Changing work location


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I'm in college program currently,I am doing Epcot quick-service food beverage, is it possible to change to another role such as attractions (HM or anything in MK)?? How about if I talk to the manager of the attractions could I transfer then maybe????? Or who could I talk to about any transfering???

Also, could I stay in quick-service food and beverage and change to another park such as the Magic kingdom???

Please help any kind of way!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
I too am in Quick Foods but at DAK. Im feeling kind of out of place being at DAK and want to transfer back to MK Stands East. My Trainer told me that they would be able to I just need to speak to the CP Coordinator of Training at DAK Cast Services. I also have a friend at Killamanjaro Safaris who said she was going to help me network with one of her managers to train me on Safaris...


It really depends on your managers. I haven't heard of many people switching roles while there but I have a friend who got transfered from WOD to MSE while we were there. She thinks she got the move because she kept bugging her managers about it. But she didn't say that she wanted to move to MSE she just said she wanted to leave WOD.


New Member
I did college program in 03 and I wanted to transfer to entertainment from merchandise at the studios. I don't know if things have changed since then, but I was told I have to finish my program in the location I was at. Just a little heads up, but yeah check with your managers, like I said things could have changed since then.


Well-Known Member
I did college program in 03 and I wanted to transfer to entertainment from merchandise at the studios. I don't know if things have changed since then, but I was told I have to finish my program in the location I was at. Just a little heads up, but yeah check with your managers, like I said things could have changed since then.

It's been that way for my CPs too, having to finish the current program.
Technically, you need to finish out your program in the role/location you were put. However, talk to your managers, see if they can do anything for you. Bending the rules is always possible- my current roommate did a Program earlier this year and was placed at CBJ and TSI. She's a very small girl (She could easily become friends with Wendy or Alice) and was absolutely miserable operating the rafts to the Island- they take alot of effort on the CM's part to keep them on course. She spoke with her managers, and she was able to transfer to Splash Mountain. It's not common, but it does happen occasionally :wave:

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