I'm a season pass holder at Cedar Point and have been for about 30 years.
The park is a straight-up amusement park. It is NOT a theme park. It's known as "America's Roller Coast"...a play on the 17 roller coasters that they have, and the fact that it is on a peninsula that juts out into Lake Erie on Sandusky Bay. It wins awards every year for the best coasters.
There are some non-thrill amusements -- a train ride on real steam trains; a "jungle cruise" type ride that is on its last legs; several water rides including a new soaker-log flume opening this summer. There are several shows including an ice-skating show, two country-western shows, a skateboard/bicycle stunt show, and a new competition singing show this season. There is a giant ferris wheel, a rotating observation tower, antique cars, and plenty of amusement park food. There is also a "Frontier Trail" which is a quiet walk past a collection of (real) midwestern frontier type buildings that house candle-making shops, "panning for gold", a petting zoo, a fort, and other craft shops. This area is lit up at night with millions of LED lights, and it's pretty (though very limited compared to Florida's theme parks).
The rides are almost to a one for the "thrills" and not for the "experience" with the exception of the very few listed above. But Cedar Point itself is a fun "experience" -- it's the number one rated amusement park in the country year after year for a reason.
The park is very pretty, actually - and the view from the tops of some of the rides over the bay and the lake can be spectacular. There are three resorts on the peninsula itself (called "staying on the Point") and many resorts within a short drive on "mainland" Sandusky's shores. Only those who stay in one of Cedar Point's own resorts are permitted to use the one-hour early admission perk -- totally worth it since it allows you to get in three coasters in the morning which would otherwise take about 5 hours of waiting time later in the day.
Cedar Point started life as a lakeside getaway for Clevelanders, and grew over the years into a massive roller coaster park.
There is also a water park on the premises (Soak City - really quite good) and a third park of hodgepodge attractions (Challenge Park) which has things like miniature golf, go-carts, and a few super-thrill extra charge rides.
If you are in the area, you should certainly take a day to go visit the Point. There are also plenty of visitors every year who come from all over the world for the ROller Coasters. But nobody comes to Cedar Point for the "theme park" experience. That is solely the domain of Walt Disney World and to some extent Universal Studios. Make no mistake, Cedar Point in its current incarnation is a Roller Coaster Park, with a big capital RC. It's the type of place that as soon as the rope drops at the entrance thousands of people run to their favorite coasters which have long lines all day. None of the coasters are "themed" (although there is some attempt made in Frontiertown to keep the Runaway Mine ride and Maverick themed to the wild west, although the theming itself is pretty much nonexistant.
Their website is cedarpoint.com....their major forum is thepointol.com