Awesome website. I really like the content but weebly might hold you back, especially if you grow big. Have you considered using something like Drupal to build your site and content with it hosted on a server like GreenGeeks or Dreamhost? I think you would get more flexibility, be able to do more on your site, and you could have your domain name exactly the way you want it (without the "weebly" extension in there, just
Also, if you guys start inventing, I can supply you with steps, help, etc. for drafting and filing a patent application to protect your technologies (if you think it's worth it). Companies love trolling blogs and discussion forums to pick up "public domain ideas." In other words, once you say it online it is public and you have 1 year in the U.S. to file for a patent or else you lose the right forever to protect your invention in the U.S.
I hope the site goes far and I'm going to try and get signed up right now!