Well-Known Member
"from opinions in this thread the experience of Disney Character Dining is a must at least once in our lives"

Uh, not really. Many in Disney forums toss around superlatives like candy at Mardi Gras.

Keep your expectations reasonable and you won't be disappointed.
The characters visit each table, let you take a few pictures, sign a book if you have one, and move along. It's a bit of fun, much less hectic than the usual way, but hardly worth breaking the bank over.


Well-Known Member
Only thing is, how easy is it to get there? We have rented a car for the duration as we are staying off-site, can we drive over? or do we have to go via a park?

You can park at the Contemporary. Tell the guard you have dining reservations. They should be able to check you against a list and let you in. You are only supposed to park at the resort for 3 hours, so you would need to move your car once you finish eating. If you are going to be at a park that day, it may be easiest to take transportation from the park to the hotel instead of moving your car if you plan on returning the park. If you are at MK you can walk over from the entrance, it will actually be closer than going to your car.


Well-Known Member
At these buffets there is generally much more available when you get there than is specifically mentioned on the menu. I am sure the boys will find food they enjoy unless they are purposely being a pain and trying to be difficult! They have some of the typical kid friendly options and a lot of family classic type items like mashed potatoes, carved turkey etc. My boys the ages you are working with absolutely LOVE any sort of buffet. They can get whatever they want and if they find they don't totally like it they don't have to eat it they can just get something else. THey are large eaters so they can eat as much as they want. You need to realize that a buffet certainly won't go down in memory as the most luxurious culinarily amazing experience you ever had as far as food goes but we found every buffet was good food definitely not gross or tasteless but good. Going in with that attitude you won't be disappointed in the food quality.

The chaos feeling is often welcome by children. Many chidren don't like the stuffy, quiet, sit and be still sort of feeling that comes with restaurants. No one will even notice at a character dining if they spill a drink or laugh too loud or jump up out of their seat unnecessarily. For me, although I also have many small children and babies, I found those chaotic places the most relaxing! I didn't have to worry about my kids doing anything that would draw attention our direction!

We like seeing and getting pictures with all the characters in their various fun outfits. We still meet the characters in park because they will have on the standard attire but at meals you can see them in other things.

The interaction with characters can be fun even if the children aren't particularly big fans of the character. The characters often seem to really look for moments or opportunities to have fun with situations. My teenage son who was in a "I don't care for disney and will spend my time looking like I am waiting for a dentist appointment" mode last year had a hilarious interaction with piglet. Even he had to laugh. Piglet noticed his glum expression and was trying to cheer him up. At one point he was sitting at one end of the table pretty much alone as everyone was getting food. Piglet was not wanting him to be alone so he pulled out a chair and sat with him a while.


Well-Known Member
Just so you're not confused, go to the MK parking lot gates, stay over to your right, and tell them that you're going to the Contemporary. They'll let you though without having to pay for MK parking.


Original Poster
At these buffets there is generally much more available when you get there than is specifically mentioned on the menu. I am sure the boys will find food they enjoy unless they are purposely being a pain and trying to be difficult! They have some of the typical kid friendly options and a lot of family classic type items like mashed potatoes, carved turkey etc. My boys the ages you are working with absolutely LOVE any sort of buffet. They can get whatever they want and if they find they don't totally like it they don't have to eat it they can just get something else. THey are large eaters so they can eat as much as they want. You need to realize that a buffet certainly won't go down in memory as the most luxurious culinarily amazing experience you ever had as far as food goes but we found every buffet was good food definitely not gross or tasteless but good. Going in with that attitude you won't be disappointed in the food quality.

The chaos feeling is often welcome by children. Many chidren don't like the stuffy, quiet, sit and be still sort of feeling that comes with restaurants. No one will even notice at a character dining if they spill a drink or laugh too loud or jump up out of their seat unnecessarily. For me, although I also have many small children and babies, I found those chaotic places the most relaxing! I didn't have to worry about my kids doing anything that would draw attention our direction!

We like seeing and getting pictures with all the characters in their various fun outfits. We still meet the characters in park because they will have on the standard attire but at meals you can see them in other things.

The interaction with characters can be fun even if the children aren't particularly big fans of the character. The characters often seem to really look for moments or opportunities to have fun with situations. My teenage son who was in a "I don't care for disney and will spend my time looking like I am waiting for a dentist appointment" mode last year had a hilarious interaction with piglet. Even he had to laugh. Piglet noticed his glum expression and was trying to cheer him up. At one point he was sitting at one end of the table pretty much alone as everyone was getting food. Piglet was not wanting him to be alone so he pulled out a chair and sat with him a while.

Thank you for sharing your experience with these dining sessions, it was very sweet of Piglet to include your teenager in the fun and sit with him while he was alone at the table. Where the boys are just nephews of my mum's partner what they like (food and disney wise) and what to expect with them on this trip i am very unsure of.

I myself was brought up to try new foods with the agreement that as long as I tried liking foods did not matter and anything I didn't enjoy could be left as long as I at least gave things a go and I still live by this at 27, these kids have been taught very differently to this and have only ever tried the very basics of food so no one knows where we can take them, what they will enjoy and how likely they are to try new foods.

It's not just foods either, i'm unsure how much they will enjoy Disney too they have always preferred being on their games consoles than going out and as it is the youngest has already asked if he can take his xbox (that was a firm NO lol) I am more sure they will find lots to love at Universal but less sure about Disney, however I am hopeful they will enjoy it more than I imagine they will, hearing that your own children of similar ages have enjoyed Disney adds to that hopefulness so I thank you for that.

Just so you're not confused, go to the MK parking lot gates, stay over to your right, and tell them that you're going to the Contemporary. They'll let you though without having to pay for MK parking.

Thank you, very helpful information I will make note of this in my research.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for sharing your experience with these dining sessions, it was very sweet of Piglet to include your teenager in the fun and sit with him while he was alone at the table. Where the boys are just nephews of my mum's partner what they like (food and disney wise) and what to expect with them on this trip i am very unsure of.

I myself was brought up to try new foods with the agreement that as long as I tried liking foods did not matter and anything I didn't enjoy could be left as long as I at least gave things a go and I still live by this at 27, these kids have been taught very differently to this and have only ever tried the very basics of food so no one knows where we can take them, what they will enjoy and how likely they are to try new foods.

It's not just foods either, i'm unsure how much they will enjoy Disney too they have always preferred being on their games consoles than going out and as it is the youngest has already asked if he can take his xbox (that was a firm NO lol) I am more sure they will find lots to love at Universal but less sure about Disney, however I am hopeful they will enjoy it more than I imagine they will, hearing that your own children of similar ages have enjoyed Disney adds to that hopefulness so I thank you for that.

Thank you, very helpful information I will make note of this in my research.
I can't imagine anyone not finding something they like at a buffet, so don't stress about it. Main thing, like others have said, remember that you are paying for the Experience. I see so many negative reviews about character meals and the cost of them- if I'm looking for a gourmet meal I don't expect Mickey Mouse to be there, and wouldn't book a character meal in the first place.

If you are still stressed about the food, then check out the Garden Grill menu. Not as many options- but very basic and good (bonus for not stressing about germs) probably something that your family may like. You really can't go wrong with any choice.


Original Poster
I can't imagine anyone not finding something they like at a buffet, so don't stress about it. Main thing, like others have said, remember that you are paying for the Experience. I see so many negative reviews about character meals and the cost of them- if I'm looking for a gourmet meal I don't expect Mickey Mouse to be there, and wouldn't book a character meal in the first place.

If you are still stressed about the food, then check out the Garden Grill menu. Not as many options- but very basic and good (bonus for not stressing about germs) probably something that your family may like. You really can't go wrong with any choice.

Will probably stick with Chef Mickey's just because of the characters available - something for everyone with that 5
Minnie Mouse for my mum
Donald for me, mum and the youngest child
Mickey mouse for me and the 2 kids
Pluto & Goofy are just a bonus

Mum's partner doesn't really do enthusiasm or excitement about anything so who knows who he will like if any...but the rest of us will love it, i'm slightly worried about the food but as people have said i'm sure they will find something, i'm not just worried about the food for this place i'm literally going through every menu of every restaurant in Florida/Orlando seeing if places do chicken nuggets at the very least as i know that is at least one thing they will both like, hoping we will find out exactly what foods they do like so I can put a few more places on the "safe to eat there" list lol


Well-Known Member
Will probably stick with Chef Mickey's just because of the characters available - something for everyone with that 5
Minnie Mouse for my mum
Donald for me, mum and the youngest child
Mickey mouse for me and the 2 kids
Pluto & Goofy are just a bonus

Mum's partner doesn't really do enthusiasm or excitement about anything so who knows who he will like if any...but the rest of us will love it, i'm slightly worried about the food but as people have said i'm sure they will find something, i'm not just worried about the food for this place i'm literally going through every menu of every restaurant in Florida/Orlando seeing if places do chicken nuggets at the very least as i know that is at least one thing they will both like, hoping we will find out exactly what foods they do like so I can put a few more places on the "safe to eat there" list lol
Oh don't worry. WDW is chicken nugget and hot dog heaven. It actually drove me nuts that so many kid's menus were so basic- even at my beloved Tangerine Cafe (don't even get me started on how ridiculous I think that is) :(.
My son is not even close to a big eater, but I order off the adult menu at several places just to avoid the token "kid food".


Original Poster
You'll be fine. Make them eat something other than chicken nuggets.
Time to grow up, boys!

There's food everywhere and they can eat or starve, it's called life.

Remember: it's YOUR trip too!

Oh don't worry. WDW is chicken nugget and hot dog heaven. It actually drove me nuts that so many kid's menus were so basic- even at my beloved Tangerine Cafe (don't even get me started on how ridiculous I think that is) :(.
My son is not even close to a big eater, but I order off the adult menu at several places just to avoid the token "kid food".

Thanks you are both a great help! Truly appreciated (and any other helpful posts through the thread)

This will likely be our only Disney dining experience this trip, but for the first trip ever we are planning on eating in some of the parks (never done that before other than snacks) but it's the off-site restaurants that are the bigger concern than anywhere Disney-fied it's not that these boys are not big eaters (they always say they are hungry) they just haven't had anything adventurous or been taught to try things just once and while most American places do seem to offer burgers, hotdogs and chicken as safe options we have found some quite out there (but oh so nice) places to eat that don't too (CrackerBarrel & Chuy's Mexican for example....the former does do burgers but not on kids menu and the burger are huge there)

I appreciate it's my trip too but I guess where my first time I was 23 and never got to experience it as a child I want to make sure everything is covered to make sure they have amazing memories of it and yes that includes food!


Well-Known Member
If they like breakfast stuff like pancakes, eggs, omlettes, waffles, head to an iHop. International house of pancakes. There are a couple around the main WDW area. They serve breakfast all day and have burgers, chicken, various sandwiches, etc for lunch and dinner hours. A lot of US "family" restaurants have very similar menus. Denny's is another national chain with full menu, breakfast all day and do on. steakhouses everywhere and they usually serve burgers, chicken, pasta, veg. too.

This area is tourist, family friendly. Almost every hotel with a restaurant (used to be called coffee shops when I was a kid) has the main "American" food groups: meat, fish, chicken, veg, soup, grilled sandwhiches. So don't forget about the hotel next door! You don't have to be a guest to dine in a hotels restaurants.

The area around WDW is loaded with casual family dining, be they independents, regional or national chains.


Original Poster
If they like breakfast stuff like pancakes, eggs, omlettes, waffles, head to an iHop. International house of pancakes. There are a couple around the main WDW area. They serve breakfast all day and have burgers, chicken, various sandwiches, etc for lunch and dinner hours. A lot of US "family" restaurants have very similar menus. Denny's is another national chain with full menu, breakfast all day and do on. steakhouses everywhere and they usually serve burgers, chicken, pasta, veg. too.

This area is tourist, family friendly. Almost every hotel with a restaurant (used to be called coffee shops when I was a kid) has the main "American" food groups: meat, fish, chicken, veg, soup, grilled sandwhiches. So don't forget about the hotel next door! You don't have to be a guest to dine in a hotels restaurants.

The area around WDW is loaded with casual family dining, be they independents, regional or national chains.

IHOP is on my list of must try this time, been to Denny's before but will be going back for breakfast. Another breakfast place to return to is sizzler.

Longhorn steakhouse & Miller's ale house are on my list to revisit. Also for revisiting is Hard Rock Cafe on a universal day.

Hoping to try Applebee's one night.
Hoping we can convince the boys to try Mexican food so we can return to Chuy's and at I push I'm sure we can get them to eat an adult burger at CrackerBarrel (I hope)

But there's so many other places I need to check out once I know exactly what food they like.


Well-Known Member
IHOP is on my list of must try this time, been to Denny's before but will be going back for breakfast. Another breakfast place to return to is sizzler.

Longhorn steakhouse & Miller's ale house are on my list to revisit. Also for revisiting is Hard Rock Cafe on a universal day.

Hoping to try Applebee's one night.
Hoping we can convince the boys to try Mexican food so we can return to Chuy's and at I push I'm sure we can get them to eat an adult burger at CrackerBarrel (I hope)

But there's so many other places I need to check out once I know exactly what food they like.

There are far better options for burgers than a Crackerbarrel.

Look for an existing thread, or post one asking "Where are the best REAL burgers in Orlando?" and you should get lots of beefy suggestions!

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