Calling all Cast Members that did the Spangler Family Shift!!!!


Original Poster
Well, I have to admit that the spangler family report made me cry so much that I wanted to do the same thing myself and now I'm calling all cast members that were there at 3am in the morning!! I want your memories of that wonderful and LONGGGGG Shift. I want to see some of the pictures you took, some of the memories you made and your reactions! I'll start off with mine.....Hopefully this will continue.

The previous night I had worked illuminations till 9:30 so I was a bit tired considering I had entered at 12:45pm that day. So after illuminations I caught the bus and went home. I wasn't able to sleep a bit so I fiqured "why even sleep, if I'm going to be up in 2 hours?" So I didn't even bother sleeping. My other coworkers that picked up the spangler shift picked me up and we sped off to magic kingdom at 2am to pick up our costumes! We got to choose whatever costume we wanted and so I always wanted to work at Tomorrowland so I got the merch costume. I looked silly in it since I'm used to my innoventions costume.

When we were there it was like a million busy bees all over the place in line, chatting, taking pictures.....lots of people!!

Finally after getting all of our costumes (it was 5 of us in our group from innoventions) we still had an hour before we had to meet up in front of the castle at 5AM. So we went behind toon town, walked pass the teacups, behind the castle and now in front, we saw only the bright lights of the people practicing over in main street.

We saw the red carpet from mainstreet all the way to the front of the castle!! There was people guarding it so cms wouldn't step on it. We were talking with a few more cms and at the time we still had no idea on what we were going to do.

At 5am, over the intercom, they called to meet people over by the castle. We were told we were going to get into sections and at the time we were giving numbers.

We were section 3!! So we were all lined up next to the red carpet and we were still wondering what was going on. Finally we see someone on top of some ladder and he started giving us intructions. We were told to go into the shops and hide!! After that it was a long 2 hours of practice, hiding, rehearsal and more hiding and drinking water and chatting and taking pictures. It was an amazing moment.

It was 7:00am....only one more hour till the splanglers come to have the magic kingdom all to themselves. We were told that we were going to practice only two more times!!! We were really nervous at that point....

The "Be our guest music played and we ran out!!" GOOD JOB!! HE CALLED TO US!! "JUST REMEMBER NOT TO STAND TOO CLOSE TO THE RED CARPET"

One last time, it was 7:30am.....we did it and it went swell. We had to wait 30 more minutes till the BIG ONE WOULD HIT.....

Those 30 minutes were crazy....everyone was chatting and just we were all hyper overall. 15 till, we were told that the spangler family was already at the front of the heart was beating so fast. I was really nervous and excited at that point....

10 minutes till......we were all ready and main street was empty and very very quiet.

5 minutes.....I swear I could hear our hearts beating....alll of our hearts were bursting....or at least mine. XD!!

3 minutes....I started shaking and stopped thinking at that point.

While those three minutes passed.....I was hiding over where they sell the Pal Mickey next to the watch shop on mainstreet. Our door was covered in a red type curtain. It wasn't completely covered but it was open just enough to peek outside without giving us away. I was at the front of the door....I was of course keeping an eye out on the family!!

2minutes: I saw the spangler family walking slowly, their heads turning and all four of them holding hands.....When I saw them, I started shaking and I started to cry HUGE TEARS!! The people inside the shop with me knew what I was seeing. It was a remarkable moment to see that....It will never leave my mind.....

1 minute, the music is cued and we run out was all of my excitment, 5 cups of coffee and all nighter all combined into one and it went EXPLODING OUT OF ME THAT MOMENT.

After that, It was done. I went home to sleep because I had to be back at work at 3pm. =D I will never forget this day and I'm sure the rest of the castmembers and the spangler family won't as well.

The spangler family has been thanking us a lot as of late and well, I would like to thank you spangler family for making this happen for us.

I know you've heard it a lot already but It was a pleasure and an honor to make your Dreams come true for that day. I had so much fun and made lots of memories with my fellow cast members. Thank You.


New Member
my wife and i are leaving for the airport and wdw as soon as she comes downstairs...a 7am flight...25 degrees in atlanta...brrrrr
i will think about you and others have written about the morning the spranlgers (sp?) where there...many of us wish we could have been there...i saw the video..
its my wife's birthday nov 5th and we are at the boardwalk villas til tuesday...out 16 yr old is real jealous, but has school...i wish i could come and say "hi" to you when we are there for the food and wine fun...but i will not get to read this until we get back later on tuesday...
thanks for sharing...
mr bill :wave:


Active Member
:wave: Thank you so much for sharing that story. It must have been a very magical morning. How lucky you are!!:sohappy:
Thank YOU v misses epcot!!

Sounds like that you are not working for the mouse just for the money, but that you are in it for the enjoyment for events such as that special day. For all of the time that my family and I have spent at WDW, CM's such as you have provided us with wonderful times and memories. Unheralded CM's have provided/assisted us with so many facets of our vacations, from transportation, to serving meals, to having us participate in an attraction/show, cleaning up our mess, just smiling to us or saying "Thank you." Well, here is our THANK YOU to you and your co-workers----THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! :sohappy: :wave:


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Thank you v_misses_epcot for sharing that story, it gave me goose bumps from reading it. :wave:

I wish I could have witnessed the event.


New Member
Thanks for sharing. It is really true that you receive joy by giving joy. What a wonderful world this would be if that caught on.


Well-Known Member
I was there and I'll report on it later tonight.

I am actually leaving to go to the parks as a guest for once and enjoy the great weather we're having.


Well-Known Member
STAY OFF THE RED CARPET!!!!!!!!!! :lookaroun

The only thing that really bugged me about that morning waiting for them to arrive was that the CMs in the bakery wouldn't shut up!!!!!!!!! :mad:


Le Meh
Premium Member
So did they get to spend the night in Cinderella's castle for the night? Or did they just get the park for an hour or 2?

They were let into the park early under much pomp and circumstance. I believe they started off in tomorrow land and as they moved through the different lands, the lands opened up for the rest of the guests. I do not know this for sure, and I am sure someone who was there could clarify.

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