Budget per day while in WDW


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Just wondering, besides the hotel, what does the average family
budget per day for food, fun & souvenirs?

Thanks, I appreciate any thoughts :wave:

We're on our way in 21 more days!!!!!!


New Member
Depending on how frugal your family is, I would say for food, souvenirs, and extras you could get away with around $150, give or take.


Well-Known Member
There's lots of other threads with opinions on this topic if you use the "SEARCH" button at the top of the page, but here's my thought on the topic...

Save and bring $100/day per person for food and souvenirs.

Sure it sounds like a lot, but you'll be glad you have it to spend if the mood hits you to splurge. $40-$50 a day of that total will go to food and drinks. The extra can go toward souvenirs, snacks, or special treats like movie or show tickets.

It's FAR BETTER to have too much than too little money when you're at WDW!!! Whatever is left is the downpayment on your NEXT trip! :sohappy:

$100/day per person is just right!




New Member
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Thanks!! I know we have some sort of free breakfast and
snacks in the afternoon at the Polynesian. So I'm guessing
we'll only need lunch and dinner out.

But I must admit, I tend to go a little overboard with
the shopping while there (shhh, I bring extra $$ for that)


New Member
We usually budget about $200.00 a day. Sometimes it can turn out to be more. I mean a sweatshirt costs between $40 & $50, family of four, bye, bye
Food you can adjust a little, but the fact of the matter is that even a soft drink in the Magic Kingdom is not cheap.
Better make that $250. - $300. a day!


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Yikes!! I'm going to have to postpone my trip if I need $300
per day. Or....I guess I'll have to break out my Disney Visa Card!!!

Gosh, we really are obsessed, aren't we?


Well-Known Member
I try to work on 40 a day, but that is because we usually get the dining plan. One of the major reasons we love going is because of the food, so if we want the good stuff the dining plan is the best way to go.


Well-Known Member
My budget was increasing with everytime i went down. I started with like 30 bucks aday and most recently 200 a day. But this time around in Sept I have to keep my budget under $100 since this years trip is something we really can't afford to make.


Active Member
There's lots of other threads with opinions on this topic if you use the "SEARCH" button at the top of the page, but here's my thought on the topic...

Save and bring $100/day per person for food and souvenirs.

Sure it sounds like a lot, but you'll be glad you have it to spend if the mood hits you to splurge. $40-$50 a day of that total will go to food and drinks. The extra can go toward souvenirs, snacks, or special treats like movie or show tickets.

It's FAR BETTER to have too much than too little money when you're at WDW!!! Whatever is left is the downpayment on your NEXT trip! :sohappy:

$100/day per person is just right!


Yup, that's precisely what we bring, and we aren't on the dining plan (although we do use the DDE card).

I find that, in the end, that usually winds up being about right, once you factor in the days when meals are cheaper vs. splurging meals and the days where you buy nothing vs. the days when you go a little nutty!! :lol:

But - if you go over your birthday... Watch out - that total climbs a lot higher, TRUST ME!!! :eek: Last time, I was closer to $150/day over a five day trip, which was definitely unexpected!!


Have you thought about adding the dining plan onto your trip? Most families find it to be a fantastic deal. You'll have it all taken care of before the trip and won't have to worry each day about budgeting in meals! :wave:


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The only reason we didn't add the dining plan, is because we
get some free food on the concierge level. So it may be too
much food, plus we'll pay for meals that we don't use.

Now, if there's a tropical drink plan, like by the Poly Pool....
I'm all in :D


New Member
My family doesn't spend any money on souveneirs since we've been to Disney a few times before, so any money is spent on food. We usually eat our larger meal of the day at lunch because it's cheaper and we are usually able to manage at under $100 dollars a day for three of us; but we also eat breakfast in our hotel room.


New Member
I usually bring enough to cover $500-600/day just in case. I usually come home with money, but I like to have it with me just in case. My daily budget isnt' bad. It's when I make my trip to DTD that it all goes.

This budget is only for the long trips of over 5 days with the whole family. When it's just my 6 year old and me, I bring less.

Only 27 more days til I'm Home!! :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


New Member
My recommendation has always been $100 a day per person. Myself I LOVE to shop so I tend to bring more for myself. Especially for Epcot - I tend to spend the most there.


New Member
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Lucky little boys!!! My Dad spoiled me too from our first trip
in '71. Some of my best memories as a kid!!!
I'm new to this site, so forgive me...but what is DTD?

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