CBS news is at it again!


New Member
Original Poster
It was a year ago and they are running the story again.... reporters are just the worst! :brick:

Eat At Your Own Risk: Walt Disney Resort Eateries
There Are Violations That Can Make You Sick

Mar 1, 2005 10:38 am US/Eastern
NEW YORK (CBS) Almost 40 years ago, Walt Disney unveiled plans for his magical kingdom in Orlando. From the amusements to the resorts, there is so much to do, see and eat.

But there are things that could churn your stomach more than the carousel ride. In an exclusive “Eat At Your Own Risk” hidden camera investigation, CBS 2 News examined the health inspection records of 109 Walt Disney resort eateries and found 75% had at least one critical health code violation in the last year. These are violations that can make you sick.

(© MMV, CBS Broadcasting Inc., All Rights Reserved.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Yeah I saw that advertised. No big deal...last year they proved that the problems they were finding were nothing serious and that they were things that you would find at any restaurant if you inspect it with a magnifying glass.


Active Member
goofyman said:
It was a year ago and they are running the story again.... reporters are just the worst! :brick: QUOTE]

Do you know any reporters? Many do it because they're told to do the story.

Many times it's do the story or loose your job.

Just my two cents on it...

And who cares what CBS says, they're proven liars across the board.


Well-Known Member
I was watching the Miami news (I have no clue why we get it here in TN) and they were talking about a restaurant that had live maggots in the food. The worst part is, the woman ate almost the whole meal before she noticed it... But tonight's news said it was most likely a hoax, seeing as they found no evidence.,0,3738299.story?coll=sfla-wbzl-shared

'Scuse me while I go throw up :hurl: :hurl: :hurl:


Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb.
Premium Member
TheOneVader said:
The worst part is, the woman ate almost the whole meal before she noticed it... But tonight's news said it was most likely a hoax, seeing as they found no evidence.

I guess thats going to affect the mult-million dollar lawsuit. Thank you American legal system for producing 4.1 lawyers for every one person in the country.:lol:


Active Member
brkgnews said:
Not all of US are.
No, they aren't. I just think that goofyman is mad at these reporters that go and try to get some big story and look for every itsy-bitsy thing they can find do critize on. I dont think he's saying that he hatesAll reporters. Goofyman, your reply please/


New Member
TAC said:
What makes me mad is that the reporter is from NYC. How many restaurants are in NYC? How many there have health violations?

True True Very True! lol When I was in "The Big Apple" my mother, aunts and grandmother were eating in one of the MANY Pizzarieas(Sp?) that they have there and there was an icky roach crawling on the wall, like you could just keep counting the violation in NYC why go after the happiest place on Earth when you could look in your own back yard for food violations.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
not a biggie for me.......... our local news did a special report on using your bottled water plastic container over and over filling it with tap water after you are done drinking the $1.29 version................ they said that germs collect in those bottles and they tested some that were used for 1 day up to 7 day usage.

they found all kinds of bacteria and in all they found small amounts of e-coli. the news was freaking out and all.............. so i turned to my wife and said, well, obviously it isnt effecting everyone since i havent seen anyone dropping dead from a bottle water container, so maybe this is a good thing that your body is getting a very small version of the virus so that it is learning to build an emmunity. just a thought.....

hhhmmmmmmm, can we say flu shot?


Well-Known Member
sum41914 said:
True True Very True! lol When I was in "The Big Apple" my mother, aunts and grandmother were eating in one of the MANY Pizzarieas(Sp?) that they have there and there was an icky roach crawling on the wall, like you could just keep counting the violation in NYC why go after the happiest place on Earth when you could look in your own back yard for food violations.

They do ...the CBS2 thing is an ongoing series called "Eat at your own risk" which they have been doing for several years. They've done a ton of restaurants and supermarkets over the past few years, and last year I guess they decided to look outside the NY area when they did the first Disney report.


Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
goofyman said:
It was a year ago and they are running the story again.... reporters are just the worst! :brick:

The worst? Come now, we're not that bad.

(Surely, we at least rank somewhere right above mildew stains.) :animwink:

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
I saw this report too... To me, all it showed was that some health code violations were discovered and corrected.. To me, this really did nto shed any bad light on Disney World at all... I mean, you can't go 1 block on NYC without a restaurant breaking more than 5 health code violations... CBS has the nerve to say Wolfgang Pucks had flies?? how about the NYC restaurants that have roaches??? Listen, any restaurant, at any given time, is violating their state health codes... Disney is just a bigger target...

I wonder how much of this though was brought on by the fact that CBS News has lost most of it's ratings and lagging behind ABC Eyewitness News.. And Disney owns ABC... Figure it out...


Well-Known Member
TAC said:
So they send one of their reporters on a witch hunt to the Happiest Place on Earth. Nice.

I'm pretty sure it is a law that all restaurants have to post their latest health inspection certificate. If it's not visible, you, as a customer, have a right to see it. Take notice that the reporter did not mention that. :rolleyes:

The news station, with no better stories to sources for stories, and thing better to report on, sends a reporter 1000 miles away to do a story on some health violations that even the LOCAL affiliate didn't even report (to the best of my knowledge).

Just another attempt at bad press for Disney. Just like all those BS lawsuits. :rolleyes:

Nice! :sohappy:

Here's what I'm thinking we should do: Anybody with a trip scheduled for the last week of April, for crying out loud, cancel it!! I will go, use myself as a human guinea pig, consume the offending foods, and if I come out okay, feel free to go in the following weeks!! :wave:

I am nothing if not selfless. :)


New Member
crazydaveh said:
goofyman said:
It was a year ago and they are running the story again.... reporters are just the worst! :brick: QUOTE]

Do you know any reporters? Many do it because they're told to do the story.

Many times it's do the story or loose your job.

Just my two cents on it...

And who cares what CBS says, they're proven liars across the board.

I would agree. CBS proved that they will do anything for a story, even use fabricated documents for a story about our commander in chief. I don't watch many things on CBS and I would have turned the station anyways, if they were bad-mouthing my beloved vacation spot.

I have never had any problems with dining there. I am not saying that the kitchens are spotless, but are probably cleaner than most, based on the WDW philosophy.

Some reporters are willing to do something questionable, and others will stick to their morals & ethics before selling out for more pay. My 2 cents on reporters, and I don't know many.


Active Member
I think there are two telling things in the article, first, as a WDW rep points out, there were only eight complaints filed compared to millions who eat at WDW every year (I know that not everyone complains, but numbers are still on their side).
Second, they say that these restaurants had "at least one major viloation." Which means that the majority probably only had one. I've worked for restaurants before, and been around for these inspections. If they found nothing wrong, you threw a party. It's very difficult to pass without something being picked on. One restaurant I worked at got a "major violation" for not having soap next to a sink. O.k., but no employee used that sink to wash their hands, it was in a back room with janitorial supplies, there was soap by the sinks that we used.
I'm sure, just like every other restaurant in the world, they could do things better. And I know that occasionally people do get sick from the food at WDW, just like they do all over the world. But eight complaints out of a million? I like those odds. I still trust Disney to do things well. I'll still eat at WDW (especially at the counter service restaurant in Morocco! mmmmmmm!).

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