Unfortunatly Walt's Favorite ride, is one of the most negelected rides. Honestly Grizz is right, if they were to close it, close it down for a nice long rehab, just like It's A Small World [Though WDW's in not the original.] is getting a nice long rehab.
"There's A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow" was the ride's original theme song. It was changed when the ride was brought to WDW in 1975 I think. This was due to General Electric's new slogan, "Bringing Good Things To Life". In 1994 The ride reopened, and was restaged. The original theme song returned, but lacked the brilliance when "There's A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow" had Father singing with a full piece band and orchestra and chorus every time the theater rotated.
Now I didn't see too much problems, but I could tell the audio and lighting was not up to par. I think the Father of 1940 is one of the most advanced AA's in the ride. He can appear to easily bend at the waist, come back up, make slight turns, and tap is feet, and make very fast head turns to the audience, whule the other AA's can't do all of that.
Regaurdless...the ride is 40 years old, Walts Favorite, and needs tons of upgrades in technology, including a new theater that has more comfy seats, and isn't so heavey, or breaks down {wether it or itsn't from maintence.]
I hope this quote from the intro to "Now Is the Time" doesn't come true...."Turn Back, Turn Back"