I'd like to make a timeline here:
-2007, Cranium Command closes
-Sometime in 2007-2008, the place gets stripped of anything that can be reused
-2009ish, CC gets it's last inspection that I know of. Full lighting can no longer be run due to leaks and lights being an electrical fire hazard
-2009, CC gets essentially sealed off, with minimal lighting in the handicap rows, ambient light seen through the screens from behind the stage, and the AA lights. Plus some random show lighting that was left on for some reason. It's left in disrepair and abandoned with a few things laying here and there. CMs no longer have a reason to enter the theatre, so only higher ups get in.
-2009, First Cranium Command urbex surfaces, as an 11 second video breaking into the theatre via the exit ramp
*Things deteriorate over time, roof breaks, leaks get worse, mold spreads, wall carpet falls, etc*
-2012, Buzzy's Gloves get stolen after park closing in October
-2017, Matt gets in via the preshow theatre's Handicap door (which has a handle on it), films the inside, jumps onto the stage and crawls through Hypothalamus' maintenance door into the backstage areas.
-2018, First Urbex of the year by BDD sometime in July, coincidentally right about the time they were testing him for functionality
-2018, Buzzy's remaining clothes get stolen in August
-2018, Buzzy himself gets stolen in November.
I can't really confirm much else so I don't wanna spread rumors on what happened to Hypothalamus and all, since I don't know the whole story there. Hopefully this clears things up for you people
Edit: It's also worth mentioning that it was rumored that Disney went back in 2017 to see if there were still reels back there, and supposedly they took them and digitized them right afterward. This is how they got the preshow video that they were playing at the EPCOT 35 D23 event. However it seems like they would have a copy of the footage in the archives regardless, so idk how factual that is. That being said, there's only one "reel" of film back there anymore, and it's water damaged, sitting unwinded in a 5 gallon bucket. There are plenty of empty Film Canisters though