That one in 2000 under her watch was small potatoes.
A year and a half before that boy was killed, two people had their heads amputated in cold blood while standing on the Frontierland dock waiting for the Columbia Sailing Ship to arrive, and a Disneyland employee had their foot ripped off in the process. (The employee lived without her foot, the two waiting passengers didn't live without their heads.)
And then a few years later, still under her watch, a young man riding Big Thunder Mountain was violently killed when the train derailed and his car crashed into the roof of the tunnel he was speeding through in the dark, while a couple dozen people became trapped in the suddenly bloody tunnel and had to scramble for safety amongst the dead and injured.
It was that third accident in September '03, and the fourth death of a paying customer on her watch, that suddenly convinced her to leave immediately "to spend more time with family" as an unmarried woman with no children. She moved up to San Francisco 60 days later to work for The Gap, because apparently the family that needed more time was all caught up after 60 days.
The glass ceiling was shattered, along with some skulls.