Tuesday Update Pin Disaster
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Tuesday at Sea,
I am trying to catch up on things here, internet has been down lots of times. Kind of a laid back day again, Had breakfast , well sort of lunch as late as I got up, in Topsiders, nice layout again , say on the back deck, No land in site for sure, we are in the middle of the Caribean Sea, got another 400 or so miles to get to Curacao. Think we will go visit the caves on the island and beach on our own, The name of the ventriquilist is Taylor Mason, he has an adult show tonight in the Rock Bar D, will catch that for sure, I have to say we are getting some nice gifts from Disney lately, When I got back in my room on Saturday night, I have this big basket full of things from the cruise line, don t know if everyone got one or just those who have sailed numerous times. Last night they gave us a book on the Panama Canal. Nice little touch, I will let everyone know what the latest is on the pins and other memobrillia, something has to be worked out on this situation. So see yall later,,,,
Published in:
on May 17, 2005 at 1:17 pm
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Tuesday at Sea Part 2
Lots have happen since I logged on yesterday afternoon. We hung out on the adult pool area for several hours. They had a leg contest by the pool, thought that was a cool contest with all the ladies, they chose me to be a judge, cool,, well they turned the tables on us and we were going to show off our legs, OK I bailed on that one, hard to compete with all the 20 something guys, LOL, still fun to watch, of course everyone won, Sailed past the eastern tip of Cuba, We were off the coast only a few miles looked like. Took some pictures and videos for later, Still cannot send pics from the ship, The internet is down lots of time, they said they were having network problems, but there are only 10 terminals here in the internet cafe and 4 upstairs in the cove. Asked why they do not have wifi here and they said they have not been able to get it done. There are over 2,000 guest onboard and everyone these days uses the internet, thought Disney would have expanded on this. I thought the Magic went under a major referb but I cannot see that much that they have done. Its alway clean around the whole ship but maybe they will get some update down this year while at drydock again.
GOLDEN MICKEY AWARDS ,,, I was on the Wonder back in January with Brian and his family and the Golden Mickey Awards in the thearter was a great show, They have expanded this show to include a preshow live video from the entrance of the thearter near the shops, Its like a pre acadamy awards show, This was the first formal night and mostly everyone was dressed up, They really did a great job with this and continued thru the show. After the late show they had a big party in the atrium with a big ballon drop and confedee, All the characters were there and made quite a spectacular event,
Went to the movie thearter and saw “The Pacificer” with Van Diesel as a baby sitter after being a Navy Seal, cute story.
OK I usually like to be upbeat about things on the ship but one thing is getting way out of control. The Pins that are for sale each day. It has been a mad house getting those each day, There are only 500 available each day,, People are getting quite upset with not getting any after standing in line for hours. Yes Hours, They sent out a letter to all the staterooms that changed the way you get a voucher, well that did not work,,people were sleeping in the hallway in front of where you get the vouchers, like over 300 people. so we will see how the figure this out, My suggestion, give each passenger a voucher for all the pins, you have a chance to pay for them by a certain date and then they will be available for others. Also the T Shirts were gone in like minutes, when the staff brought a handfull into the shop they were mobbed by the passengers, my hats off to the the cast members who are handling that situation. Well I will keep everyone up to day on whats going on with these problems,,