Calling all Thanksgiving Experts!


New Member
I have a plan of attack mapped out for our WDW visit from 11/27-12/2 and I thought I'd post it here to see if anyone had any thoughts or advice.

I've heard that basically it doesn't matter what park you go to during this time - they'll all be mobbed. True? Not true?

Here's the schedule:

11/27 - Arrive at Contemp around 2pm. Rest and head over to MK.

11/28 - TURKEY DAY! Epcot & Chef Mickey's for T'giving dinner.

11/29 - Animal Kingdom then Hoop De Doo @ 5pm. Possibly head over afterwards to see Osborne Lights.

11/30 - MGM then Epcot at night for Candlelight Processional.

12/1 - Cindy's Breakfast @ 8am then spend the rest of the day either wandering around MK, visiting other park(s) to see what we've missed or want to do again. Then MVMCP @ 7pm.

12/2 - Hang around the hotel and prepare to leave @ 2pm.

Thoughts? Sound good? Sound bad? Advice?

Only 10 days, 18 hours left!

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


Well, I haven't been to WDW around Thansgiving, but I have been durin President's Week, which is one of the busier times, and WDW is certainly doable. Your schedule looks pretty good, but make sure you get there early! Some of your best touring will probably be before 11am when all the people who weren't wise enough to get there early start coming.

But whatever you do, have a great time- and be sure to tell us all about it when you get back! :wave:
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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
Originally posted by Holly
I have a plan of attack mapped out for our WDW visit from 11/27-12/2 and I thought I'd post it here to see if anyone had any thoughts or advice.

I've heard that basically it doesn't matter what park you go to during this time - they'll all be mobbed. True? Not true?

Here's the schedule:

11/27 - Arrive at Contemp around 2pm. Rest and head over to MK.

11/28 - TURKEY DAY! Epcot & Chef Mickey's for T'giving dinner.

11/29 - Animal Kingdom then Hoop De Doo @ 5pm. Possibly head over afterwards to see Osborne Lights.

11/30 - MGM then Epcot at night for Candlelight Processional.

12/1 - Cindy's Breakfast @ 8am then spend the rest of the day either wandering around MK, visiting other park(s) to see what we've missed or want to do again. Then MVMCP @ 7pm.

12/2 - Hang around the hotel and prepare to leave @ 2pm.

Thoughts? Sound good? Sound bad? Advice?

Only 10 days, 18 hours left!

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

The parks are pretty crowded for Thanksgiving week. Do you have all of your Priority seatings taken care of? If not, then I would suggest making them now. I would also suggest that you give yourself a good hour to get from the AK to the Hoop de doo and any other park hopping for meals/shows that you are doing. I hope you have a great time!

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Pam ...

I think we're all set.

We've got a couple of PS for lunches, a couple for dinners and the rest of the time, we'll just fly by the seat of our pants.

And oh yeah! As a surprise, I ordered Guest of Honor badges to be delivered to my girls at the hotel the day we arrive!

Now if the 27th would just get here already!!!
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Well-Known Member
We do Thxgvg every year, it works out best as far as school for the will have a great time. It isnt scary crowded..its fun..see ya there.
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New Member
Hi Holly,
Thanksgiving is very crowded. The only advise I can give you is to arrive at the parks very early. We were there last year and went to MGM the day before Thanksgiving and arrived at about 9:30Am. It took almost an hour just to get into the park. Good Luck.

P.S. What is a "guest of honor badge". I'v never heard of it before.
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Originally posted by katiesmom
P.S. What is a "guest of honor badge". I'v never heard of it before.

I don't know if I can link another website here - don't wanna break the rules ... BUT it's simply a nametag thingy that says "Guest of Honor" and the person's name.

I *heard* that many CM's will call the kids by name when they have them on (and it would stand to reason that that's true - after all, they've got name badge on! :lol: ) and I thought it would be a cool thing for the girls to have. I'm having it delivered from a company to the hotel the day we arrive - the girls will probably get a kick out of it.

If you want me to send you a link, email me privately at (Hope I'm not breaking any rules here!)
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Originally posted by katiesmom
Hi Holly,
Thanksgiving is very crowded. The only advise I can give you is to arrive at the parks very early. We were there last year and went to MGM the day before Thanksgiving and arrived at about 9:30Am. It took almost an hour just to get into the park. Good Luck.

P.S. What is a "guest of honor badge". I'v never heard of it before.

Check your email! :D
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Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Geez, I've been to WDW every Thanksgiving for the past 17 years, and haven't seen it "crowded" yet. Waiting to get into the park in the morning doesn't mean the park itself will be crowded, it just means a lot of people are waiting to get in at the same time.
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Originally posted by Main Street USA
Geez, I've been to WDW every Thanksgiving for the past 17 years, and haven't seen it "crowded" yet. Waiting to get into the park in the morning doesn't mean the park itself will be crowded, it just means a lot of people are waiting to get in at the same time.

Really? You're putting me in a good mood!! :sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
The days after Turkey day are *empty*. Two days after, there was no one there. It was odd. No lines for TT, but there were plenty of people for Tapestry (naturaly :) )
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Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Holly
Really? You're putting me in a good mood!! :sohappy:

Yep! I've ben there during other times of the year as well, and have constantly decided that Thanksgiving is one of the best weeks to go for crowds, atmosphere, temperature, etc. etc. etc.

They are just beginning to put up Christmas decorations, too!:)
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Originally posted by Main Street USA
Yep! I've ben there during other times of the year as well, and have constantly decided that Thanksgiving is one of the best weeks to go for crowds, atmosphere, temperature, etc. etc. etc.

They are just beginning to put up Christmas decorations, too!:)

I'll be there next week, so I'm sure I'll see for myself, but why do so many people throw up their hands, roll their eyes and go, "Thanksgiving at Disney? Whattareya ... nuts?!"

To be fair, yours isn't the first remark I've heard about T'giving being relatively uncrowded. But they're few and far between.

It is an urban legand? Perhaps the people who *say* it's wall to wall people HAVEN'T been there at Turkey Time (Katiesmom excluded) and are just passing on inacurrate information. Or maybe one person's idea of "crowded" is another person's idea of perfectly manageable.

Example: every single time I've visited Six Flags, the wait time for any given roller coaster at any time was an hour plus. To me, that's perfectly normal. To an other? That could be unGodly crowded.

Hmmmm ... time will tell. :D
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New Member
Want to talk crowded, lets talk about Easter Week. We have been then and even though it was packed we still got to do everything and eat everywhere that we wanted.

Dont let the perception of the crowds spoil one minute of your vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If I said it was elbow to elbow you would still go

:sohappy: :sohappy: Just have FUN!!!!!!!!!:sohappy: :sohappy:
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Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Holly
I'll be there next week, so I'm sure I'll see for myself, but why do so many people throw up their hands, roll their eyes and go, "Thanksgiving at Disney? Whattareya ... nuts?!"

To be fair, yours isn't the first remark I've heard about T'giving being relatively uncrowded. But they're few and far between.

It is an urban legand? Perhaps the people who *say* it's wall to wall people HAVEN'T been there at Turkey Time (Katiesmom excluded) and are just passing on inacurrate information. Or maybe one person's idea of "crowded" is another person's idea of perfectly manageable.

Example: every single time I've visited Six Flags, the wait time for any given roller coaster at any time was an hour plus. To me, that's perfectly normal. To an other? That could be unGodly crowded.

Hmmmm ... time will tell. :D

I think the only time within the past 5 - 10 years I've waited more than an hour for a ride during thanksgiving week was Test Track, and that was the year it opened.

Honestly, my idea of "crowded" park would make wait times between 45 minutes to an hour. I simply can't recall waiting that long for ANY ride during any of my recent visits. I actually have video of my wife and I walking through Tomorrowland last year. We noticed how empty it was, so I spun around and did a slow 360 degree view and it was nearly deserted.:)

I'm sure there are times of coincidence when many people happen to be going to a particular pak at the same time, but i guess it just hasn't happened to me.
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New Member
We're leaving in 3 days, and staying from Sunday through Friday. The only problem I see is the airlines. I'm leaving super early Sunday and leaving late (8 pm) on Friday. Got to have that extra time at Disney.:sohappy:
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New Member
I'm off for Disney World tomorrow for the first time in 13 years! Going with my family, and we're staying on the 23-30 (though the only days we'll actually be in the park are the 24-28. Wish me luck! :) I hope it's beautiful weather for us!

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