Celebrities in the park


Well-Known Member
I'm not calling anyone a liar here mind you...

...but I think this thread is one that could give people with great imaginations a chance to lie their heads off. :lol:

" I sat next to Queen Elizabeth at Cosmic Ray's last fall "
" Michael Jackson taught me to moonwalk last year while we were waiting for The American Adventure to start."
" It might have been an accident...but Brittney Spears grabbed my leg on The Pirates of The Carribean ride once"
" Before she was famous, I saw Allanis Morrisette drunk and exposing her hoo-haa's at Pleasure Island one night"

Hey...this is fun! :animwink:


Active Member
I have the strangest WDW celebrity moment. I was sitting there watching the Country Bear Jamboree when all of the sudden freekin' Kirstie Alley pops out of the ceiling and starts singing.

100% true.


Active Member
psuchad said:
Does anyone have interesting stories about “bumping” into celebrities at the Disney Parks? Don’t give examples of seeing a celebrity at a scheduled or staged appearance. I am talking about a celebrity walking around the park just like you or I.
<o =""></o>

In May 2003, my family was at <st1 =""><st1 ="">Blizzard</st1><st1 ="">Beach</st1> </st1>for the day. After waiting in line for nearly a half hour to ride the tubes in the back of the park, we see these three very large men with full body guard attire on. They pushed their way through the line (I guess celebrities don’t have to wait) and walked right in front of me as I was next to get on the slide. The person that was butting in line was none other than Mariah Carey.

She was walking around the water park in 6 inch heels. I will repeat that, 6 INCH HEELS! I really felt sorry for her guards since every time she got on a slide they had to hold her shoes and run to the bottom to get her. They would climb back to the top of the mountain carrying he tubes and rafts while she rode a secret elevator.

There was a thread I started maybe a year ago or so, plus there are other ones. Try searching because in the other threads there were many posts.


New Member
Wow. I've never had the pleasure. Ben Savage, Hulk Hogan! Martin Short, James Brown, Danny Devito, Steven Speilberg!!!! AND GARY SINISE!! Gary is one of my all time favorite actors, I was in EPCOT when he narrated the candelight procession for Christmas. I've been in love with him since Forrest Gump and Of Mice and Men.

And those close calls--Will Smith and Joe Perry. Spiffy!
I was just down there in earlier this month for spring training and Disney, and one of the days our friend told us they left like 40 sets of tickets for the Astros and their families to go to the parks. The only player we saw was Andy Pettite with his fam. He wasn't with anyone security or tour guide - wise, which I thought was cool, and I don't think anyone else noticed him other than us.

I rang up Bam Bam Bigelo (sp?) (old school wrestler) when I worked at the Disney STORE. hee hee...


Active Member
Original Poster
philsfan2185 said:
There was a thread I started maybe a year ago or so, plus there are other ones. Try searching because in the other threads there were many posts.

I don't want to read an old thread from months or a year ago. I posted the thread to get fresh comments. If you don't want to read threads on old topics, don't.


Premium Member
Saw Emmitt Smith on the Monorail after he won his first superbowl. Saw Gary Sinise at the Candlelight Processional and walking around EPCOT one day.


New Member
I once served Usher nd his then girlfriend/wife from TLC chilli ... i think..

Also had Bill Clinton walk straight past us with about 40 secret service men as he cut through the UK pavillion to watch Illuminations
psuchad said:
Does anyone have interesting stories about “bumping” into celebrities at the Disney Parks? Don’t give examples of seeing a celebrity at a scheduled or staged appearance. I am talking about a celebrity walking around the park just like you or I.
<O =""></O>

In May 2003, my family was at <ST1 =""><ST1 ="">Blizzard</ST1><ST1 ="">Beach</ST1> </ST1>for the day. After waiting in line for nearly a half hour to ride the tubes in the back of the park, we see these three very large men with full body guard attire on. They pushed their way through the line (I guess celebrities don’t have to wait) and walked right in front of me as I was next to get on the slide. The person that was butting in line was none other than Mariah Carey.

She was walking around the water park in 6 inch heels. I will repeat that, 6 INCH HEELS! I really felt sorry for her guards since every time she got on a slide they had to hold her shoes and run to the bottom to get her. They would climb back to the top of the mountain carrying he tubes and rafts while she rode a secret elevator.

I thought Disney had a policy where NO ONE was allowed celebrity treatment and no one could cut in line... I thought they didn't want anyone to feel like a second class citizen so this surprises me and would have peed me off if I was at Blizzard Beach that day.


Active Member
cowboibabyy said:
I posted the pics of me and Kelly Rippa in my album if anyone is interested. just click the link below. :hurl:

Cool. Thanks for sharing. Wow, I do not think I would have recognized her. I would have recognized Mark, though. :)

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