Saw it Friday night... my take on it.
- First, I was surprised at the level of gun violence in the film. Yes it's PG-13, but the film came off as much more violent then the 'fantasy violence' I've been accustomed too in the previous Marvel films. I was a tad uncomfortable with it for my 11yr old with me. Anyone who comments 'why isn't Marvel helping with the young boy crowd?' - just look at this film.. not boy material.
- I hate the direction during fight sequences when they twist and flip the camera so much... I dub it 'chaos cam'. I presume it helps mask some of the special effects, but it just makes everything harder to see/process IMO. This was particularly noticeable in the 1-on-1 fight sequences (especially on the boat)
- The 3-D was well done and really adds nice icing to the cake IMO
- The DC setting was cool because I'm a local - I admit I didn't know much of the setting prior but it was well done

- The car chase sequence was pretty awesome (except the periods where it looked like it was in fast forward)
- NEED MORE camera shots of Scarlet J in her BW outfit... nuff said
- Special effects were just crazy and good. Look at the credits.. it seemed like there were 20 VFX companies on the project

- I thought they did a good job of explaining the plot to the non-comic fans
- I generally like the plot and story.. it kept me interested
- The film is written too much (IMO) as a chapter in a serial vs a slice in time.
Overall I thought it was a good film... but not the best Marvel film yet. Why? It's a mainstream superhero film... and I don't feel like it had those 'hero moments' that resonate. It felt more like the GI Joe films than the formula the Iron Man and Avengers films had used.
The climatic sequence in the Avengers when all the characters are there on the NYC street... the music... you get this incredible 'hero shot' of them right before you jump into the 'impossible battle'. That had power. It struck a chord.. the visuals, the characters, the music, the plot all culminated into this power moment. That part of the Avengers theme still clicks in my mind.. the theme alone is not super, but in that combination it all just gelled. I walked out of the Avengers thinking 'wow - they just reinvented the superhero film. Iron Man had been building.. and Avengers polished it and supercharged it at the same time.
I didn't get that with Captain America... I can't capture any of the music in my mind at all right now. I have no 'hero moment' in my mind where it all just came together.
So good flick.. a tad too violent for the ideal demographic.. amazing visuals.. but lacks the memorable hero moments.
The Thor films were more fun to watch with my daughter.. and the Avengers film still does the total package better IMO. For entertainment for my family, I put it below the Iron Man and Avengers films.