I've seen a lot of people suggesting the use of radios/walkie-talkies to communicate and find other members of our party in the park. How is the cell phone coverage in the parks? Is there a reason not to use cell phones for this?
I have Nextel and can't remember ever having trouble with my signal in the parks or the resorts.
On a side note, I have had the bad luck of being on It's a Small World and the Backlot Tours and had a person yapping on their cell. It ruins the experience for everyone else on the ride! It would be great if people didn't use them when they were in line for a ride or actually on it.
My b/f and I have t-mobile as well (mobile to mobile calls are free for us). We don't have problems in the park but when we stayed at POP century back in Feb we didn't get signal at all in the room, however when we were at all star movies in March we got perfect signal. I just it depends on what resort you stay in.