Character Breakfast?


New Member
Who has the best character breakfast? I've never been to one and would like to go when I visit in 22 Days!! I know some places have family style instead of buffet. I would prefer family style. Suggestions please.


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i definetly agree w/ u...i am a VERY VERY VERY entergetic person so i like chef mickey's...i have never been to ohana's but i hear it is very good


-not on subject but... i am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited right dad is picking up my date's boutineere for my jr/sr banquet and then i will do my make-up is done...i am SOOOOOOO excited...this is the day i have been dreaming of.
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Disneyanna0521

-not on subject but... i am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited right dad is picking up my date's boutineere for my jr/sr banquet and then i will do my make-up is done...i am SOOOOOOO excited...this is the day i have been dreaming of.

Disneyanna, you have a wonderful time tonight!!!! What part of Alabama are you in? I'm in Shelby County.
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New Member

We have done every character breakfast except for Chef Mickey's and O'Hanas (next month!!) and also Liberty Tree Tavern, which we hope to hit on our trip next year.

We have thoroughly enjoyed each of our character meals. We have three young boys & they have enjoyed each, also.

Our absolute favorite is Crystal Palace. We enjoyed the Princess Storybook Breakfast in Norway last year (we were even able to get in without PS's!) Don't be afraid to ask.

Each breakfast serves eggs, etc. slightly differently so no two meals are the same.

We weren't able to get PS's for Norway or Cindy's yet, but I am still calling daily to check for availability.

I'm sure that whatever you decide you will enjoy it. Just be sure to call for PS's ASAP. Be flexible with your dates if there is somewhere you would really like to eat, but there isn't an opening.
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We just returned and had one character breakfast at Donald's Breakfastasaurus and one at the Crystal Palace. Donald's was fun because the waiter/CMs were silly and played jokes on the kids. The characters also "work the room" fairly quickly, so there wasn't a huge wait for each one. The food selection was decent enough (family buffet style) that my son who is a very picky eater had plenty to eat. The Crystal Palace buffet was fabulous! Lots of variety, delicious food and even made-to-order omlettes! (It is also family buffet style.) The service was friendly and prompt, but the characters took forever to work the rooms because of the number of people. Perhaps because we were seated in the center of the room, where they appear last, we had to wait nearly an hour and still only saw three of the five characters. Still, I would highly reccomend it.
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Well-Known Member
Family Style Or Buffet?

I agree with lots of comments here... and I think a big part of it is which characters you (or your kids) want to see.

Just wondered why you'd prefer family style service to a buffet. For the prices you pay for these breakfasts, I prefer the buffet because I can simply get up and get what I want without waiting for the server to take my order.

The food is usually pretty good at the buffet breakfasts, so I indulge completely, skip lunch and have an early dinner somewhere.

It's easier to "pull up to the troft" at the buffet!

PS. 1900 Park Faire is my favorite!
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New Member
Congrats on Cindy's castle

Congrats on getting the reservations for Cindy's Table so easily...It took me six days of calling! We are going on June 5...I hope it is worth it!!!!
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New Member
Chef Mickey's is a zoo! Ohana is great!!! We are doing Liberty Tree because I heard it is a good one. Also highly recommended is Crystal Palace at lunch...Breakfastosaurus is ok- it can get a little crowded in a small area.
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I don't know about all of them, they used to have one with a show at ft. wilderness that was served family style, but I don't know. last time we ate at the cape may cafe. it wasn't that crowded, and the buffet was awesome, they had everything. and as always chip and dale are the best..
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I don't think you can go wrong at any Character breakfast from reading the posts, I just think it is making sure you get one that is more your style or seeing the characters that are most important to you. I doubt with two sons that I will ever be able to visit Cinderellas Royal Table! LOL!

How old are your sons? I have a young son too and he loved the Cinderella breakfast! Surprised the heck out of me! We had no intentions of going to Cindy's but as we were walking by, the CM's actually talked us into going b/c they were empty! (Believe it or Not!) He had a great time, especially b/c all the princesses were flirting with him and doting on him. He also spent a long time hanging out with Aladdin.
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We got Cindy's PS!


I tried to get PS's for Cindy's in March at 7am, but alas they were all booked. I have been calling very few days at various times throughout the day trying my luck and lo & behold we got in! Itr's for 8:15, too so we will be able to stroll down Main Street before the park opens! The only prob. is that the table is for 4 and we are a party of 5. How will the CM's react when we show up??

We also have three sons (10, 8 & 4) and they loved it last year! Unfortunately that day I had a touch of dehydration with trips to the bathroom throughout the night so I was unable to attend. I don't know if they are thrilled to get in again for themselves or just so Mom can enjoy it for the first time (hopefully!)

My 10 yr. old says, "It's cool!" So don't put off Cindy's or the Princess Storybook Breakfast in Norway if you don't have any girls.
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I think the time of year is key to when you want to do a character breakfast. People that just returned said Donald's in AK was good, but it was HORRIBLE during Christmas and the busiest time of the year. I'm sure it would be much better during a slower time.
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New Member
My favorite Character Breakfast was at Artist Point in Wilderness Lodge with Pocahontas and Meeko and everyone. I went with my whole family and my brother, who was 16 at the time, got a lot of attention from all of them. Meeko took his hat and sneezed in it and tried to offer to anyone in the restaurant who would take it and when nobody would he threw it across the room. He also had fun playing with his hair. Then John Smith came over and made him dig for gold in front of Radcliff. Meeko also was sitting on my chair with me and Radcliff thought it would be funny to see both of us fall. So, he lifted my chair up on one side and Meeko flew off and caught me before I fell too. I would have to say the best part was we were at a round table in the center of the room so everyone saw. That day my brother vowed to never go to another character breakfast again. A few days later we went to our second favorite, Chef Mickey. There my brother was also the center of attention with Chip n Dale. They also took his hat, wrapped a napkin around his face and put his hat back on so he couldn't see anything. I would never pass up on the chance to go to another character breakfast. They are an experience you will never forget!!!
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