Cast member themes!

The Duck

Well-Known Member
Like all of us, I've seen Jungle Cruise skippers ranging from great to sucky. A few years ago, I encountered one that was hoping to one day achieve the rank of sucky. I honestly thought that she had a mental problem when she, (throughout the entire ride) shouted out things like, "Hey guys!!! Look ovah dere!!! Itsa tigah!!!". "Hey guys!!! Look ovah dere!!! Itsa elafunt!!!". Some ad-libbing is fine but this girl was just plain disturbing.


Well-Known Member
I've experienced this too. I've seen a few that appear to be tired of asking "how many in your party?" and I don't mean physically tired but in a fed up kind of way, as if they're bored with their job. Luckily those have been few. But I also understand that as easy as it looks, that may not be the case each ride and section as a superior and they could be the cause. A few years back I was purchasing a clock in the glass shop on Main Street. This very helpful C.M. who was doing stock work, noticed I had been waiting at the register for some assistance and no one came, I was just patiently waiting. He dropped what he was doing, he asked me if I needed assistance and I replied that I was waiting to purchase the clock. He took the time to carefully wrap it, he couldn't find the original box so he was looking for one to put it in, when from I don't know where, comes this lady who I'm guessing was the supervisor and chewed him out for not doing his work. I felt horrible for this young man. I stepped up and firmly told her that while I was waiting at the register and no one came, he actually noticed there was a customer, he was kind enough to stop what he was doing to assist me and I personally didn't appreciate the way she was talking to him. She apologized to me and I told her that it was him she needed to apologize to. Boy did that bother her. This young man felt so embarrassed in front of me that he was being talked to that way in front of a guest. So there may be alot these C.M put up that we really are unaware of. Does it justify them not being in character? No. Does it help me be more understanding? Yes. I simply offer them a smile and wish them a great day.

First off, THANK YOU for standing up for the CM that was doing his job and making the Disney Difference happen. We love to see guests that truly appreciate what we're doing, even if no one else does.

Just to reassure you, this type of thing happens few and far between. Most managers (in my experience) are some of the nicest people you will ever meet. Of course they can sometimes be strict with their rules and expect a lot but from my perspective I've never heard of anything as bad as what you're describing.

Not to make any excuses because I believe being in character is what makes Disney the way it is, but from a CMs perspective to be completely submerged in a specific character for an extended period of time is a very exhausting experience. It doesn't seem like it would be but it is. Often we work 10-12+ hour days during the busy season and it causes CMs to slip up and say "Welcome to Tower of Terror" instead of "Welcome to the Hollywood Tower Hotel" or maybe not sound completely excited to load you onto the ride and tell you for the 1,000th time that day how to put on your seatbelt. Again, I'm not making excuses I don't think it should happen either....Just an perspective from the other side. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Tower of Terror as suffered from this terribly from my recent experience.

Smiles, no character attempt at all. And I got welcomed to the Tower of Terror while entering the library. Not The Hollywood Tower Hotel. I know slip ups happen and they are humans but something is wrong when I don't see one CM trying.

Actually, they're trying too hard. Those CMs are usually College Program kids who think they have to smile incessantly to be "magically happy"—at the ToT.

Management should be reminding them to stay in character.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
I'd like to point out that the Tower of Terror bellhops' character is different from the Haunted Mansion servants, and they are encouraged to smile (smiles can be creepy, too...)

But referring to it as the "Tower of Terror" is a HUGE theming fail.


Well-Known Member
Actually, they're trying too hard. Those CMs are usually College Program kids who think they have to smile incessantly to be "magically happy"—at the ToT.

And to be honest, those sickeningly-sweet people often come off as phony - it's easy to tell the difference between enthusiasm and patronizing.

I don't expect everyone to be "magical", but I have pretty high customer service standards - and I have found truly "bad" employees at WDW to be few and far between.

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