Changes at Epcot.


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I am being a bit nostalgic here, but I hate to see some of the changes at Epcot. I know it will always change, that was part of the original plan. Yes, I am excited about Mission Space, but I really miss Horizons. The quirky shaped building was a real attention getter. I enjoyed the whole Horizons experience, but I think my favorite part was the section of the ride where you viewed the orange groves being harvested in what was once desert land not suitable for agriculture. There was even the smell of oranges in the air. The square harvesting robots descending on the groves trimmed to match the shape of the machines was very well thought out by the imagineers that came up with that.

I also miss The World of Motion. Everything about this presentation was interesting. I know, it was not a thrill ride, and many considered it a bit boring, but I just drank it in every time I rode it. Very entertaining.

The original Universe of Energy was amazing. I liked the film and the announcer. It was way serious, not like the Ellen part now.

I miss the original Imagination. Dreamfinder and his balloon contraption taking Figment on the journey was fun. Journey 2 was a definite miss, and Journey 3 is better than 2, but I still miss Dreamfinder. He used to make appearances outside the pavilion near the fountains with Figment. Now, I can't say that I miss Captain EO, but it was interesting.

I know changes are part of life, and I won't complain about the new stuff, just miss some of my first experiences at WDW. Heck, I even miss the big pink birthday cake that enveloped the castle one year at MK. I won't even get into 20,000 Leagues, or Mr. Toad.

I liked the magic wand and 2000 over SE when it first appeared and don't mind the current version now, but feel that SE looks better without it (you know, like it used to look).

I first went to WDW in the mid-eighties. As a child I never got the opportunity to go, poor family, did no traveling, etc... At the age of 24, my first taste of WDW was what was then called the Disney Village Marketplace. It was much smaller than Downtown is now, and much more quaint. Never having experienced anything like this I was just blown away, and my love for the whole place has continued to grow till now. At 43, my wife thinks my desire to go every year is a bit silly. I don't think I will ever get enough of the place. Having never went as a child, I have a lot to catch up on. Not having children, we tend to spend more time at Epcot, and the Studios than the MK and Animal Kingdom, but do find a day or so for the MK in our schedules. We also especially like SeaWorld. If not for Disney drawing me down there, I would never have met Shamu, or our favorites...Klondike and Snow and also the Clydesdales.

At the risk of sounding blasphemous here, we even do Universal about every other year when we can squeeze a day or two away from the mouse and the fish.

Anyway, my rambling got a little long here. Anyone have similar memories to share?


I too was fond of Horizons. One of my favorites at Epcot. Same thing with Mr. Toad's Wild Ride and the original Journey Into Your Imagination. Excuse me for a second while I :cry: .



Ok,I think i'm better now.

BTW,shouldnt this be in the Past Attractions thread?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Past Attractions, General Discussion.... I felt it was more of a general discussion because of the mention of Mission Space and the current and future changes at Epcot, but I could be wrong. Isn't it amazing how much better Mr. Toad's Wild Ride is now that it is gone?


New Member
Hi everyone,
I take your point Epcotisbest. It is sad to see attractions that you grew up with change and sometimes go completely. But you have to understand that the entire philosophy of Walt Disney was, and is to keep going new places. If this was not followed Disney would be a pretty boring place and there would only be Disneyland in California, no WDW and certainly no Epcot. Disney has an obligation to rise above guests expectations, Horizons was wonderful, but was becoming dated. Guests are expecting more from Disney, and hopefully Mission:SPACE will give guests the thrills they yearn for, but also educate and inspire as is Epcot's prime directive.



New Member
Hey Epcotisbest!

When you first open, take a look under the news/rumors list on your left. Click on the Project Gemini link.

Disney is in the midst, Mission Space/Soarin et al, of totalling rehabbing EPCOT as a whole. So while it won't bring back the great attractions we remember from yesteryear, it will definately breathe new life into the park.

Steve writes that the grand re-opening of the park is December 2006, as of late.


New Member
I also miss the old 80's version of epcot. I loved how each pavillion had a symbol, and how they all carried the same motif. It all seemed to 'fit' like a puzzle. Watching all of the new changes take place online kind of scared me, and even angered me (especially that darned wand over SE). But having recently visited EPCOT in may, I have to say it isn't that bad. Change is good, and even I would get sick of old epcot if it were there for another decade.....:)


Premium Member
I miss the old 80's Epcot too. Hopefully they will keep spaceship earth intact for a long time to come.

No offense, but how could you miss the pink birthday cake thing they put over the castle? I personally thought it was ugly! The castle is so beautiful they way it is! :wave:


New Member
We just started going to Disney over the last 4 years and I have no idea how the parks used to be but I sure love to hear about all the old rides from everyone. Don't ever stop talking about them, please!!!:D


New Member
I too have a lot of nostalgia for the Epcot of old. The memories of that park in the early 80's are still vivid in my mind. But this summer I visited the world with some family who had never been. Epcot was unanimously their least favorite of the 4 parks. Its hard for me to get in that mindset because of the memories I have. But as I took a closer look I can see why they feel that way. Buildings like the Odyssey are in need of a rehab, the park felt very hot because of a lack of trees and so much concrete, and some of the architecture feels a bit dated. For a WDW enthusist like myself this isnt much of a factor in my enjoyment of Epcot, but for a first time visitor it does matter a good bit. They were so impressed with the detail and themeing of the other parks that Future World just seemed a bit of a let down.


Well-Known Member
I love Mission Space and Test Track and all but to me there is nothing better and I mean NOTHING better than a late 80's Epcot. I am only 19 so I don't remember as much as I should but just the feel of the park irreplaceable. The music is the number one thing too. I mean Horizons, World of Motion, Spaceship Earth and Universe of Energy had some of the best Disney music period. If I could travel back to any period in Disney history it would definately be like 1987 or 1988 Epcot.


Active Member
I hear ya about Journey into Immagination. I loved the original. I still have a Figment character hanging next to my computer at work to remind me to use my imagination and "think outside the box".


New Member
we liked one thing about the original UoE, that being the Valdez segment, other than that we use to skip it every year...Ellen makes it a bit more enjoyable, instead of the boring version they had.

i want the original JII back. i was too young to remember WoM and Horizons tottally though i did like Horizons for the chose your own ending. that was fun...but i'm optimistic more than anything else with Epcot, i don't mind change there...just leave my Mansion alone and we'll call it fair ;)


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Original Poster
I am not an advocate of leaving everything like it was, I just miss some things. I miss my youth, but don't think I would want to be a teenager again. Some of my favorite memories are of the mid-80's Epcot and Disney Village.

I really like Test Track. A story about that...We went every year for about 3 years hoping to ride Test Track, anxious to try the new ride and see what had replaced World of Motion. Each time we went, the opening had been delayed or the ride was not open when we were there, or it was undergoing testing. Standing outside hearing that awsome whoosh sound really built up the anticipation. When we finally did get to ride it we thought it was great. Still do and ride it everytime we are there.

Our last two trips were December 03, and May 04. We wisely walked throught the Osborne Family Lights several times, and took lots of pictures, so I will have vivid memories of Residential Street and the lights. I miss that already.

The Flower and Garden Festival in May really perks up Epcot, and yes I think change is essential for the survival of the park. Maybe the new Soaring thing will be a hit. I look forward to it. Some heavy landscaping and updating of the pavilions would be nice.

I really look forward to trying Mission Space on our next trip in December. Early December is the best time ever to visit WDW. No crowds, no heat and humidity, and wonderful Christmas decorations everywhere.

Thanks for the info about Project Gemini, Jayn. Some big changes are coming it sounds like.

Yes, the castle is beautiful, but the big pink cake was kinda cool. A giant symbol for the birthday celebration. Now if it had stayed much longer there would have been rioting on Mainstreet.

Hey disneydawg, I like your avatar. Clemson is less than two weeks away. We live in NE GA, and my wife works in Athens. Haven't missed a home game in several years, but this year we have chosen to spend my weekends away from Sanford Stadium doing some hiking, traveling, etc...instead of putting up with so many rowdy, alcohol induced fans at the games. You are right about some people not liking Epcot so much as the other parks. We took some friends and could hardly wait to show them Epcot, and they were bored. I'm never bored there, and hopefully the new stuff will make the park more attractive to more people.

ImagineerAndy, I agree, change is part of the whole concept and I would expect nothing less. If everything was the same as when it opened, WDW would probably dry up eventually, so change is necessary. I embrace the change and hope it is done well, keeping some semblance to to core beliefs of Epcot.

If they change Spaceship Earth, it will have to be one amazing change, as it is to Epcot what the castle is to MK.

Anyway, thanks to everyone for sharing your thoughts.
See ya at Epcot,


New Member
I'm a big fan of Epcot. My first visit was on Spring Break in 1989 or 1990. My first "vacation" was to DisneyWorld. Both times, I chose Epcot to visit.

I have been back to WDW 13 times since, and have been lucky enough to see "it all'. Captain Eo was awesome. (and documentary proof that MJ once had a nose).

I honestly don't remember WoM (know I rode it), UoE v1, and older Epcot attractions that have been replaced. No one has mention Communicore East and West, but I remember that West? used to have dining reservations. I walked up to a monitor (assuming it's a touch screen), and the girl started talking to me. I kept pressing her face, and she finally explained that she was not a recording... (a lot funnier if you were there.)

Anyone with a better memory that I care to place a short description for the old FutureWorld attractions?

And finally, New Tomorrowland is way better than old. Nothing nostalgic in my mind about Rocket to Mars. (My short summary : A small round TV on the ceiling, a bunch of chairs looking up, and the seat rumbles and shakes a little.)


Disneyland in 6 weeks!


Well-Known Member
I say bring back 1980's EPCOT while also keeping Mission: Space and Test Track. I miss Horizons, Journey Into Imagination, & World of Motion so much. I miss the GE corporate lounge at Horizons. I cherish my "Official Album of Disneyland / Walt Disney World 1991" because that is the only place I'll ever hear the original Journey Into Imagination show again. Although I miss the original music, the current Universe of Energy show is much better, in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I am still cannot believe they removed World of Motion. IMO, that was the signature attraction for EPCOT. The scale and level of detail in that attraction was unsurpassed.

That would be like removing POTC from MK.

Eisners theme song for the 90's was "It's fun to be cheap"


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Original Poster
Yeah, World of Motion was a good one. All the animatronics scenes were so detailed. You could just about spot something you had not noticed before on each following ride.


Well-Known Member
When i think of EPCOT the first thing that comes to my mind are all the classic rides.I too have fond memories of EPCOT.I remember being in the park at daytime.It was beautiful,from Future World east to west there was something exciting,new,fun and imaginative.Then at night it was something completely different.At night EPCOT took on a completely different feeling of wonder and music played a BIG part in the classic EPCOT.Theres just something i love about seranade of trumpets playing parts of the music.Thats one thing i miss today at EPCOT,the classic music,the songs,and yes i know M:S has a song and so does JIIWF but its not the same thing.They just dont have the same feeling that the classic music has.Right now im listening to the exit music from the old UOE and it is just so beautiful the way it is done.It really brings a tear to my eye.Hearing trumpets playing Energy you make the world go round is beautiful.I know that alot of people find EPCOT boring and rides like TT and M:S are there bring in more guests but that doesnt mean we need to completely destroy old rides,just update.Horizons could have been updated to something new and amazing.There was really no need to destroy it the way they did.I can remember doing Horizons as the last ride before we left EPCOT.Just the way the building was lit on the outside really gave you an excited feeling,at least it did for me.WOM could have been updated too.I remember riding WOM at night and going up on the outside ramp before you went back into the building,just looking at SE and then over SE into the horizon thinking it just doesnt get any better than this.Thank god i have that memory on video.EPCOT was beautiful from that point of veiw.JII was fine the way it was didnt need to changed at all,sure new Imageworks stuff every now and then but thats about it.I dont know about you guys but when i go to EPCOT i still see all the old stuff.I still see the old JII,i still see WOM and i still see Horizons.I still smell the oranges too.When we come down to the bare facts,The golden age of EPCOT will never really die,It will live on in all of our Hearts,Minds,Dreams,and Imaginations forever.It will still be fun to be free,That one little spark will still start our imaginations,and If we keep dreaming we will still be able to do it.As long as we work hard to remember The golden age of EPCOT and pass the tales and memories on to our children and they do the same with their children,EPCOT Center will always exsist and remain untouched.

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