Caribbean Beach vs. Port Orleans Riverside


New Member
I am down to a choice between these two resorts and I was wondering what some of y'all think. I have been to CB before and I have had good luck, but I have never been to PO and thought it would be fun to try something new.

How's the theming in PO? And how about the dining? Also I know I have heard a few people who didnt like the bus service at CB. How it is at PO?

I am wanting to try PO but wanna get some input first. Thanks for the help and any suggestions!

rosebud's mom

Active Member
We're trying Port Orleans Riverside this December. Everything I've researched is highly favorable ...... except for one thing. In December The Pop Warner cheerleaders have reserved 1200 rooms !!!

For us the big draw is that you can have 5 people to a room in Port Orleans. I can give you my opinion after we return, unless that will be too late. ( you didn't say when you were going.)

I have stayed in CBR shortly after it opened. Nothing negative to say, except that the decor and color schemes just weren't personally appealing to me. I'm not a big orange fan, and our room was in Howard Johnson aqua and orange !!
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New Member
Original Poster
FYI: I am going in mid-October of this year. I have also read good things about PO Riverside, but always like to hear first-hand what people think. Plus, especially with the web, there are way too many rewiews out there. I could read them all day long and never get through them. HAHA Thanks!

P.S. Hey rosebud's mom, all those cheerleaders wouldn't be so bad on the eyes really for a single guy like myself! :lol: j/k
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New Member
I'm sure you will get good and bad opinions on both resorts. It all comes down to your own taste and style. I've stayed at both and will give you my opinion but're the one who has to sleep there, so I would first advise going to , click on accomodations and check out both places for yourself. On this site, you'll find picts (lots of them), fact sheets and I think guests' opinions.

1. I found it too spread out. We were bannished to the far reaches of the universe and it took forever to get to the main building where the food court is located. Because of this, we didn't even eat at the food court.
2. The buses were VERY crowded, but they are crowded at every other resort. It took us forever (well over an hour.....maybe over 2 hours) to get a bus back to the resort after the park closed.
3. The scenery is not very nice. It made the walk seem longer. OK, it is in some places, but they are few and far between.
4. A good point: even though our building was miles away from the main building, we were right on a lake (they called it a beach) that had nice plants, several benches and a hammock or two.

1. There are many buildings that are VERY close to the main building. We used the food court many times while staying here. And this food court seemed nicer than the others I've seen.
2. Even if you have to walk a little ways to the food court, the walk is going to be very nice and relaxing. The landscaping is the best I've seen at any WDW resort.
3. Our building (Oak Manor) was right on the Sassagoula river. We couldn't see it from our room, but all we had to do was walk around the corner, and there it was.
4. There are so many beautiful places to sit and relax by the river.
5. They have bicycles to rent with a very nice bike path.
6. They have several types of boats you can rent......FUN!
7. They offer the boat service to DTD, which is great! GOtta do it!
8. The ONLY bad thing I can think of: The buses that service POR also service POFQ, and they pick up POFQ first. SO the buses may be full by the time they get to your stop. We just walked to the main building (the first stop) to catch the bus and never had a problem.

I know this is a lot, but I hope it helps. Go check them out for yourself at allearsnet. No matter where you stay, I'm sure you will enjoy it.
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rosebud's mom

Active Member
MKingdom25 said:
FYI: I am going in mid-October of this year. I have also read good things about PO Riverside, but always like to hear first-hand what people think. Plus, especially with the web, there are way too many rewiews out there. I could read them all day long and never get through them. HAHA Thanks!

P.S. Hey rosebud's mom, all those cheerleaders wouldn't be so bad on the eyes really for a single guy like myself! :lol: j/k
Well, in that case, maybe you could reschedule your trip !! As a matter of fact, my husband has been teasing me ever since I told him about the cheerleaders. He says that since it is a New Orleans theme, he's going to stock up on Mardi Gras beads in case any of them start filming a "Girls Gone Wild" video !!
:rolleyes: :goodnevil :lol:
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Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
rosebud's mom said:
We're trying Port Orleans Riverside this December. Everything I've researched is highly favorable ...... except for one thing. In December The Pop Warner cheerleaders have reserved 1200 rooms !!!

Was it the movie "Amityville Horror" where one character says in a loud whisper, " Get oooooooooout"?

Take that advice.

Get out now.

Pay whatever you have to; make any sacrifice you must, but go to a cheerleader-free hotel!!

1200 rooms x 4 girls per room = a horrifying 4800 teenaged girls.

Seriously, forget using the pools, expect the food court always to be mobbed, and plan on squealing girls running past your door (and possibly knocking on it) at all hours of the night.
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Active Member
Last year I stayed at the CBR. Granted it was very nice. But I agree with a previous thread. It is very spread out. They were very very nice to me. I lost my card to the park and they reissued a card no questions asked. Only it took me 45 minutes to do it.
We ate in the food court several nights. We were lucky we could walk to the food court.

Caribbean Beach 2003
Wilderness Lodge 1998
August 2005
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Well-Known Member
I stayed at CB in 94 & 95 and I've stayed at Riverside several times since.
I remember liking CB then, but thinking what a trek it was to the main building. We were in Barbados both times, and that's not even the farthest "island" from the food court, etc...The bus system had like, 7 stops at CB, so it was a long ride if you were staying at the last stop. But it's very colorful and pretty and the main pool (should you choose to hike to it every day from your building ) is neat. PO-R is one of my favorite resorts at WDW. The scenery is beautiful, it is very quiet and peaceful. I prefer the Mansion rooms to the Alligator Bayou, but they really aren't too different. The food court is great, and the full service restaurant is really good. I can't say much for the transportation, as every time I have stayed there I've had my car with me and I used that. But the boats to DTD are great.

Hope this helps :wave:
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Well-Known Member
Port Orleans is our favorite Disney resort, and Caribbean Beach is our next favorite. The transportation from PO is fast and reliable; I've always assumed that's because it seems to be more centrally-located, and therefore, not a real long drive to anything. The boat transportation to Downtown Disney is great. It seemed to us that the bus rides to and from CB were longer. Also, CB is a huge resort, with many small bus stops along the way, so take that into account.

That said, you may not want to vacation with that many cheerleaders descending upon the food court and the bus transportation at the same time as you and your family...
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New Member
I agree with others posted here. I did not care for CBR...too spread out. Although we had a water view room which was nice, we never walked to the main building because it was so far away. POR was very nice. We requested a building close the the main building and got it with no problem. The food court was good and had a good variety of food. I fell in love with the WL so I haven't been back to POR, but I wouldn't hesitate to go back.
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Active Member
Everything Kadee said is absolutely true about POR. It is my favorite. We are even choosing it over WL because we love it so much. We are returning to staying there when we go next month and it will be around our 10th time for POR. Choose that one! You will love it.
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forbidden donut

Well-Known Member
P.S. Hey rosebud's mom, all those cheerleaders wouldn't be so bad on the eyes really for a single guy like myself! :lol: j/k[/QUOTE]

I was at AS Music last December when the cheerleaders invaded there.
And even though I'm a single guy it wasnt much fun -you see, there is difference between 18 year old cheerleaders and 12 year old (squealing) cheerleaders
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rosebud's mom

Active Member
IMPORTANT: Fall 2004 / Spring 2005 Group Season
<HR style="COLOR: #1353b3" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Some information for those planning trips this fall/winter and next spring and want to avoid Pop Warner, Cheer, and every other large group. Some info on where, when, and how many to expect.

300+ rooms at All-Stars (AS)
11/22 - 11/30

2800+ rooms at AS
1200+ rooms at Riverside
12/3 - 12/11

250-ish at AS
12/28 - 1/03

1200+ at AS
1/10 - 1/25

1500+ at AS
1/10 - 1/19

2000 - ish at AS
600+ at Caribbean
1/31 - 2/9

3100+ at AS
1000 at Caribbean
2/7 - 2/16

1000+ at AS
2/20 - 3/12

3000 -ish at AS
750 -ish at Caribbean
3/7 - 3/17

500 -ish at AS
3/13 - 3/20

1500+ at AS
100+ at Caribbean
3/13 - 3/25

300+ at AS
4/19 - 4/26

These are not the only groups scheduled. Others are there, that aren't either as many rooms or the groups that aren't as loud, obnoxious, intrusive, etc.
<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
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Well-Known Member
rosebud's mom said:
2800+ rooms at AS
1200+ rooms at Riverside
12/3 - 12/11

Grrrreeeeaaaaattttttt. Just what I need. The BF is coming along this December and I was hoping to convince him to at least like the idea of going to Disney once a year. But with all those screaming girls, he might wind up choking me to death for suggesting WDW for our vacation.
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Active Member
Kadee said:
1. There are many buildings that are VERY close to the main building. We used the food court many times while staying here. And this food court seemed nicer than the others I've seen.
2. Even if you have to walk a little ways to the food court, the walk is going to be very nice and relaxing. The landscaping is the best I've seen at any WDW resort.
3. Our building (Oak Manor) was right on the Sassagoula river. We couldn't see it from our room, but all we had to do was walk around the corner, and there it was.
4. There are so many beautiful places to sit and relax by the river.
5. They have bicycles to rent with a very nice bike path.
6. They have several types of boats you can rent......FUN!
7. They offer the boat service to DTD, which is great! GOtta do it!
8. The ONLY bad thing I can think of: The buses that service POR also service POFQ, and they pick up POFQ first. SO the buses may be full by the time they get to your stop. We just walked to the main building (the first stop) to catch the bus and never had a problem.

I know this is a lot, but I hope it helps. Go check them out for yourself at allearsnet. No matter where you stay, I'm sure you will enjoy it.

In defense of CBR, they also have boats and bikes to rent, and a nice path around the lake for jogging, walking and bike riding.

Yes CBR is spread out. We stay in Aruba, and cross the lake every day. The walk is very nice, and the scenery is that of an island....palm trees, tropical plants, etc. Coming from the winter in northern NY, That is very welcoming.

We, too, walk to the main building to get the bus. I think no matter where you stay, if you take the bus it is going to be crowded. When we stay at the WL we have to share a bus with FW. That also adds on to the ride time and number of people. It's really no different than having the few extra stops at the CBR.

Like Kadee said no matter where you go you, you'll enjoy it. :wave:
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New Member
Original Poster
Thanks to everyone for their help. Even though I was leaning toward PO, I think I will stick with Caribbean Beach for this trip. I've had good luck with CB before so I will stick with it for this year. Thanks again for all the input; I will keep it in mind for my next trip after the one in October 2004. Hopefully that will be soon after! :sohappy:
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Active Member
MKingdom25 said:
Thanks to everyone for their help. Even though I was leaning toward PO, I think I will stick with Caribbean Beach for this trip. I've had good luck with CB before so I will stick with it for this year. Thanks again for all the input; I will keep it in mind for my next trip after the one in October 2004. Hopefully that will be soon after! :sohappy:

Enjoy your trip, and don't forget to tell us about it. :wave:
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