I got the max points once - 999,999 - I'm not even sure how I did it. If you hit the "Z" on the orange Rockem Sockem Robot's hand as you are going backwards (first room - left side) - so in other words - turn around and wait until you are past him and then hit the z on this left hand - that's 100,000 points. If you're ready (and you don't have someone with you that knows about it and fires too) you can get a couple of them - adds up fast. Also the volcano way in the back is worth at least 25,000 each time you hit it. The time I maxed it, I don't know what I hit but all of a sudden I was at 999,999. The problem with that is no matter how much more you fire, nothing happens - so the object of the game is done. I did buy a card with my title on it - I can't even remember what is was - space ace or something like that.